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Feedbackssystem Helm Chart

Official Helm Chart for Installing the Feedbacksystem on a Kubernetes cluster.

Chart Installation



  1. Ensure the requirements are met
  2. Generate values (See here for details) deno run --reload= --allow-write=vals.yaml vals.yaml
  3. Add the helm repository helm repo add thm-mni-ii
  4. Install helm install my-feedbacksystem thm-mni-ii/feedbacksystem



There is a Deno script to generate the configuration file for this helm chart. It generates random values for all secrets to be changed and asks for configuration values.

  • Source: generate-values.ts
  • Usage: deno run --reload= --allow-write=vals.yaml vals.yaml



Parameter Description Default
common.config.protocol The Used Protocol https:
common.config.hostname The Used Hostname
common.config.port The Used Port 443


Parameter Description Default
core.enabled Should the Container be Enabled true
core.config.jwtSecret The Used JWT Secret 2edb8793d987389e1626918e0ec1dbee


Parameter Description Default
core.config.ldap.enabled Should ldap be enabled false
core.config.ldap.allowLogn Allow authentication using ldap false
core.config.ldap.baseDn The base dn of the ldap server
core.config.ldap.url The url of the ldap server
core.config.ldap.startTls Allow startTls when connecting to ldap
core.config.ldap.filter The filter to use to locate a user in ldap (uid={user})
core.config.ldap.timeout The timeout for ldap requests 5000
core.config.ldap.bind.enabled Use bind authentication for ldap queries false
core.config.ldap.bind.dn The dn to bind to ""
core.config.ldap.bind.password The password to bind to ""
core.config.ldap.attributeNames.uid The name of the ldap attribute to use as the user id uid The name of the ldap attribute to use as the last name sn The name of the ldap attribute to use as the first name givenName
core.config.ldap.attributeNames.mail The name of the ldap attribute to use as the user mail mail

(External) Digital Classroom

Parameter Description Default
core.config.digitalClassroom.url The URL of the external classroom to use (Overwritten if digitalClassroom.enabled)
core.config.digitalClassroom.secret The secret of the external digital classroom to use (Overwritten if digitalClassroom.enabled) 1234


Parameter Description Default
runner.enabled Should the Container be Enabled true
runner.config.hmacSecret Secret Used to Generate hmacs for Database Users fbs
runner.config.debug.disableContainerRemoval Determines whether the spawned Docker container that is used for a check should be kept after its use false

Digital Classroom

Parameter Description Default
digitalClassroom.enabled Should the Container be Enabled false
digitalClassroom.config.jwtSecret The Used JWT Secret for the Digital Classroom 2edb8793d987389e1626918e0ec1dbee
digitalClassroom.config.secret Secret used to interact with the Digital Classroom 1f2a08f5dbd81580a6fb0f645dce3737
digitalClassroom.config.bbb.url URL to the BigBlueButton Sever that should be used
digitalClassroom.config.bbb.secret Secret for the Configured BigBlueButton Server 1234
digitalClassroom.config.path The Path under which the digital classroom will be available /digitalclassroom


Parameter Description Default
eat.enabled Should the Container be Enabled false
eat.config.sessionSecret The session secret used for eat fbs
eat.ingressRoute.enabled Enable ingress for the eat false


Parameter Description Default
mysql.auth.database The name of the Database fbs
mysql.auth.username The name of the Database User fbs
mysql.auth.password The Password of the Database User fbs
mysql.auth.rootPassword The Password of the Database Root User root
mysql.primray.existingConfigmap The name of an existing ConfigMap containg my.cnf CHANGE-ME

Runner Mysql

Parameter Description Default
runnerMysql.auth.database The name of the Database fbs
runnerMysql.auth.username The name of the Database User fbs
runnerMysql.auth.password The Password of the Database User fbs
runnerMysql.auth.rootPassword The Password of the Database Root User root
runnerMysql.primray.existingConfigmap The name of an existing ConfigMap containg my.cnf CHANGE-ME

Runner Postgres

Parameter Description Default
runnerPostgres.auth.database The name of the Database fbs
runnerPostgres.auth.username The name of the Database User fbs
runnerPostgres.auth.password The Password of the Database User fbs
runnerMysql.auth.postgresPassword The Password of the Database Root User root

Runner Playground Postgres

Parameter Description Default
runnerPlaygroundPostgres.auth.database The name of the Database fbs
runnerPlaygroundPostgres.auth.username The name of the Database User fbs
runnerPlaygroundPostgres.auth.password The Password of the Database User fbs
runnerPlaygroundPostgres.auth.postgresPassword The Password of the Database Root User root

Checker Mongodb

Parameter Description Default
checkerMongodb.auth.database The name of the Database fbs
checkerMongodb.auth.username The name of the Database User fbs
checkerMongodb.auth.password The Password of the Database User fbs
checkerMongodb.auth.rootPassword The Password of the Database Root User root


Parameter Description Default
minio.auth.rootPassword The Password of the Minio User fbs-12345678


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