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Lightweight library for nRF24L01/nRF24L01+ running on AVR architecture (with optional UART)

Bare minimum software developed for nRF24L01/nRF24L01+ RF chip. Software was tested on ATmega328P and ATmega328PB (PB needs few changes in SPI). Can be easily ported to any MCU by adjusting SPI library.


nRF24L01+ | ATmega328P  | Arduino UNO
  CE      |     PB1     |    D9
  CSN     |     PB2     |    D10
  IRQ     |     PD2     |    D2
  MOSI    |     PB3     |    D11
  MISO    |     PB4     |    D12
  SCK     |     PB5     |    D13


For testing I used both Raspberry Pi to Arduino and Arduino to Arduino. Follow this tutorial to set up Raspberry Pi

Listen to incomming messages


By default when there is something on RX register, this ISR gets triggered (PD2 --> IRQ)


If IRQ won't be used, call


which will return 1 if message is ready to be read

if(nrf24_available()) rx_message = nrf24_read_message();

Message can be stored in string array

char rx_message[32];

And compared later

if ((strcmp(rx_message,"OFF") == 0)) led_off();

Send message

32 byte (character) message can be sent every ~50ms. After message is sent, it goes back to listening mode.

status = nrf24_send_message(tx_message);

Where 'status' returns '1' on successful send and 'tx_message' is a string set with <string.h>

strcpy(tx_message,"Your message here");

'tx_message' has to be 32 bytes or smaller


If auto-acknowledgment is disabled, keep in mind that using lower data rates such as 250kbps and 1mbps will lose packets if for example payload exceeds 4 bytes for 250kbps therefore 2mbps should be used. With auto-acknowledgment enabled 250kbps transmits 32 bytes with no problem.

#define DATARATE		RF_DR_2MBPS		// 250kbps, 1mbps, 2mbps
#define POWER			POWER_MAX		// Set power (MAX 0dBm..HIGH -6dBm..LOW -12dBm.. MIN -18dBm)
#define CHANNEL			0x76			// 2.4GHz-2.5GHz channel selection (0x01 - 0x7C)
uint8_t rx_address[5] = { 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7 };	// Read pipe address
uint8_t tx_address[5] = { 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7 };	// Write pipe address
#define READ_PIPE		0			// Number of read pipe
//	-AUTO_ACK can be disabled when running on 2MBPS @ <= 32 byte messages.
//	-250KBPS and 1MBPS with AUTO_ACK disabled lost many packets
//	if the packet size was bigger than 4 bytes.
//	-If AUTO_ACK is enabled, tx_address = rx_address.
#define AUTO_ACK		true			// Auto acknowledgment
#define DYN_PAYLOAD		true			// Dynamic payload enabled			
#define CONTINUOUS		false			// Continuous carrier transmit mode (not tested)
//	ISR(INT0_vect) is triggered depending on config (only one can be true)
#define RX_INTERRUPT	true			// Interrupt when message is received (RX)
#define TX_INTERRUPT	false			// Interrupt when message is sent (TX)
#define RT_INTERRUPT	false			// Interrupt when maximum re-transmits are reached (MAX_RT)
//	-PIN map. 
//	-If CE or CSN is changed to different PIN e.g. PC0
//	then change DDRB -> DDRC, PORTB -> PORTC and so on
//	CE
#define CE_DDR		DDRB
#define CE_PORT		PORTB
#define CE_PIN		DDB1			// CE connected to PB1
//	CSN
#define CSN_DDR		DDRB
#define CSN_PIN		DDB2			// CSN connected to PB2
//	IRQ
#define IRQ_DDR		DDRD
#define IRQ_PIN		DDD2			// IRQ connected to PD2

IDE used

Atmel Studio 7 (Version: 7.0.1417)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details