A small plugin that autoconfigures LSPs that are found on your $PATH
The excellent Mason, allows for relatively seamless installation and management of LSPs. If you wish to install them more globally on your system so they are available to other apps/tools, then it can be more cumbersome to set up.
This plugin checks for specified (or, alternatively, all known) LSPs on
, and configures them for use if found.
By default, it uses LSP Zero for configuration.
dependencies = {
config = true
If you wish to customize LSP integration:
config = function()
local lsp_zero = require("lsp-zero")
-- Provide a specific list of servers (recommended),
-- reduces startup time.
servers = {
"bashls", "zk", "clangd", "ltex", "lua_ls", "pyright",
"dockerls", "cssls", "yamlls", "cmake", "html",
-- Customize options for specific servers
server_opts = {
lua_ls = lsp_zero.nvim_lua_ls(),
ltex = {
language = "en-GB",
disabledRules = { ["en-GB"] = { "MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_GB" } },
dependencies = {
config = function()
-- Traditional LSP configuration
require("nvim-auto-lsp").setup( {
init_function = function (server, opts)
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
local lsp_zero = require("lsp-zero")
lspconfig[server].setup(lsp_zero.build_options(server, opts))
-- servers = {},
server_opts = {
-- server = {}
Many thanks to William Boman for the work on Mason. and the server mappings.