All the ways to build a web component a comparison of different web component libraries.
awesome lit-html a collection of resources related to lit-html, lit-element and general web components.
Our generator sets you up with a component built with lit-html and lit-element as base libraries. We recommend this as a general starting point. lit-html
and lit-element
have a strong community, making it easy to find help and examples. It is actively maintained and creates a good balance between performance, developer experience and feature richness.
Other base libraries excel at other points and could be a great fit for your project as well. Below we show a listing of base libraries sorted by weekly NPM downloads. This is a very rough metric, and should not be the only means of judging the quality of a project.
{% for lib in baseLibraries %}
{{ lib.name }} ({{ lib.downloadsFormatted }} weekly downloads)
{{ lib.description }}
{% endfor %}
Note: want to add another base library to this list? Send us a pull request!