diff --git a/partials/private/import.html b/partials/private/import.html
index ea15f66..3793227 100644
--- a/partials/private/import.html
+++ b/partials/private/import.html
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
{{ with partialCached "tnd-netlifycms/private/import" . . }}
{{ end }}
-{{/* regex101.com > https://regex101.com/r/TFA6WQ/1 */}}
-{{ $pattern := "^([a-zA-Z]*) ([a-zA-Z/_-]*)$"}}
-{{ $string_pattern := "^import ([a-zA-Z]*) ([a-zA-Z/_-]*)$" }}
+{{/* regex101.com > https://regex101.com/r/mIrmn0/1 */}}
+{{ $pattern := "^([a-zA-Z]*) ([.a-zA-Z/_-]*)$"}}
+{{ $string_pattern := "^import ([a-zA-Z]*) ([.a-zA-Z/_-]*)$" }}
{{/* Return variable, by default, will be the passed context */}}
{{ $return := . }}
{{ $type := false }}
@@ -59,13 +59,32 @@
{{ if and $type $file }}
{{/* We look for the matching data file located in `data/netlifycms/{Type}/{File}.yaml` */}}
{{ with index site.Data.netlifycms (pluralize $type) }}
- {{ with index . $file }}
+ {{ $with := index . $file }}
+ {{/* If we find a "." in the File string, it means user is trying to access a nested value.
+ We'll split the string and check for two nesting level max
+ */}}
+ {{ $file_split := split $file "." }}
+ {{ if eq (len $file_split) 2 }}
+ {{/* We have something like `import fields greeting.spanish */}}
+ {{ $with = index . (index $file_split 0) (index $file_split 1) }}
+ {{ else if eq (len $file_split) 3 }}
+ {{/* We have something like `import fields greeting.spanish.singular */}}
+ {{ $with = index . (index $file_split 0) (index $file_split 1) (index $file_split 2) }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ with $with }}
{{ $return = . }}
{{ with $extend }}
{{ $return = merge $return . }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
- {{ partial "tnd-netlifycms/warn" (printf "We couldn't find %s/%s" $type $file) }}
+ {{ $message := printf "We couldn't find %s/%s" $type $file }}
+ {{ with $file_split }}
+ {{ if gt . 2 }}
+ {{ $message = print $message " because object depth is limited to 2" }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ partial "tnd-netlifycms/warn" $message }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial "tnd-netlifycms/warn" (printf "We couldn't find Type %s" $type) }}