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JSON features

This is the fifth chapter of the Kotlin Serialization Guide. In this chapter, we'll walk through features of JSON serialization available in the Json class.

Table of contents

Json configuration

The default Json implementation is quite strict with respect to invalid inputs. It enforces Kotlin type safety and restricts Kotlin values that can be serialized so that the resulting JSON representations are standard. Many non-standard JSON features are supported by creating a custom instance of a JSON format.

To use a custom JSON format configuration, create your own Json class instance from an existing instance, such as a default Json object, using the Json() builder function. Specify parameter values in the parentheses via the JsonBuilder DSL. The resulting Json format instance is immutable and thread-safe; it can be simply stored in a top-level property.

We recommend that you store and reuse custom instances of formats for performance reasons because format implementations may cache format-specific additional information about the classes they serialize.

This chapter shows configuration features that Json supports.

Pretty printing

By default, the Json output is a single line. You can configure it to pretty print the output (that is, add indentations and line breaks for better readability) by setting the prettyPrint property to true:

val format = Json { prettyPrint = true }

data class Project(val name: String, val language: String)

fun main() {
    val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization", "Kotlin")

You can get the full code here.

It gives the following nice result:

    "name": "kotlinx.serialization",
    "language": "Kotlin"

Lenient parsing

By default, Json parser enforces various JSON restrictions to be as specification-compliant as possible (see RFC-4627). Particularly, keys must be quoted, while literals must be unquoted. Those restrictions can be relaxed with the isLenient property. With isLenient = true, you can parse quite freely-formatted data:

val format = Json { isLenient = true }

enum class Status { SUPPORTED }

data class Project(val name: String, val status: Status, val votes: Int)

fun main() {
    val data = format.decodeFromString<Project>("""
            name   : kotlinx.serialization,
            status : SUPPORTED,
            votes  : "9000"

You can get the full code here.

You get the object, even though all keys of the source JSON, string, and enum values are unquoted, while an integer is quoted:

Project(name=kotlinx.serialization, status=SUPPORTED, votes=9000)

Ignoring unknown keys

JSON format is often used to read the output of third-party services or in other dynamic environments where new properties can be added during the API evolution. By default, unknown keys encountered during deserialization produce an error. You can avoid this and just ignore such keys by setting the ignoreUnknownKeys property to true:

val format = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }

data class Project(val name: String)

fun main() {
    val data = format.decodeFromString<Project>("""

You can get the full code here.

It decodes the object despite the fact that the Project class doesn't have the language property:


Alternative Json names

It's not a rare case when JSON fields are renamed due to a schema version change. You can use the @SerialName annotation to change the name of a JSON field, but such renaming blocks the ability to decode data with the old name. To support multiple JSON names for the one Kotlin property, there is the JsonNames annotation:

data class Project(@JsonNames("title") val name: String)

fun main() {
  val project = Json.decodeFromString<Project>("""{"name":"kotlinx.serialization"}""")
  val oldProject = Json.decodeFromString<Project>("""{"title":"kotlinx.coroutines"}""")

You can get the full code here.

As you can see, both name and title Json fields correspond to name property:


Support for JsonNames annotation is controlled by the JsonBuilder.useAlternativeNames flag. Unlike most of the configuration flags, this one is enabled by default and does not need attention unless you want to do some fine-tuning.

Coercing input values

JSON formats that from third parties can evolve, sometimes changing the field types. This can lead to exceptions during decoding when the actual values do not match the expected values. The default Json implementation is strict with respect to input types as was demonstrated in the Type safety is enforced section. You can relax this restriction using the coerceInputValues property.

This property only affects decoding. It treats a limited subset of invalid input values as if the corresponding property was missing and uses the default value of the corresponding property instead. The current list of supported invalid values is:

  • null inputs for non-nullable types
  • unknown values for enums

This list may be expanded in the future, so that Json instance configured with this property becomes even more permissive to invalid value in the input, replacing them with defaults.

See the example from the Type safety is enforced section:

val format = Json { coerceInputValues = true }

data class Project(val name: String, val language: String = "Kotlin")

fun main() {
    val data = format.decodeFromString<Project>("""

You can get the full code here.

