- learn app
- added cloze tasktype
- added markwords tasktype
- added proper app icons and titles
- added admin menu
- added user avatars
- changed how the screen for tasks is built (responsiveness)
- added user creation through admin menu
- unified colors and text theme
- fixed a bug where tasksets dont get loaded on first startup
- fixed some layout problems
- snake game
- changed order and style of control buttons and background
- change pause layout and display
- added valid screen resizing
- added sprites
- added sounds
- update score display
- flappy lama
- add basic game implementation
- add basic ground and obstacles
- disabled in release
- learn app
- user database
- user login
- admin creation on first startup
- main menu
- taskset loader (json parsing)
- task screen
- standard tasksets (flutter assets)
- first tasktype implemented (4Cards)
- task navigation (next task, all tasks completed)
- simple standard tasksets
- simple feedback system for task completion
- snake game
- apple spawner
- snake spawner
- gesture detection
- direction buttons
- pause button
- start view
- end view
- game score (refreshs by eating apples)
- game field (optimal field size and background style)
- increasing snake by eating apples
- collision detection with the snake, apples and the border
- gamemodes (paused, finished, running)
- configuration of the game settings
- Add empty flutter lama app
- Set dependencies