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#Gulp for Drupal

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


This gulp setup features a full Drupal Gulp workflow for proccesing your SCSS files, running browsersync, linting SCSS and JavaScript, optimizing images and several other tasks. This Gulp setup is made to work with Drupal (tested with Drupal 7 & 8) but can also be configured to work with any other project. The setup is fully configurable by customizing the settings in gulpconfig.json.


  • Install nodejs
  • Run npm install gulp-cli bower bower-installer -g in your terminal
  • Move the files to your theme folder
  • Run npm install
  • Windows users should go to the node_modules folder and search for .info files and remove those
  • Install the [Browsersync module] ( and activiate this in your theme


Task Function
help Shows all available tasks
bootstrapjs Generate bootstrap javascript file, also uglified
bower Install JavaScript Libraries via Bower
browsersync Run server with syncronized screens on multiple devices
check-deps Check your dependencies
clear Clear Gulp images Cache
colorblind Simulate colorblindness, this overwrites your css files
images Optimizes images (JPG, PNG, GIF and SVG)
jslint JavaScript lint tool
jslibs Building JavaScript Libraries, Modernizr and Bootstrap.
modernizr Create modernizr file from SCSS selectors and Javascript
parker Analyse your CSS files with parker
pa11y Perform a accessibility Audit on your site
sass Compile Sass, create sourcemaps, autoprefix and minify.
sasslint validate your SASS Aliases
share Run server to share progress
sizereport Create a sizereport of your project
specificity Create a specificity graph for CSS
watch Watches for file changes and runs sass appropriately.


The gulp setup is made to be fully configurable by changing the settings in gulpconfig.json. If you change settings while running a task (eg. gulp watch), make sure you restart the task for the changes to work.