The invalid null value for the language property was coerced into the default value:

Project(name=kotlinx.serialization, language=Kotlin)

Encoding defaults

Default values of properties are not encoded by default because they will be assigned to missing fields during decoding anyway. See the Defaults are not encoded section for details and an example. This is especially useful for nullable properties with null defaults and avoids writing the corresponding null values. The default behavior can be changed by setting the encodeDefaults property to true:

val format = Json { encodeDefaults = true }

class Project(
    val name: String,
    val language: String = "Kotlin",
    val website: String? = null

fun main() {
    val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization")

You can get the full code here.

It produces the following output which encodes all the property values including the default ones:


Explicit nulls

By default, all null values are encoded into JSON strings, but in some cases you may want to omit them. The encoding of null values can be controlled with the explicitNulls property.

If you set property to false, fields with null values are not encoded into JSON even if the property does not have a default null value. When decoding such JSON, the absence of a property value is treated as null for nullable properties without a default value.

val format = Json { explicitNulls = false }

data class Project(
    val name: String,
    val language: String,
    val version: String? = "1.2.2",
    val website: String?,
    val description: String? = null

fun main() {
    val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization", "Kotlin", null, null, null)
    val json = format.encodeToString(data)

You can get the full code here.

As you can see, version, website and description fields are not present in output JSON on the first line. After decoding, the missing nullable property website without a default values has received a null value, while nullable properties version and description are filled with their default values:

Project(name=kotlinx.serialization, language=Kotlin, version=1.2.2, website=null, description=null)

explicitNulls is true by default as it is the default behavior across different versions of the library.

Allowing structured map keys

JSON format does not natively support the concept of a map with structured keys. Keys in JSON objects are strings and can be used to represent only primitives or enums by default. You can enable non-standard support for structured keys with the allowStructuredMapKeys property.

This is how you can serialize a map with keys of a user-defined class:

val format = Json { allowStructuredMapKeys = true }

data class Project(val name: String)

fun main() {
    val map = mapOf(
        Project("kotlinx.serialization") to "Serialization",
        Project("kotlinx.coroutines") to "Coroutines"

You can get the full code here.

The map with structured keys gets represented as JSON array with the following items: [key1, value1, key2, value2,...].


Allowing special floating-point values

By default, special floating-point values like Double.NaN and infinities are not supported in JSON because the JSON specification prohibits it. You can enable their encoding using the allowSpecialFloatingPointValues property:

val format = Json { allowSpecialFloatingPointValues = true }

class Data(
    val value: Double

fun main() {
    val data = Data(Double.NaN)

You can get the full code here.

This example produces the following non-stardard JSON output, yet it is a widely used encoding for special values in JVM world:


Class discriminator for polymorphism

A key name that specifies a type when you have a polymorphic data can be specified in the classDiscriminator property:

val format = Json { classDiscriminator = "#class" }

sealed class Project {
    abstract val name: String

class OwnedProject(override val name: String, val owner: String) : Project()

fun main() {
    val data: Project = OwnedProject("kotlinx.coroutines", "kotlin")

You can get the full code here.

In combination with an explicitly specified SerialName of the class it provides full control over the resulting JSON object:


It is also possible to specify different class discriminators for different hierarchies. Instead of Json instance property, use JsonClassDiscriminator annotation directly on base serializable class:

sealed class Base

This annotation is inheritable, so all subclasses of Base will have the same discriminator:

@Serializable // Class discriminator is inherited from Base
sealed class ErrorClass: Base()

To learn more about inheritable serial annotations, see documentation for InheritableSerialInfo.

Note that it is not possible to explicitly specify different class discriminators in subclasses of Base. Only hierarchies with empty intersections can have different discriminators.

Discriminator specified in the annotation has priority over discriminator in Json configuration:

val format = Json { classDiscriminator = "#class" }

fun main() {
    val data = Message(BaseMessage("not found"), GenericError(404))

You can get the full code here.

