wgnw is a toy project I implemented resulting from a discussion with a bunch of friends. The point is to make easy and somewhat automatic the configuration of a meshed WireGuard network. The project works as follows:
- A central controller keeps tracks of the networks that exist, and allocate leases to clients
- Clients request and maintain leases within a certain network from the controller
- Clients poll active leases from their respective networks and configure their mesh interface accordingly
- Shit ain't working on Windows or OSX
- A CLI is used to define networks and inspect a few things
Run make gen
to regen the protobug and grpc thingies
Running make
should do it, you will have 3 binaries pop up in bin/
Start the controller running ./bin/wgnw-server --listen
, it will start a controller with an SQLite backend.
Normally SQL backends supported by gorm
should work, I tested it with CockroachDB and SQLite for now. Let me know if that
does not work elsewhere.
Run the cli with ./bin/wgnw --controller localhost:10000 --help
to know how to use it. You probably want to create a network first,
to do that, run ./bin/wgnw network create mynet --subnets 32
to create a network that will allocate up to 32
that the clients will be able to use.
You will need 2 nodes, on each one run ./bin/wgnwd -net mynet -controller <your controller addr:port> -iface <iface name>
. This assumes
that the nodes are behind a NAT. If the node is accessible from somewhere (i.e. if all the nodes are in the same LAN or reachable on the internet)
you can also add a flag -public <addr>
specifying the public address (or LAN address) your nodes can be talked to. This will be used when the peers
fetch their conf and heart beat each other.
lol what ?