export class Info {
name: string = 'Marton Lederer'
age: number = 17
nationality: string[] = ['Hungarian', 'Brazilian']
languages: Record<string, string>[] = [{ 'Spanish': 'B2' }, { 'English': 'C1' }, { 'Hungarian': 'native' }]
school: string = 'Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium'
occupation: string = 'Web Developer and Designer, Student'
freetime: string[] = ['Gym', 'Reading', 'Hanging out with friends']
musical_interest_years: number[] = [70, 80, 90]
export class Programming {
languages: string[] = ['TypeScript', 'JavaScript', 'PHP']
stylesheets: string[] = ['CSS', 'SASS', 'SCSS', 'Stylus']
frameworks: string[] = ['Vue', 'Svelte', 'React']
runtimes: string[] = ['Deno', 'Node']
databases: string[] = ['MySQL', 'RethinkDB', 'Mongo']
learning: string[] = ['Rust', 'Go', 'Angular']
projects: string[] = ['nest.land', 'verto.exchange', 'Agrigo.farm/Cubilog', 'BetterAntispam', 'BloomAlts', 'Evolution X']
export class Social {
website: string = 'https://marton.lederer.hu'
github: string = 'martonlederer'
instagram: string = '@martonlederer'
discord: string = 'Marton#6513'
spotify: string = 'https://spoti.fi/2ZEq3CN'
Credits: martonlederer
Last Edited on: 30/08/2020