- fix page description
- update changelog
- create alpine custom elements docs pages and new release notes
- tutorials: add pixabricks tutorial
- all: v1.7 update
- bump: bump sez version and changelog
- bump version
- bump sez version
- bump: bump to v1.4
- bump: release v1.3.1
- fix version and link on index page
- pixabricks: improve json structure
- add note in the inlined script for api key
- add note for API key security
- useless files cause build fail
- cli: add cli and v1.3 infos
- wp-cli: fix bad og image url
- v1.2.4
- typos
- od: description
- og: fix missing og image
- airbnbricks: fix code block
- tutorial: airbnbricks tutorial
- emmet: add list of Bricks Extras elements names
- docs: emmet suntax for Bricks
- videos: creat a youtube component and add videos to release notes
- heading levels
- airbnbricks: typo
- tutorials: remove example tutorial page from prod
- all: sez v1.2
- faq: add v1.1.0 zip known issue
- changes for v1.1
- structures: add reference for the scroll driven structures
- release-notes: fix typos
- build: fix build issue with sharp
- open-graph: update og image to new GET syntax introduced in Astro
- faq: correct typo
- release notes for v1.0
- add keyboard shortcuts documentation
- add github releas action
- update roadmap
- add chagelog and roadmap
- faq: add info about plugin deletion
- faq: add faq from user questions
- log, nav, i18n
- i18n paragraph
- fix texts and add logo to readme
- og: correct path for delete plugin
- faq: debugging og with correct image path
- og: debugging og add image width and height
- add fathom analytics
- initial setup