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Pod Creation

- Open Repo
  1. Create new repo (My advice first add pods on a temporary repo before adding to your original project)
  2. Fill Repository name with your repo name. I'll use "myrepo" for this tutorial and will use "<" and ">" symbols for the parts you should change to your own.
  3. Click "Initialize this repository with a README"
  4. Add a license. I'll use "MIT" for this tutorial.
- Pull Your Repo to Local
  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Go where your repo is cd </your/path/<myrepo> or create it with cd </your/path>. mkdir <myrepo>. cd <myrepo>
  3. Add git to your folder with git init
  4. Link your repo with git remote add origin<username>/<myrepo>.git. (You can check if its working with git remote -v (Not git remove -v))
  5. Pull your repo from github with git pull
  6. Type: git pull origin master
  7. Type git commit
- Add Cocoapods
  1. Install cocoapods: sudo gem install cocoapods. Write pod --help to check if it's working. (Skip if you already have cocoapods)
  2. Create <myrepo>.podspec with touch <myrepo>.podspec
  3. Open <myrepo>.podspec with an editor. Use Xcode or Sublime Text.
  4. Paste the following. You can checkout this example. For details check the documentation do |s|             = "<myrepo>"
s.version          = "0.1"
s.summary          = "<My summary>"
s.description      = "<MUST BE LONGER THAN SUMMARY>"
s.homepage         = "<username>/<myrepo>"
s.license          = 'MIT'           = { "<username>" => "<useremail>" }
s.source           = { :git => "<username>/<myrepo>.git", :tag => s.version.to_s }
s.platform     = :ios, '8.0'
s.requires_arc = true

# If more than one source file:
s.source_files = '<myrepo>.swift' 

  1. Write pod lib lint <myrepo>.podspec to the terminal. If you have any errors write pod lib lint <myrepo>.podspec --verbose. Solve your errors (solving your errors could take some time can't help here).
  2. Add newly changes to git with git add . then commit with git commit -m "Added pods"
  3. Push your changes to your remote repo with git push
  4. Create new release Click Releases -> Click New Version
  5. Write "0.1" to Tag Version. (Optional you can fill the "Release Title"). Make sure the version is identical with the s.version inside <myrepo>.podspec
  6. Write pod trunk register [email protected] 'Your Name' --description='macbook pro'
  7. After your new release open terminal and write pod trunk push <myrepo>.podspec. This will change the CocoaPods Specs which will enable you to write pod '<myrepo>' inside your podfile