As you can see, discriminator from the Base class is used:

{"message":{"message_type":"","message":"not found"},"error":{"message_type":"","error_code":404}}

Json elements

Aside from direct conversions between strings and JSON objects, Kotlin serialization offers APIs that allow other ways of working with JSON in the code. For example, you might need to tweak the data before it can parse or otherwise work with such an unstructured data that it does not readily fit into the typesafe world of Kotlin serialization.

The main concept in this part of the library is JsonElement. Read on to learn what you can do with it.

Parsing to Json element

A string can be parsed into an instance of JsonElement with the Json.parseToJsonElement function. It is called neither decoding nor deserialization because none of that happens in the process. It just parses a JSON and forms an object representing it:

fun main() {
    val element = Json.parseToJsonElement("""

You can get the full code here.

A JsonElement prints itself as a valid JSON:


Types of Json elements

A JsonElement class has three direct subtypes, closely following JSON grammar:

  • JsonPrimitive represents primitive JSON elements, such as string, number, boolean, and null. Each primitive has a simple string content. There is also a JsonPrimitive() constructor function overloaded to accept various primitive Kotlin types and to convert them to JsonPrimitive.

  • JsonArray represents a JSON [...] array. It is a Kotlin List of JsonElement items.

  • JsonObject represents a JSON {...} object. It is a Kotlin Map from String keys to JsonElement values.

The JsonElement class has extensions that cast it to its corresponding subtypes: jsonPrimitive, jsonArray, jsonObject. The JsonPrimitive class, in turn, provides converters to Kotlin primitive types: int, intOrNull, long, longOrNull, and similar ones for other types. This is how you can use them for processing JSON whose structure you know:

fun main() {
    val element = Json.parseToJsonElement("""
            "name": "kotlinx.serialization",
            "forks": [{"votes": 42}, {"votes": 9000}, {}]
    val sum = element
        .jsonArray.sumOf { it.jsonObject["votes"]?.jsonPrimitive?.int ?: 0 }

You can get the full code here.

The above example sums votes in all objects in the forks array, ignoring the objects that have no votes:


Note that the execution will fail if the structure of the data is otherwise different.

Json element builders

You can construct instances of specific JsonElement subtypes using the respective builder functions buildJsonArray and buildJsonObject. They provide a DSL to define the resulting JSON structure. It is similar to Kotlin standard library collection builders, but with a JSON-specific convenience of more type-specific overloads and inner builder functions. The following example shows all the key features:

fun main() {
    val element = buildJsonObject {
        put("name", "kotlinx.serialization")
        putJsonObject("owner") {
            put("name", "kotlin")
        putJsonArray("forks") {
            addJsonObject {
                put("votes", 42)
            addJsonObject {
                put("votes", 9000)

You can get the full code here.

As a result, you get a proper JSON string:


Decoding Json elements

An instance of the JsonElement class can be decoded into a serializable object using the Json.decodeFromJsonElement function:

data class Project(val name: String, val language: String)

fun main() {
    val element = buildJsonObject {
        put("name", "kotlinx.serialization")
        put("language", "Kotlin")
    val data = Json.decodeFromJsonElement<Project>(element)

You can get the full code here.

The result is exactly what you would expect:

Project(name=kotlinx.serialization, language=Kotlin)

Json transformations

To affect the shape and contents of JSON output after serialization, or adapt input to deserialization, it is possible to write a custom serializer. However, it may be inconvenient to carefully follow Encoder and Decoder calling conventions, especially for relatively small and easy tasks. For that purpose, Kotlin serialization provides an API that can reduce the burden of implementing a custom serializer to a problem of manipulating a Json elements tree.

We recommend that you get familiar with the Serializers chapter: among other things, it explains how custom serializers are bound to classes.

Transformation capabilities are provided by the abstract JsonTransformingSerializer class which implements KSerializer. Instead of direct interaction with Encoder or Decoder, this class asks you to supply transformations for JSON tree represented by the JsonElement class using thetransformSerialize and transformDeserialize methods. Let's take a look at the examples.

Array wrapping

The first example is an implementation of JSON array wrapping for lists.

Consider a REST API that returns a JSON array of User objects, or a single object (not wrapped into an array) if there is only one element in the result.

