A Flutter app showing flutter respository's issues using GraphQL API.
• Generate access token key https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/guides/forming-calls-with-graphql#authenticating-with-graphql
• Put your access token in lib/common/local.dart and .graphqlconfig
As a user I want to:
• see a list of all issues of a Flutter GitHub repository (https://github.com/flutter/flutter)
• be able to navigate to a detail screen of an issue that features relevant information
• see the already visited issues distinguished at the list of all issues
• be able to switch between dark and light modes
• be able to sort and filter the list of issues
• flutter_bloc
• graphql_flutter
• graphql plugin - https://jimkyndemeyer.github.io/js-graphql-intellij-plugin/docs/getting-started
• artemis - cmd: flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
• golden_toolkit - cmd: flutter test --update-goldens
• Unit and golden tests
• Make use of the GitHub’s GraphQL API
• Build a CI on GitHub Actions - https://github.com/thanhbinh84/mms/actions
• Deploy app to Firebase App Distribution - https://appdistribution.firebase.dev/i/3887af97f447eaf0
Goden test results: