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The Grid Protocol - Fundamentals

The following RFCs are prerequisites to this document:

  • 2119 - Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
  • 2606 - Reserved Top Level DNS Names
  • 8174 - Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words

This document is to be considered a diff of the Matrix 1.0 spec which this project forked. Anything not documented is to be taken from the Matrix specs with naming adaptation to IDs, namespaces and types.

The following versions of the APIs are used:

API Version
Client-Server r0.5.0
Server-Server r0.1.2
Application Service r0.1.1
Identity Service r0.2.1
Push Gateway r0.1.0



The Grid protocol specifies roles that implementations can take and APIs linked to those roles. The current defined roles are:

  • Client: Interacting with users (human or not) and acting as a gateway to the server functions.
  • Server: Interacting with other servers, acting as a network node to achieve the decentralised approach of The Grid.

An implementation can be either or both. This specification makes no assumption on implementations implementing the role(s) in a particular way.

The Grid protocol takes no position on how decentralisation is achieved. Peer-to-Peer and Federation are typical ways, the first having one implementation being both client and server while the second separates the two roles into their dedicated implementations.

Implementations are free to take on whichever approach they feel is appropriate for their needs. This specification will attempt to not artificially restrict possible use cases and remain as open as possible. Developers are encouraged to report any artificial restrictions they encounter so the protocol technical board can discuss if such restriction should be taken care of or not.


A realm is the value under which some Identifiers are namespaced. A realm is considered an opaque string unless specified otherwise.


Events are fundamental unit of data exchanged between servers over Channels.


There are four fundamental types of events:

Type Has an ID? Has Parent Events?
Persistent Linked Event (PLE) Yes Yes
Persistent Unlinked Event (PUE) Yes No
Ephemeral Linked Event (ELE) No Yes
Ephemeral Unlinked Event (EUE) No No

TODO: Link to specific usages of those types in the spec, once the various sections are complete enough.

NOTE: Format follows Matrix for now, except for auth_events not being kept and state_key being renamed to scope


In the context of a channel, two types of ordering are defined:

  • DAG order
  • Timeline order

In both case, ordering is always based on the relationships between events which give a happen-before guarantee. Any time-based key like timestamp MUST NOT be trusted for any kind of ordering used in state computation/resolution or performing any kind of authoritative action/computation.

Time-based keys are only informational, and MAY be used for user experience/presentation purposes.

DAG order

DAG order is always a relative ordering of a subset of a channel. The subset is between an event and its recursive parents, optionally scoped to depth N. This ordering doesn't include any side branch of the DAG.

It is formally defined as such for an event O located anywhere in the DAG, to collect O parents recursively, called individually P , then stop processing across all branches if P depth is equal or lower than N, or P has no parents. Once all events are collected, order using the following:

  • By descending depth value
  • If the same, by the presence of a non-null scope key, with order withKey, withoutKey
  • If the same, by ascending lexical order of the id value which must be unique per channel

The ordering is naturally in going backward.

TODO: Define

  • parent
  • recursive parent
  • backward
  • forward
Timeline order

Across all branches, Is ascending order. Is the "human" view.

TODO: Document the exact algorithm in details.


Given the following example structure:

         A       |  (Depth = 1337)
         |       |
         B       |
      /  |  \    |
     C   D   E   F
       \ |  /    |
         G       H
         |       |

Knowing that:

  • The depth of A is 1337
  • A ID is $a and has no scope key
  • B ID is $b and has no scope key
  • C ID is $c and has no scope key
  • D ID is $d and has a scope of value @b
  • E ID is $e and has no scope key
  • F ID is $f and has a scope of value @a. F has parent(s) with a depth lower than 1337
  • G ID is $g and has no scope key
  • H ID is $h and has no scope key

The DAG order from G with limit of 1337 for N would be: G, D, E, C, B, A.

The Timeline order from A with limit of 1340 for N would be: A, B, F, D, C, E, G, H.


Events are exchanged over a fundamental structure called channel. Channels are uniquely identified with a unique ID. Channels MAY be referenced by one to many aliases. A channel MAY not have aliases.


The protocol aims to promote the most recent technologies that are stable enough or will be stable enough, while not putting an unreasonable burden on developers to build software based on the protocol.

Therefore, we aim that all implementations should support the following combined set of technologies as soon as possible:

  • Data representation: JSON
  • Data encoding: UTF-8
  • Transport: HTTP/3
  • Security: TLS 1.3

While keeping this in mind, the following sections define the precises rules and fallback mechanisms for each area.


JSON (RFC 8259) is the baseline and default data format that MUST be supported by all implementations - MIME type is application/json.

Rationale: We follow on the founding documents stating the first pieces of spec work should be based on the Matrix protocol.


UTF-8 (RFC 3629) is the baseline and default data encoding that MUST be supported by all implementations.

Rationale: We follow on the founding documents stating the first pieces of spec work should be based on the Matrix protocol.

When exchanging data between implementations, if there is a possibility to specify the MIME Type, Implementations SHOULD NOT append a charset like ; charset=utf-8 if the encoding is UTF-8.

Rationale: Keep it straight-forward for implementations.


HTTP is the baseline and default transport to be supported by all implementations. Implementations SHOULD use HTTP/2 (RFC 7540) by default and only fallback to HTTP/1.1 (RFC 7230) if HTTP/2 is not available. Any prior version SHOULD NOT be used.

Rationale: Using HTTP as we follow on the founding documents stating the first pieces of spec work should be based on the Matrix protocol.

Dropping support for HTTP/1.0 and prior to follow on Exchanges goals.

Promote HTTP/2 now that it is a stable RFC to promote acceptance.

HTTP/3 is not a mature specification yet, and might burden implementations too much at this stage of the protocol if used as the default transport. However, once the specification matures to the point of being acceptable for wider use, implementations are encouraged to utilise it as the default transport, as soon as possible, with fallback to HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 as necessary.

HTTP/3, HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 - in this order - allow for fallback, making it seamless to users. The fallback is normally largely adopted in libraries and SDKs, also making it seamless for developers.

Open Question: While the Exchanges section talks about HTTP/3 as a wanted goal, we don't talk about it here specifically - How can we word this better?


TLS 1.2 (RFC 5246) is the baseline and default security layer for HTTP. Implementations that provide a mean to connect over any kind of public network MUST support it and use it by default.

Rationale: Enforce the privacy value of the project and follow on the founding documents stating the first pieces of spec work should be based on the Matrix protocol.

Implementations SHOULD support TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446).

Rationale: Follow Exchanges section goals.


Identifiers will be split into two categories:

  • ID: Opaque low-level Identifier used by implementations to uniquely identify and optionally route data.
  • Alias: High-level Identifier to be created and used by users.


An ID is defined as a compound string made of a single character in first position, called sigill followed by an optional namespace and a base which, together, make up a globally unique network identifier. The generation algorithms are specific to each ID type.


<sigill>[<namespace element>:[<namespace element>:[...]]]<base>

Examples of IDs:

  • Server:
    • :SGVyZUlzU29tZVJhbmRvbVN0cmluZ0ZvclNlcnZlcg
    • :dns:ZXhhbXBsZS5vcmc
  • User: :VGhpc0lzTWUsTWFyaW8h

An ID MUST be treated as an opaque, case-sensitive string and used as-is unless a specific mechanism requires it to be interpreted. An ID is not considered human/users friendly and are not to be used by them. They are to be used directly by software. Implementations of the protocol SHOULD NOT promote their usage by users outside of issue reporting, troubleshooting or advanced operations.

Open Question: Opaque is not defined in a technical manner, and may be unclear and/or misleading. Is there a better word that states that implementations must not try to make sense of it, unless specifically stated in this doc?

Rationale: an ID is a low-level identifier and is therefore not meant to be used by humans/users directly. Given the privacy goal of the protocol, it is also important to split the concepts of ID not inherently tied to an identifiable information and alias which is specifically created by a user/system so an entity can specifically be identified.

Making an ID opaque and case-sensitive allows for them to be treated as bytes without putting any kind of restriction for the future, while their companion Identifier, aliases deal with user-specific needs.

An ID MAY contain one or more strings delimited by the character : . The right-most string is called the base, while the others are called the namespace. When building the ID, base MUST be the Base64 URL-safe variant encoding without padding of the original value.


Without padding: keep IDs as small as possible, as they will repeat in each event.

Base64 encoding:

  • Given the opaque and "bytes-like" nature of an ID, Base64 makes it safe across virtually all possible transports.
  • Gives the ability to "hide" regular text from users. This particular issue was experienced when working on Matrix where users regularly asks why Identifiers like Room IDs cannot be used to join them since they contain the server hostname that originally created the room.

URL-safe variant: avoid any mess in URLs with things like / and avoid implementations bugs that still treat / and other similar characters as special characters even after decoding.


Sigill: :

DNS Hostname

Under: dns:

This uses the .well-known resolution mechanism for the Server ID.


Under: url:

This gives a directly URL, including path, as a base URL when resolving the Server ID.


