Web app URL: https://21club.netlify.app/
Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAT73JMVV-k
This is an Angular web application whose backend is powered by Firebase.
- Customers can select food items from the menu, add them to their cart and place orders.
- Admins can add new food items, edit any existing item and manage customer's orders.
- Made several components and functionalities loosely coupled.
- Focused on code maintainability, readability and reusability.
- Used RxJs's BehaviorSubject and Observable to communicate between several components and keep data in sync. For instance, when we add/remove items to cart from menu page the cart data gets updated in local storage. There is a service for handling the local storage where the cart data is passed to a BehaviorSubject so that components that need the cart data updates can subscribe to its Observable and listen to the updates. The number of items and subtotal amount in the cart bar at the bottom of page has subscribed to the cart data updates and that's why the values change whenever the cart is updated.
- Used async/await to make use of asynchronous programming for API calls.
- Clone the repo
- Install all the dependencies:
npm install
- Run the angular application:
ng serve --open
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