In the data model, use the @Serializable annotation to specify a custom serializer for a users: List<User> property.

data class Project(
    val name: String,
    @Serializable(with = UserListSerializer::class)
    val users: List<User>

data class User(val name: String)

Since this example covers only the deserialization case, you can implement UserListSerializer and override only the transformDeserialize function. The JsonTransformingSerializer constructor takes an original serializer as parameter (this approach is shown in the section Constructing collection serializers):

object UserListSerializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<List<User>>(ListSerializer(User.serializer())) {
    // If response is not an array, then it is a single object that should be wrapped into the array
    override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement =
        if (element !is JsonArray) JsonArray(listOf(element)) else element

Now you can test the code with a JSON array or a single JSON object as inputs.

fun main() {

You can get the full code here.

The output shows that both cases are correctly deserialized into a Kotlin List.

Project(name=kotlinx.serialization, users=[User(name=kotlin)])
Project(name=kotlinx.serialization, users=[User(name=kotlin), User(name=jetbrains)])

Array unwrapping

You can also implement the transformSerialize function to unwrap a single-element list into a single JSON object during serialization:

    override fun transformSerialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
        require(element is JsonArray) // this serializer is used only with lists
        return element.singleOrNull() ?: element

Now, if you serialize a single-element list of objects from Kotlin:

fun main() {
    val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization", listOf(User("kotlin")))

You can get the full code here.

You end up with a single JSON object, not an array with one element:


Manipulating default values

Another kind of useful transformation is omitting specific values from the output JSON, for example, if it is used as default when missing or for other reasons.

Imagine that you cannot specify a default value for the language property in the Project data model for some reason, but you need it omitted from the JSON when it is equal to Kotlin (we can all agree that Kotlin should be default anyway). You can fix it by writing the special ProjectSerializer based on the Plugin-generated serializer for the Project class.

class Project(val name: String, val language: String)

object ProjectSerializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<Project>(Project.serializer()) {
    override fun transformSerialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement =
        // Filter out top-level key value pair with the key "language" and the value "Kotlin"
        JsonObject(element.jsonObject.filterNot {
            (k, v) -> k == "language" && v.jsonPrimitive.content == "Kotlin"

In the example below, we are serializing the Project class at the top-level, so we explicitly pass the above ProjectSerializer to Json.encodeToString function as was shown in the Passing a serializer manually section:

fun main() {
    val data = Project("kotlinx.serialization", "Kotlin")
    println(Json.encodeToString(data)) // using plugin-generated serializer
    println(Json.encodeToString(ProjectSerializer, data)) // using custom serializer

You can get the full code here.

See the effect of the custom serializer:


Content-based polymorphic deserialization

Typically, polymorphic serialization requires a dedicated "type" key (also known as class discriminator) in the incoming JSON object to determine the actual serializer which should be used to deserialize Kotlin class.

However, sometimes the type property may not be present in the input. In this case, you need to guess the actual type by the shape of JSON, for example by the presence of a specific key.

JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer provides a skeleton implementation for such a strategy. To use it, override its selectDeserializer method. Let's start with the following class hierarchy.

Note that is does not have to be sealed as recommended in the Sealed classes section, because we are not going to take advantage of the plugin-generated code that automatically selects the appropriate subclass, but are going to implement this code manually.

abstract class Project {
    abstract val name: String

data class BasicProject(override val name: String): Project()

data class OwnedProject(override val name: String, val owner: String) : Project()

You can distinguish the BasicProject and OwnedProject subclasses by the presence of the owner key in the JSON object.

object ProjectSerializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<Project>(Project::class) {
    override fun selectDeserializer(element: JsonElement) = when {
        "owner" in element.jsonObject -> OwnedProject.serializer()
        else -> BasicProject.serializer()

When you use this serializer to serialize data, either registered or the default serializer is selected for the actual type at runtime:

fun main() {
    val data = listOf(
        OwnedProject("kotlinx.serialization", "kotlin"),
    val string = Json.encodeToString(ListSerializer(ProjectSerializer), data)
    println(Json.decodeFromString(ListSerializer(ProjectSerializer), string))

You can get the full code here.