Sigill: @


Sigill: #


Sigill: $


An alias is defined as a compound string made of four elements, in order:

  • A sigill to define the type of alias
  • A human-friendly identifier/name, unique within the realm it was created
  • The character @
  • A Grid realm


Sigill: @



Sigill: #




Access to endpoints MAY be restricted by the use of credentials from the client to the server.


Authentication in Client APIs is User-Interactive based. This model follows the Matrix Client API §5.3 except for the following sections which are redefined in this specification:

NOTE: The mechanism will be documented in full in this specification by v0.1.0, while following our funding documents to base this protocol on Matrix.

All endpoints allowing credentials are eligible for further, isolated User-Interactive authentication.


Authentication in The Grid is fundamentally open and allows the use of custom types for specific uses with a fallback mechanism allowing their use regardless of client support.

The protocol will define a set of most commonly used authentication methods and in which API they can be used when requiring specific flows.

Servers MUST provide a fallback of type g.auth.fallback.web for all and any Authentication types that can be requested.

Details about each type MAY be available under the following endpoint:

GET /{baseAPI}/auth/type/{authType}/details

If details are available, a response with status 200 and a JSON object body will be sent. The following keys are available, all optional:

Name Type Purpose
displayName String Give a user-friendly name to a type, in case it needs to be displayed to the user - e.g. in case of prompting the user before redirecting to a fallback page.

Type: API: Identity

Matches Matrix §

NOTE: Will be fully documented in v0.1.0


Type: API: Any

Tokens are one-off opaque strings given to a user to allow a single use of the endpoint. Tokens MUST be invalidated after being used once.

Typical uses include:

  • Invitation code allowing users to register on a server which does not allow public registrations.
  • Validate ownership of an Email or a Phone number.
  • Registration of an external service.

The following response keys are available:

Key Mandatory Purpose
token Yes To be set to the token value


    "session": "RandomSessionID",
    "type": "",
    "token": "<Token to give to the server>"

Type: g.auth.sign.ed25519 API: Any

The following request parameters are available:

Key Type Required Purpose
key String Yes The public key identifier that needs authentication.
data String Yes The data to sign to proof ownership of the public key.

The following response keys are available:

Key Type Required Purpose
sign String Yes The signature proving ownership of the private key.
Identifier Types

All identifiers types use the namespace

The following child namespaces are available:

  • Identifiers that are internal to a setup. They MUST NOT be used in the public federation. They SHOULD NOT be used outside of a single process/store.
  • Identifiers which are local to the setup and MUST NOT be used in the public federation. They MAY be used in a private cluster.
  • Identifiers belonging to a public network, like Grid, Email, Matrix, Phone, XMPP, etc.

The following official types are available:


All values must be given under the key identifier.value of the request object.


    "session": "RandomSessionID",
    "type": "",
    "identifier": {
        "type": ""
        "value": "[email protected]"

The namespace /auth/type/{authType}/fallback/{fallbackType} is available to use under the base namespace of each API.

Example for use on the Identity API for a simple password authentication in a browser:

GET /identity/client/v0/auth/
Fallback Types
Web Browser

Type: g.auth.fallback.web Usage: To be displayed in a browser.

The following query parameters are available:

Key Required Purpose
session Yes The session ID to complete the stage for
redirectUrl Yes The URL to redirect the client used in the fallback to


Clients and servers can adapt several requirement levels for exchange of such credentials. Four type of credential checks are available:

  • MUST: Using a valid token is mandatory; No choice.
    • Clients MUST send credentials. If no credentials is available, the request MUST NOT be made.
    • Servers MUST NOT let clients use the endpoint if not authorised.
  • SHOULD: Using a valid token is expected; Don't expect it to work without, but may work in specific cases.
    • Clients SHOULD send credentials.
    • Servers SHOULD deny the request unless they want to grant anonymous access to specific resources, in which case they MUST be able to restrict to the specific set of clients that the special behaviour is targeting.
  • MAY: Using a valid token is not needed but is encouraged; It's possible the server will return an enhanced response if the client is authenticated.
    • Clients SHOULD send credentials.
    • Servers MUST accept endpoint usage with or without credentials. Servers SHOULD enhance the request as much as possible if the client is identified and SHOULD redact as much info as possible if credentials are not available.
  • MUST NOT: Never send credentials. Ever.
    • Clients MUST NOT send credentials.
    • Servers MUST fast-fail the request if credentials are provided.

TODO: be clear of the distinction between "credentials (not) available", "client authenticated", "client authorised", etc.
