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Merge pull request #210 from Ali-Tehrani/grid_assesment_default
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Default Grid Assesment
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FarnazH authored Jan 5, 2024
2 parents d8443a7 + 078a98e commit 6ae8e6f
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Showing 6 changed files with 312 additions and 134 deletions.
27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions src/grid/
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Expand Up @@ -22,13 +22,17 @@
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from importlib_resources import files
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

from grid.angular import AngularGrid
from grid.basegrid import Grid, OneDGrid
from grid.onedgrid import UniformInteger
from grid.rtransform import PowerRTransform
from grid.utils import (
Expand All @@ -52,7 +56,6 @@ class AtomGrid(Grid):
def __init__(
rgrid: OneDGrid,
degrees: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None,
sizes: Union[np.ndarray, list] = None,
center: np.ndarray = None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,10 +132,9 @@ def __init__(
def from_preset(
rgrid: OneDGrid = None,
atnum: int,
preset: str,
rgrid: OneDGrid = None,
center: np.ndarray = None,
rotate: int = 0,
use_spherical: bool = False,
Expand All @@ -142,12 +144,14 @@ def from_preset(
>>> # construct an atomic grid for H with fine grid setting
>>> atgrid = AtomGrid.from_preset(rgrid, atnum=1, preset="fine")
>>> atgrid = AtomGrid.from_preset(atnum=1, preset="fine", rgrid)
rgrid : OneDGrid, optional
The (1-dimensional) radial grid representing the radius of spherical grids.
If None, then using the atomic number it will generate a default radial grid
(PowerRTransform of UniformInteger grid).
atnum : int, keyword-only argument
The atomic number specifying the predefined grid.
preset : str, keyword-only argument
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,8 +193,18 @@ def from_preset(
if not isinstance(use_spherical, bool):
raise TypeError(f"use_spherical {use_spherical} should be of type bool.")
if rgrid is None:
# TODO: generate a default rgrid, currently raise an error instead
raise ValueError("A default OneDGrid will be generated")
# If the atomic number is found in the default RTransform
rmin, rmax, npt = _DEFAULT_POWER_RTRANSFORM_PARAMS[int(atnum)]
# Convert angstrom to atomic units
ang2bohr = scipy.constants.angstrom / scipy.constants.value("atomic unit of length")
rmin, rmax = rmin * ang2bohr, rmax * ang2bohr
onedgrid = UniformInteger(npt)
rgrid = PowerRTransform(rmin, rmax).transform_1d_grid(onedgrid)
raise ValueError(
f"Default rgrid parameter is not included for the" f" atomic number {atnum}."
center = np.zeros(3, dtype=float) if center is None else np.asarray(center, dtype=float)
cls._input_type_check(rgrid, center)
# load radial points and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,7 +235,6 @@ def from_pruned(
rgrid: OneDGrid,
radius: float,
sectors_r: np.ndarray,
sectors_degree: np.ndarray = None,
sectors_size: np.ndarray = None,
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114 changes: 86 additions & 28 deletions src/grid/
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from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants

from grid.atomgrid import AtomGrid
from grid.basegrid import Grid, LocalGrid, OneDGrid
from grid.becke import BeckeWeights
from grid.onedgrid import UniformInteger
from grid.rtransform import PowerRTransform

class MolGrid(Grid):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ class MolGrid(Grid):
specifying the size of each Levedev grid at each radial points.
>>> preset = "fine" # Many choices available.
>>> molgrid = MolGrid.from_preset(charges, coords, rgrid, preset, aim_weights=becke)
>>> molgrid = MolGrid.from_preset(charges,coords,preset,aim_weights=becke,rgrid=rgrid)
The general way to integrate is the following.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,10 +347,9 @@ def from_preset(
atnums: np.ndarray,
atcoords: np.ndarray,
rgrid: Union[OneDGrid, list, dict],
preset: Union[str, list, dict],
aim_weights: Union[callable, np.ndarray],
rgrid: Union[OneDGrid, list, dict] = None,
aim_weights: Union[callable, np.ndarray] = None,
rotate: int = 37,
store: bool = False,
Expand All @@ -357,10 +361,6 @@ def from_preset(
Array of atomic numbers.
atcoords : np.ndarray(M, 3)
Atomic coordinates of atoms.
rgrid : (OneDGrid, list[OneDGrid], dict[int: OneDGrid])
One dimensional radial grid. If of type `OneDGrid` then this radial grid is used for
all atoms. If a list is provided,then ith grid correspond to the ith atom. If
dictionary is provided, then the keys correspond to the `atnums[i]`attribute.
preset : (str, list[str], dict[int: str])
Preset grid accuracy scheme. If string is provided, then preset is used
for all atoms, either it is specified by a list, or a dictionary whose keys
Expand All @@ -371,8 +371,14 @@ def from_preset(
'sg_0', 'sg_1', 'sg_2', and 'sg_3', and the Ochsenfeld grids:
'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g5', 'g6', and 'g7', with higher number indicating
greater accuracy but denser grid. See `Notes` for more information.
aim_weights : Callable or np.ndarray(K,)
Atoms in molecule weights.
rgrid : (OneDGrid, list[OneDGrid], dict[int: OneDGrid]), optional
One dimensional radial grid. If of type `OneDGrid` then this radial grid is used for
all atoms. If a list is provided,then ith grid correspond to the ith atom. If
dictionary is provided, then the keys correspond to the `atnums[i]`attribute.
If None, then using atomic numbers it will generate a default radial grid
(PowerRTransform of UniformInteger grid).
aim_weights : Callable or np.ndarray(K,), optional
Atoms in molecule weights. If None, then aim_weights is Becke weights with order=3.
rotate : bool or int, optional
Flag to set auto rotation for atomic grid, if given int, the number
will be used as a seed to generate rantom matrix.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,6 +413,8 @@ def from_preset(
"shape of atomic nums does not match with coordinates\n"
f"atomic numbers: {atnums.shape}, coordinates: {atcoords.shape}"
if aim_weights is None:
aim_weights = BeckeWeights(order=3)
total_atm = len(atnums)
atomic_grids = []
for i in range(total_atm):
Expand All @@ -417,6 +425,9 @@ def from_preset(
rad = rgrid[i]
elif isinstance(rgrid, dict):
rad = rgrid[atnums[i]]
elif rgrid is None:
atnum = atnums[i]
rad = _generate_default_rgrid(atnum)
raise TypeError(f"not supported radial grid input; got input type: {type(rgrid)}")
# get proper grid type
Expand All @@ -431,7 +442,7 @@ def from_preset(
f"Not supported preset type; got preset {preset} with type {type(preset)}"
at_grid = AtomGrid.from_preset(
rad, atnum=atnums[i], preset=gd_type, center=atcoords[i], rotate=rotate
atnum=atnums[i], preset=gd_type, rgrid=rad, center=atcoords[i], rotate=rotate
return cls(atnums, atomic_grids, aim_weights, store=store)
Expand All @@ -441,9 +452,9 @@ def from_size(
atnums: np.ndarray,
atcoords: np.ndarray,
rgrid: OneDGrid,
size: int,
aim_weights: Union[callable, np.ndarray],
rgrid: OneDGrid = None,
aim_weights: Union[callable, np.ndarray] = None,
rotate: int = 37,
store: bool = False,
Expand All @@ -455,20 +466,21 @@ def from_size(
>>> onedg = UniformInteger(100) # number of points, oned grid before TF.
>>> rgrid = ExpRTransform(1e-5, 2e1).generate_radial(onedg) # radial grid
>>> becke = BeckeWeights(order=3)
>>> molgrid = MolGrid.from_size(atnums, atcoords, rgrid, 110, becke)
>>> molgrid = MolGrid.from_size(atnums, atcoords, 110, becke, rgrid)
atnums : np.ndarray(M, 3)
Atomic number of :math:`M` atoms in molecule.
atcoords : np.ndarray(N, 3)
Cartesian coordinates for each atoms
rgrid : OneDGrid
one dimension grid to construct spherical grid
size : int
Num of points on each shell of angular grid
aim_weights : Callable or np.ndarray(K,)
Atoms in molecule weights.
rgrid : OneDGrid, optional
One-dimensional grid to construct the atomic grid. If none, then
default radial grid is generated based on atomic numbers.
aim_weights : Callable or np.ndarray(K,), optional
Atoms in molecule weights. If None, then aim_weights is Becke weights with order=3.
rotate : bool or int , optional
Flag to set auto rotation for atomic grid, if given int, the number
will be used as a seed to generate rantom matrix.
Expand All @@ -481,20 +493,27 @@ def from_size(
MolGrid instance with specified grid property
if aim_weights is None:
aim_weights = BeckeWeights(order=3)
at_grids = []
for i in range(len(atcoords)):
at_grids.append(AtomGrid(rgrid, sizes=[size], center=atcoords[i], rotate=rotate))
if rgrid is None:
atnum = atnums[i]
rad_grid = _generate_default_rgrid(atnum)
rad_grid = rgrid
at_grids.append(AtomGrid(rad_grid, sizes=[size], center=atcoords[i], rotate=rotate))
return cls(atnums, at_grids, aim_weights, store=store)

def from_pruned(
atnums: np.ndarray,
atcoords: np.ndarray,
rgrid: Union[OneDGrid, list],
radius: Union[float, list],
aim_weights: Union[callable, np.ndarray],
sectors_r: np.ndarray,
rgrid: Union[OneDGrid, list] = None,
aim_weights: Union[callable, np.ndarray] = None,
sectors_degree: np.ndarray = None,
sectors_size: np.ndarray = None,
rotate: int = 37,
Expand All @@ -509,21 +528,23 @@ def from_pruned(
List of atomic numbers for each atom.
atcoords: np.ndarray(M, 3)
Cartesian coordinates for each atoms
rgrid : OneDGrid or List[OneDGrid] or Dict[int: OneDGrid]
One dimensional grid for the radial component. If a list is provided,then ith
grid correspond to the ith atom. If dictionary is provided, then the keys are
correspond to the `atnums[i]` attribute.
radius: float, List[float]
The atomic radius to be multiplied with `r_sectors` (to make them atom specific).
If float, then the same atomic radius is used for all atoms, else a list specifies
it for each atom.
aim_weights: Callable or np.ndarray(\sum^M_n N_n,)
Atoms in molecule/nuclear weights :math:`{ {w_n(r_k)}_k^{N_i}}_n^{M}`, where
:math:`N_i` is the number of points in the ith atomic grid.
sectors_r: List[List], keyword-only argument
Each row is a sequence of boundary points specifying radial sectors of the pruned grid
for the `m`th atom. The first sector is ``[0, radius*sectors_r[0]]``, then
``[radius*sectors_r[0], radius*sectors_r[1]]``, and so on.
rgrid : OneDGrid or List[OneDGrid] or Dict[int: OneDGrid], optional
One dimensional grid for the radial component. If a list is provided,then ith
grid correspond to the ith atom. If dictionary is provided, then the keys are
correspond to the `atnums[i]` attribute. If None, then using atomic numbers it will
generate a default radial grid (PowerRTransform of UniformInteger grid).
aim_weights: Callable or np.ndarray(\sum^M_n N_n,), optional
Atoms in molecule/nuclear weights :math:`{ {w_n(r_k)}_k^{N_i}}_n^{M}`, where
:math:`N_i` is the number of points in the ith atomic grid. If None, then aim_weights
is Becke weights with order=3.
sectors_degree: List[List], keyword-only argument
Each row is a sequence of Lebedev/angular degrees for each radial sector of the pruned
grid for the `m`th atom. If both `sectors_degree` and `sectors_size` are given,
Expand All @@ -548,6 +569,8 @@ def from_pruned(
raise ValueError(
"The dimension of coordinates need to be 2\n" f"got shape: {atcoords.ndim}"
if aim_weights is None:
aim_weights = BeckeWeights(order=3)

at_grids = []
num_atoms = len(atcoords)
Expand All @@ -563,6 +586,9 @@ def from_pruned(
rad = rgrid[i]
elif isinstance(rgrid, dict):
rad = rgrid[atnums[i]]
elif rgrid is None:
atnum = atnums[i]
rad = _generate_default_rgrid(atnum)
raise TypeError(f"not supported radial grid input; got input type: {type(rgrid)}")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,3 +654,35 @@ def __getitem__(self, index: int):
return self._atgrids[index]

def _generate_default_rgrid(atnum: int):
Generate default radial transformation grid from default Horton.
See _DEFAULT_POWER_RTRANSFORM_PARAMS inside utils for information on how
it was determined
atnum: int
Atomic Number
One-dimensional grid that was transformed using PowerRTransform.
rmin, rmax, npt = _DEFAULT_POWER_RTRANSFORM_PARAMS[int(atnum)]
# Convert from Angstrom to atomic units
rmin = rmin * scipy.constants.angstrom / scipy.constants.value("atomic unit of length")
rmax = rmax * scipy.constants.angstrom / scipy.constants.value("atomic unit of length")
onedgrid = UniformInteger(npt)
rgrid = PowerRTransform(rmin, rmax).transform_1d_grid(onedgrid)
return rgrid
raise ValueError(
f"Default rgrid parameter is not included for the" f" atomic number {atnum}."

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