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File metadata and controls

90 lines (68 loc) · 5.72 KB

This page assumes you have got:

  • MTCDT-210L-US-EU-GB Multitech mLinux Conduit (non-cellular)
  • MTAC-LORA-868 accessory card which goes into the Conduit.
  • MTKIT-LORA-868 dev kit to program the mDot card.

You will also need:


  1. Install the MTAC-LORA-868 card into the Conduit - the instructions are packed with the MTAC-LORA-868 card, or here:

  2. Follow the instructions on the pages to get your Conduit set up:

  3. Now get the latest versions of the various bits of software: and

  4. Verify that your mDot and Conduit can talk to each other:

    You may want to play a while with some sample mbed code at this point. There are plenty of samples on the mbed site to familiarise yourself with:

    When you are ready to connect up to The Things Network:

  5. Convert your Conduit to a packet forwarder. We have found @kersing's poly packet forwarder to be more relaible than the gps_pkt_fwd or basic_pkt_fwd that come as standard. Download the poly_pkt_fwd install packet onto your Conduit from here:

  6. Install poly_pkt_fwd on your Conduit using opkg install poly-packet-forwarder_2.1-r3_arm926ejste.ipk

    NOTE: The package requires DNS to be set up on the conduit to find the TTN backend!

    If you use a static IP address, an easy way to enable DNS is to add post-up echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf to /etc/network/interfaces immediately following the 'gateway' setting, replacing with your nameserver address.

  7. Edit /var/config/lora/local_conf.json.

/* Put there parameters that are different for each gateway (eg. pointing one gateway to a test server while the others stay in production) */
/* Settings defined in global_conf will be overwritten by those in local_conf */
    "gateway_conf": {
	/* you must pick a unique 64b number for each gateway (represented by an hex string) */
        "gateway_ID": "AA555A000004BABA",
        /* Email of gateway operator, max 40 chars*/
        "contact_email": "[email protected]",
        /* Public description of this device, max 64 chars */
        "description": "Update me",
	/* Enter VALID GPS coordinates below before enabling fake GPS */
        "fake_gps": false,
        "ref_latitude": 10,
        "ref_longitude": 20,
        "ref_altitude": -1
You need to change the following:

* <em>gateway_ID</em> can be obtained by running **mts-io-sysfs show lora/eui**
* <em>ref_latitude</em>, <em>ref_logitude</em> and <em>ref_altitude</em> can all be got from Google
* <em>fake_gps</em> set to true
* <em>contact_email</em>
* <em>description</em>
  1. Edit /etc/init.d/lora-network-server. Around line 17 you need to change from using basic_pkt_fwd to using poly_pkt_fwd:


    Go down to where the network server is started (around line 57). Comment it out:

    	   #start network server
    	#start-stop-daemon --start --background --make-pidfile \
    	#--pidfile $net_server_pidfile --exec $net_server -- \
    	#-c $conf_file --lora-eui $lora_eui --lora-path $run_dir --db $conf_db \
    	#--noconsole -l $net_server_log
    	#sleep 1

    Make sure the -c option for the new packet_forwarder under

    start packet forwarder
    is set to

    -c $conf_dir
    instead of
    -c $run_dir/1

    Note: The /1 is introduced in newer versions of Multitech software to support multiple cards. If you do not remove the /1, the network server will not start.

    Similarly comment out the network server line in do_stop() a little further down:

       do_stop() {
    	echo -n "Stopping $NAME: "
    	#start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $net_server_pidfile --r
    	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $pkt_fwd_pidfile --retry
    	rm -f $net_server_pidfile $pkt_fwd_pidfile
    	echo "OK"
  2. Restart the lora-network server: /etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart

  3. If things have gone well you should be able to go to and see your gateway appear in the list. Congratulations!