Important note
If you have made any changes outside the app
folder, this process will destroy those changes. We will try and improve the update process to avoid this, but in the meantime you will need to make a note of your changes outside app
, and add them back after updating.
Download the latest prototype kit zip file from GitHub
In your project, delete everything apart from the app
and .git
Copy everything from the latest kit to your project, apart from the app
If you have experience with the command line and your prototype is running within a git source repository then you can choose to update the kit with a series of commands.
Updating via the command line involves fetching the latest code from the 'upstream' remote repository and then merging it into the git branch that contains your version of the prototyping kit. Below are the steps for doing that in detail.
Firstly change to the base directory of your prototyping kit in terminal, for example:
cd ~/sites/govuk_prototype_kit
Once in the directory start by listing the git remote(s) you have referenced from your machine. To do this you type:
git remote -v
and hit enter
This will typically output a list of all the remote git repositories that have the prototype code, for example:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
So long as you can see a list of repositories as above, we can move on to adding a reference to the original 'alphagov' repository which we will need in order to update.
To add the alphagov remote repository, type the following command and hit enter:
git remote add upstream
All being well, you will just return to a command prompt, now if you type:
git remote -v
You should see an 'upstream' in your list, for example:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
Now that you've added the upstream remote, you can merge the latest code into yours with the following commands.
First you will 'fetch' the latest code from the upstream release branch. Type the following command and wait a few seconds.
git fetch upstream release
You will see it output a few lines telling you that was successful, for example:
* branch release -> FETCH_HEAD
Next, we will merge the branch we just 'fetched' into our master branch (note: you can substitute 'master' for the branch you want to merge into if different)
git checkout master && git merge FETCH_HEAD
You shouldn't have any merge conflicts if you've not changed files outside of the 'app' folder. If you do, there are plenty of ways to fix the conflicts and github has instructions that should be easy to follow if you need a refresher course.
Earlier versions of the prototype kit used a different templating language called Mustache.
Converting Mustache templates to Nunjucks ones is relatively simple. Here are the main things you'll need to do:
{% extends "layout.html" %}
GOV.UK prototype kit
{% block page_title %}
GOV.UK prototype kit
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
{% include "includes/breadcrumbs.html" %}