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+A comprehensive Python library that can read and modify most file formats used by the game [Knights of the Old Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_(video_game)) and its [sequel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sith_Lords).
+## Installation
+(The PyPI egg is currently in maintenance. Please check back later) Install from [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/PyKotor/).
+pip install pykotor
+## Requirements
+PyKotor supports any Python version between 3.8 and 3.12. See requirements-dev.txt and pyproject.toml for additional pip dependencies.
+PyKotor is supported on most (if not all) operating systems. Yes, this includes Mac and any other case-sensitive filesystem.
+## Cloning the repo
+If you would like to work with the source files directly from GitHub, run the following commands to get yourself set:
+**Note**: Linux/Mac users should initialize a powershell shell with the command `pwsh`, before executing the below commands:
+git clone https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor
+cd PyKotor
+For more information on running our Powershell scripts, please see [POWERSHELL.md](https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/blob/master/POWERSHELL.md)
+If powershell is not an option for you, you can install Python manually from https://www.python.org/, and set your environment variable PYTHONPATH manually by looking inside the '.env' file in the root of this repo.
+Once 'install_python_venv.ps1' finishes, you can run any of the provided tools, such as HoloPatcher, KotorDiff, or the Toolset, like this:
+pip install -r Tools/HoloPatcher/requirements.txt --prefer-binary
+python ./Tools/HoloPatcher/src/__main__.py
+pip install -r Tools/HolocronToolset/requirements.txt --prefer-binary
+python Tools/HolocronToolset/src/toolset/__main__.py
+python Tools/KotorDiff/__main__.py
+see [HoloPatcher's readme](https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/tree/master/Tools/HoloPatcher#readme) for more information
+see [HolocronToolset's readme](https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/tree/master/Tools/HolocronToolset#readme) for more information
+Optionally, install requirements-dev.txt to get all pip packages in one shot:
+pip install -r requirements-dev.txt --prefer-binary
+We use `--prefer-binary` as building pip packages from source can occasionally fail on some operating systems/python environments.
+## Compiling/Building Available Tools:
+After cloning the repo, open any of the powershell scripts in the `compile` folder such as `compile_holopatcher.ps1` and `compile_toolset.ps1` with PowerShell. Run the `deps_holopatcher.ps1` or `deps_toolset.ps1` first to get the dependencies setup. Doing so will start an automated process that results in a EXE being built/compiled to the PyKotor/dist folder. Specifically, those scripts will:
+- Find a compatible Python interpreter, otherwise will install Python 3.8
+- Setup the environment (the venv and PYTHONPATH)
+- Install the tool's dependencies. This is any pip packages they require from requirements.txt and recommended.txt
+- Install PyInstaller
+- Compile to executable binary, as one file, to the dist folder in the root level of this repository.
+## Development Example Usage:
+Simple example of loading data from a game directory, searching for a specific texture, and exporting it to the TGA format.
+from pykotor.resource.type import ResourceType
+from pykotor.extract.installation import Installation
+from pykotor.resource.formats.tpc import write_tpc
+inst = Installation("C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/swkotor")
+tex = inst.texture("C_Gammorean01")
+write_tpc(tex, "./C_Gammorean01.tga", ResourceType.TGA)
+As shown, this will save `C_Gammorean01.tga` to the current directory.
+## Tests
+These represent the currently passing/failing python versions/operating system combinations. Each badge is hyperlinked and permalinked to the full test report. Pick and choose any commit and see how far we have come.
+### Windows:
+### Linux:
+### MacOS:
+## License
+This repository falls under the [GPLv3 License](https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/blob/master/LICENSE).