Setting Explanation
projectpath Project folder root
logopath Site logo - optional
themeroot Root of the Drupal theme relative to your Gulpfile
src scsspath Location of your SCSS files
src jspath Location of your JavaScript files
src imagespath Location of your images
src fontspath Location of your font files
src iconspath Location of your icon files
src templatepath Path to PHP or Twig Template
src functionspath Path to PHP Functions
dist csspath Where to put CSS
dist jspath Destination for JavaScript files
dist imagespath Where to put the images (WARNING: cannot be the same as src!!)
browsersupport Which browsers to support with autoprefixer
minify Want to minify your CSS?
gzip Compress your CSS files using Gzip.
compass Allow use of compass functions?
exclude Exclude SCSS / SASS files from stream, ATTENTION: always have "**/*" as a first item in your array
specificitygraphlocation Where to put Specificity Graph (if empty the folder will be: specificity-graph)
eslint configlocation path to your ESlint configuration file, default we supply a yml file but ESlint supports various formats
sourcemaps sourcemaps Want CSS sourcemaps?
sourcemaps location Where to put sourcemaps (keep empty to place inline)
sourcemaps loadmaps Load existing sourcemaps
sourcemaps identitymap Set to true to generate a full valid source map encoding no changes
sourcemaps debug Get debug messages
sourcemaps addcomment By default a comment containing / referencing the source map is added
sourcemaps includecontent By default the source maps include the source code. Pass false to use the original files.
sourcemaps charset Sets the charset for inline source maps. Default: utf8
sourcemaps destpath Set the destination path (the same you pass to gulp.dest()).
sourcemaps sourcemappingurlprefix Specify a prefix to be prepended onto the source map URL when writing external source maps.
linter config Path to sass lint config file
parker log Want to log the parker results in a external file
parker logname Name the parkerlogfile
jspluginspath Where to put libraries as Modernizr and Bootstrap
sourcemaps sourcemaps Generate Sourcemaps for JavaScript files (Bootstrap library)
sourcemaps location Where to put sourcemaps (keep empty to place inline)
sourcemaps loadmaps Load existing sourcemaps
sourcemaps identitymap Set to true to generate a full valid source map encoding no changes
sourcemaps debug Get debug messages
sourcemaps addcomment By default a comment containing / referencing the source map is added
sourcemaps includecontent By default the source maps include the source code. Pass false to use the original files.
sourcemaps charset Sets the charset for inline source maps. Default: utf8
sourcemaps destpath Set the destination path (the same you pass to gulp.dest()).
sourcemaps sourcemappingurlprefix Specify a prefix to be prepended onto the source map URL when writing external source maps.
sourcemaps minify Minify JavaScript, this removes comments, linebreaks and spaces
sourcemaps gzip Compress JavaScript using Gzip
bootstrap alertjs, buttonjs, carouseljs, collapsejs, dropdownjs, popoverjs, scrollspyjs, tabjs, tooltipjs True or false if you want to include these in your bootstrap.js file
modernizr alwaysinclude Which tests do you always want to include in modernizr (The default test are nessecary for modernizr to work correctly)
modernizr alwaysexclude Exclude tests from your modernizr file, useful if you use the same classes
gif interlaced Interlace gif for progressive rendering
gif optimizationlevel Select optimization level between 1 and 3 (3 is better optimization but slower)
jpeg progressive Convert image to progressive image
jpeg max Set max quality factor
png floyd controls level of dithering (0 = none, 1=full)
png nofs Disable Floyd-Steinberg dithering
png quality Set quality factor between 0 and 100, like JPEG quality settings
png speed Set speed between 0 and 10 (1 better optimization but slower, 10 is fastest)
png verbose Print verbose messages
webp use Enable WebP images (creates copies of your images in webp format)
webp preset use a webp preset (default, photo, picture, drawing, icon and text)
webp quality Select quality setting between 0 and 100
webp alphaQuality Set transparency-compression between 0 and 100
webp method Set speed between 0 and 6 (6 better optimization but slower, 0 is fastest)
webp sns Set the amplitude of spatial noise shaping between 0 and 100.
webp lossless Encode images losslessly.
path js Path where bower-installer puts your installed javascript libraries, needs to be the same as configured in your bower.json file.
bower path here to install bower components (default: bower_components)
bower interactive enable prompting from bower
bower verbosity set verbosity level (0 = no output, 1 = error output, 2 = info)
watchtasks Which tasks to run before gulp watch (Browsersync and SASS already included)
watch lintscss Lint your SCSS
watch images Process new or edited images
watch javascript Lint new or edited javascript files
open Open Browsersync page after starting server
loglevel Amount of Browsersync logging you want (debug, info or silent)
logfilechanges Console notification on refresh (gives you multiple messages on every change)
watch icons Reload Browsersync on new,edited or removed icons
watch fonts Reload Browsersync on new, edited or removed fonts
watch images Reload Browsersync on new or edited images
watch javascript Reload Browsersync JavaScript changes
watch phpfunctions Reload Browsersync on changes inside the Functions folder
watch template Reload Browsersync on changes inside the Templates folder
watch yaml Reload Browsersync on changes to Yaml files
Share can be used as a separate Browsersync session to share your work while working on it
share open Open share page after starting server
share clicks Sync clicks on share server
share forms Sync forms on share server
share scroll Sync Scrolling on share server
share port Set port number for share server
maxsize maxsize General max size of files, used with gulp sizereport
maxsize css Maximum size of CSS files
maxsize js Maximum size of JavaScript files
maxsize images Maximum size of Images files
pa11y standard The standard to use. One of Section508, WCAG2A, WCAG2AA, WCAG2AAA. Default WCAG2AA
pa11y failonerror Fail your build if there is any accessibility error
pa11y showfailedonly FOnly display the errors in report, Set to false to display errros, warnings and notice.
pa11y reporter The reporter to use with Pa11y
pa11y htmlcs The URL to source HTML_CodeSniffer from
pa11y config The path to a JSON config file or a config object
pa11y timeout he number of milliseconds before a timeout error occurs.


You can configure bower via the bower.json file. Here you can change the library path, select which files you want bower-installer to use (if not the default files) and edit dependency versions. To install bower components, run bower install <package> --save and to uninstall bower uninstall <package> --save


The SASS / SCSS linter is configurable from a separate file, all the settings are described inside .sass-lint.yml.

Included files

  • gulpfile.js
  • gulpconfig.json
  • package.json
  • bower.json
  • .npmrc
  • .bowerrc
  • .sass-lint.yml
  • .eslintrc
  • .gitignore

Created by Synetic updated on 2016-09-19 version 1.8.1