No class discriminator is added in the JSON output:

[OwnedProject(name=kotlinx.serialization, owner=kotlin), BasicProject(name=example)]

Under the hood (experimental)

Although abstract serializers mentioned above can cover most of the cases, it is possible to implement similar machinery manually, using only the KSerializer class. If tweaking the abstract methods transformSerialize/transformDeserialize/selectDeserializer is not enough, then altering serialize/deserialize is a way to go.

Here are some useful things about custom serializers with Json:

Given all that, it is possible to implement two-stage conversion Decoder -> JsonElement -> value or value -> JsonElement -> Encoder. For example, you can implement a fully custom serializer for the following Response class so that its Ok subclass is represented directly, but the Error subclass is represented by an object with the error message:

@Serializable(with = ResponseSerializer::class)
sealed class Response<out T> {
    data class Ok<out T>(val data: T) : Response<T>()
    data class Error(val message: String) : Response<Nothing>()

class ResponseSerializer<T>(private val dataSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<Response<T>> {
    override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = buildSerialDescriptor("Response", PolymorphicKind.SEALED) {
        element("Ok", buildClassSerialDescriptor("Ok") {
        element("Error", dataSerializer.descriptor)

    override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): Response<T> {
        // Decoder -> JsonDecoder
        require(decoder is JsonDecoder) // this class can be decoded only by Json
        // JsonDecoder -> JsonElement
        val element = decoder.decodeJsonElement()
        // JsonElement -> value
        if (element is JsonObject && "error" in element)
            return Response.Error(element["error"]!!.jsonPrimitive.content)
        return Response.Ok(decoder.json.decodeFromJsonElement(dataSerializer, element))

    override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: Response<T>) {
        // Encoder -> JsonEncoder
        require(encoder is JsonEncoder) // This class can be encoded only by Json
        // value -> JsonElement
        val element = when (value) {
            is Response.Ok -> encoder.json.encodeToJsonElement(dataSerializer,
            is Response.Error -> buildJsonObject { put("error", value.message) }
        // JsonElement -> JsonEncoder

Having this serializable Response implementation, you can take any serializable payload for its data and serialize or deserialize the corresponding responses:

data class Project(val name: String)

fun main() {
    val responses = listOf(
        Response.Error("Not found")
    val string = Json.encodeToString(responses)

You can get the full code here.

This gives you fine-grained control on the representation of the Response class in the JSON output:

[{"name":"kotlinx.serialization"},{"error":"Not found"}]
[Ok(data=Project(name=kotlinx.serialization)), Error(message=Not found)]

Maintaining custom JSON attributes

A good example of custom JSON-specific serializer would be a deserializer that packs all unknown JSON properties into a dedicated field of JsonObject type.

Let's add UnknownProject – a class with the name property and arbitrary details flattened into the same object:

data class UnknownProject(val name: String, val details: JsonObject)

However, the default plugin-generated serializer requires details to be a separate JSON object and that's not what we want.

To mitigate that, write an own serializer that uses the fact that it works only with the Json format:

object UnknownProjectSerializer : KSerializer<UnknownProject> {
    override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = buildClassSerialDescriptor("UnknownProject") {

    override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): UnknownProject {
        // Cast to JSON-specific interface
        val jsonInput = decoder as? JsonDecoder ?: error("Can be deserialized only by JSON")
        // Read the whole content as JSON
        val json = jsonInput.decodeJsonElement().jsonObject
        // Extract and remove name property
        val name = json.getValue("name").jsonPrimitive.content
        val details = json.toMutableMap()
        return UnknownProject(name, JsonObject(details))

    override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: UnknownProject) {
        error("Serialization is not supported")

Now it can be used to read flattened JSON details as UnknownProject:

fun main() {
    println(Json.decodeFromString(UnknownProjectSerializer, """{"type":"unknown","name":"example","maintainer":"Unknown","license":"Apache 2.0"}"""))

You can get the full code here.

UnknownProject(name=example, details={"type":"unknown","maintainer":"Unknown","license":"Apache 2.0"})

The next chapter covers Alternative and custom formats (experimental).