Simple Node.js server dashboard for Zabbix or New Relic.
This is a working, but very basic and unstable/unreliable (nice disclaimer ey?) dashboard for Zabbix or New Relic monitoring.
In december 2014 I came across this post: Heavily inspired by it, and primarily because I did not want to wait for a release I decided to try and build one myself.
Feel free to comment on code, create issues, let me know you're using it, whatever to show support and let me work on my JS skills.
This is a basic express.js app without the node modules in git. Install should be no issue once you have the node modules installed using "npm install".
nodemon bin/www
Run as you wish, the below is an option on how to do it using Crontab
crontab -u youruser -e
In your crontab
@reboot /usr/local/bin/forever start /home/youruser/path/to/your/app.js
- company_name
- data_source (zabbix or new_relic)
Required environment variables for platform (choose to fill Zabbix or New Relic based on which one you need)
- zabbix_endpoint (ie:
- zabbix_user
- zabbix_pwd
- zabbix_group_ids (supports only one group id (for now), ie 1)
- new_relic_servers_endpoint (ie:
- new_relic_apikey (You can find it on NR: your account -> integrations -> data sharing)
- new_relic_alert_feed (You can find the RSS feed link in the "recent events" column.)
Refresh rate is set in the zabbix.js or new_relic.js files for now.
Quite a lot already...
- Doublecheck if all values used are really OK.
- Make shown host rows (per slide) configurable
- Alert/Issue data for New Relic
- Set and Update CPU bars
- UI support for many hosts
- Tests ( I know, should be there already. )
- Proper error messages if environment data isn't correct
- Refactor with respect to many js and node.js best practices.
- More (general) UI enhancements
- More than webkit only browser support
- Added startup sound.
- Added NewRelic (rss based) alert feed.
- Refresh rate set to 10 seconds for now.
- Introduced bigger graphs
- basic rotating logic to rotate server data if there are many hosts to monitor.
- First release (After Zabbix I've decided to add New Relic support too, which might show...)