You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Usually, I make detailed step-by-step installation instructions where you do not need to think or have variations/ambiguity of how to setup (please, see an example below). It would be nice to have such instructions in our project (probably in a dedicated INSTALL.rst/md not to overcrowd the README).
Local development environment
This section describes how to setup development environment for Linux Mint 18.3.
Initial setup
Once initial setup is done only corresponding `Update`_ section should be performed
to get the latest version for development.
#. Install PyCharm to use as IDE
#. Install prerequisites::
apt update
apt install git
#. [if you have not configured it globally] Configure git::
git config 'Firstname Lastname'
git config ''
#. Install Docker according to
(known working: Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc)
#. Add your user to docker group::
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
#. Install Docker Compose according to
(known working: docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896b)
#. Install prerequisites (
as prescribed at )::
apt update
apt install make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \
libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev \
libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl
#. Install and configure `pyenv` according to
#. Install Python 3.8.5::
pyenv install 3.8.5
#. Install `pip`::
# Ensure you are in `nda-server` repo root directory
pip install pip==20.3.1
#. Install Poetry (known working version: 1.1.4)::
pip install 'poetry>=1.1.4'
#. Configure Poetry to use $HOME/.virtualenvs::
poetry config virtualenvs.path $HOME/.virtualenvs
#. Create virtualenv with Poetry::
poetry shell
#. Install pip::
pip install pip==20.3.1
#. Run dependencies with Docker Compose (in a separate terminal)::
make dev-dependencies-up
#. Create local configuration file::
mkdir local
cat << EOF > ./local/
DEBUG = True
DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'postgres'
DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'postgres'
DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = 'postgres'
DATABASES['default']['HOST'] = ''
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://localhost:5672'
SECRET_KEY = 'rydt2lf(cooe_w)b6tzw)7_8q+3g5o*^5(h7dac9@^k))zd2!j'
MIDDLEWARE += ('nda_server.core.middleware.LoggingMiddleware',)
LOGGING['root']['level'] = 'DEBUG'
LOGGING['loggers']['nda_server']['level'] = 'DEBUG'
LOGGING['handlers']['console']['level'] = 'DEBUG'
cp ./local/ ./local/
#. Continue to `Update`_ section
#. Create superuser::
make dev-create-superuser
#. Activate shell::
poetry shell
#. Update dependencies::
poetry install
#. Run migrations::
make dev-migrate
#. Install pre-commit::
pre-commit install
#. Run dependencies with Docker Compose (in a dedicated terminal)::
make dev-dependencies-up
#. Run Django server (in a dedicated terminal)::
make dev-run-server
#. Run Celery (in a dedicated terminal)::
make dev-run-celery
#. Run Celery Beat (in a dedicated terminal)::
make dev-run-celery-beat
Development hints
#. Run unittests::
make test
#. Lint the code base::
make lint
Development, staging or production environment on Heroku
The instruction is given for a development environment. For other environments replace
"nda-server-dev" with "nda-server-staging" or "nda-server-prod".
Initial setup
#. Create pipeline named "nda-server"
#. Create Heroku application::
heroku apps:create --team=nda --addons=heroku-postgresql:hobby-basic,cloudamqp,papertrail,bucketeer,sentry --region=us --ssh-git nda-server-dev
heroku pipelines:add --app nda-server-dev nda-server
#. Add Poetry buildpack::
heroku buildpacks:clear --app nda-server-dev
heroku buildpacks:add --app nda-server-dev
heroku buildpacks:add --app nda-server-dev heroku/python
#. Add environment variables::
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev POETRY_VERSION=1.1.4
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_ON_HEROKU=true
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_SECRET_KEY=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=500 count=1 2> /dev/null | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c50)
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_SENDGRID_API_KEY=<replace with SendGrid API key>
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_OPEN_FDA_API_KEY=<replace with openFDA API key>
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_SENDGRID_PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID=<replace with template id>
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_SENDGRID_WELCOME_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID=<replace with template id>
#. Configure CORS::
# For development environment
heroku config:set --app nda-server-dev NDA_SERVER_CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS=true
# For production
heroku config:set --app nda-server-prod NDA_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS='["", ""]'
#. Add `HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT` environment variable ::
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata --app nda-server-dev
#. (for development/staging environment: nda-server-dev) Navigate to "Deploy" tab:
#. Open "nda" team:
#. Click "nda-server-dev" to open
#. Open "Deploy" tab
#. (for development/staging environment: nda-server-dev) Connect github repository for deployment:
#. Choose "GitHub" "Deployment method" ( )
#. Connect repository
#. (for development/staging environment: nda-server-dev) Enable automatic deploys:
#. Set "Automatic deploys" -> "Choose a branch to deploy" = "master"
#. Click "Automatic deploys" -> "Enable Automatic Deploys"
#. (for development/staging environment: nda-server-dev) Deploy "master" branch manually for the first time:
#. "Manual deploy" -> choose "master" branch
#. Click "Deploy Branch"
#. (for production: nda-server-prod) Promote nda-server-dev to nda-server-prod
#. Create superuser::
heroku run --app nda-server-dev python -m nda_server.manage createsuperuser
#. Configure custom domain ( ) and
enable Automated Certificate Management
( )
#. Configure Django Sites framework to point to frontend domain name.
#. (for production: nda-server-prod) Promote nda-server-dev to nda-server-prod
.PHONY: dev-run-server
poetry run python -m nda_server.manage runserver
.PHONY: dev-run-celery
poetry run celery -A nda_server.project worker --loglevel=debug
.PHONY: dev-run-celery-beat
# TODO(dmu) MEDIUM: Should we have `--pidfile=`?
# TODO(dmu) MEDIUM: Do we need Celery beat at all?
poetry run celery -A nda_server.project beat --loglevel=debug --pidfile=
.PHONY: dev-migrate
poetry run python -m nda_server.manage migrate
.PHONY: dev-dbshell
poetry run python -m nda_server.manage dbshell
.PHONY: dev-create-superuser
poetry run python -m nda_server.manage createsuperuser
.PHONY: dev-dependencies-up
docker-compose up
.PHONY: test
poetry run pytest -v
.PHONY: lint
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
This would be great. Following README instructions isn't enough to make it work. After installing dependencies, such as gcc, upgrade pip-tool, pip, eventually I can run the unit tests.
My machine isn't a fresh ubuntu-20.04 instance , probably new installed machine could need more dependencies.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: