After learning so much in the past 3 days, it’s time to practice! Remember your plan from yesterday? You picked one of these three mini-challenges and you already planned out when, where and how you will do it (if you haven’t done this yet, no problem, you can still do this challenge 😄).
Let’s do it! If you are still feeling unmotivated it can be useful to take out your notebook or notetaking app and write down the following statement:
Today, when [situation] happens, I will do [mini-challenge].
And then sign with your name.
You are doing really great so far, this is an important and exciting step in your journey toward becoming more outgoing 💚.
After accomplishing your challenge, please take a minute to write down your feelings in the situation. To really feel how easy talking to others becomes after some practice, let’s make a plan do the same mini-challenge tomorrow.
Again, you get to pick out when, where and how you will do it!
See you tomorrow 💚