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The hcp
package contains functions and utilities for setting up the provider, resources, and data
sources of the hcp Terraform provider using Jsonnet.
This package is autogenerated from the tf-libsonnet/libgenerator project.
- aws_network_peering
- aws_transit_gateway_attachment
- azure_peering_connection
- boundary_cluster
- consul_cluster
- consul_cluster_root_token
- consul_snapshot
- data
- hvn
- hvn_peering_connection
- hvn_route
- iam_workload_identity_provider
- packer_channel
- packer_channel_assignment
- packer_run_task
- project
- provider
- service_principal
- service_principal_key
- vault_cluster
- vault_cluster_admin_token
- vault_plugin
- vault_secrets_app
- vault_secrets_secret