diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 5f414d574..9254d916e 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \
fms2_io \
mosaic2 \
fms \
+ parser \
affinity \
mosaic \
time_manager \
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index b340c7251..2ec32cd80 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([mpi],
AS_IF([test ${with_mpi:-yes} = yes],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-yaml],
+ [Build with YAML support. This option will be ignored if --disable-fortran-flag-setting is also given. (Default no)])])
+AS_IF([test ${with_yaml:-no} = no],
+ [with_yaml=no],
+ [with_yaml=yes])
[Allow configure to set some compiler flags. Disabling this will also disable any other --with or --enable options that set flags, and will only use user-provided falgs. (Default yes)])])
@@ -122,6 +128,19 @@ if test $with_mpi = yes; then
AC_CHECK_FUNC([MPI_Init], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find the MPI C library. Set CC/LDFLAGS/LIBS])])
+# Require yaml
+if test $with_yaml = yes; then
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([yaml.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR(["Can't find the libYAML C header file. Set CC/CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS"])])
+ AC_SEARCH_LIBS([yaml_parser_initialize], [yaml], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR(["Can't find the libYAML C library. Set CC/LDFLAGS/LIBS"])])
+ #If the test pass, define use_yaml macro
+ AC_DEFINE([use_yaml], [1], [This is required to use yaml parser])
# Require netCDF
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([netcdf.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find the netCDF C header file. Set CPPFLAGS/CFLAGS])])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([nc_create], [netcdf], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find the netCDF C library. Set LDFLAGS/LIBS])])
@@ -337,6 +356,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
+ parser/Makefile
@@ -357,6 +377,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([
+ test_fms/parser/Makefile
diff --git a/data_override/data_override.F90 b/data_override/data_override.F90
index 013897aec..e6f9dcd57 100644
--- a/data_override/data_override.F90
+++ b/data_override/data_override.F90
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
!> @brief File for @ref data_override_mod
module data_override_mod
+use yaml_parser_mod
use constants_mod, only: PI
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error, FATAL, WARNING, stdout, stdlog, mpp_max
use mpp_mod, only : input_nml_file
@@ -139,7 +140,12 @@ module data_override_mod
real :: min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd
real :: min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice
integer:: num_fields = 0 !< number of fields in override_array already processed
+#ifdef use_yaml
+type(data_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: data_table !< user-provided data table
type(data_type), dimension(max_table) :: data_table !< user-provided data table
type(data_type) :: default_table
type(override_type), dimension(max_array), save :: override_array !< to store processed fields
type(override_type), save :: default_array
@@ -188,15 +194,10 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
character(len=128) :: grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc'
integer :: is,ie,js,je,use_get_grid_version
- integer :: i, iunit, ntable, ntable_lima, ntable_new, unit,io_status, ierr
- character(len=256) :: record
+ integer :: i, unit, io_status, ierr
logical :: file_open
- logical :: ongrid
- character(len=128) :: region, region_type
type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: fileobj
- type(data_type) :: data_entry
debug_data_override = .false.
read (input_nml_file, data_override_nml, iostat=io_status)
@@ -235,9 +236,133 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
default_table%file_name = 'none'
default_table%factor = 1.
default_table%interpol_method = 'bilinear'
+#ifdef use_yaml
+ call read_table_yaml(data_table)
do i = 1,max_table
data_table(i) = default_table
+ call read_table(data_table)
+! Initialize override array
+ default_array%gridname = 'NONE'
+ default_array%fieldname = 'NONE'
+ default_array%t_index = -1
+ default_array%dims = -1
+ default_array%comp_domain = -1
+ do i = 1, max_array
+ override_array(i) = default_array
+ enddo
+ call time_interp_external_init
+ end if
+ module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
+ if ( .NOT. (atm_on .or. ocn_on .or. lnd_on .or. ice_on .or. lndUG_on)) return
+ call fms2_io_init
+! Test if grid_file is already opened
+ inquire (file=trim(grid_file), opened=file_open)
+ if(file_open) call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(grid_file)//' already opened')
+ if(.not. open_file(fileobj, grid_file, 'read' )) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: Error in opening file '//trim(grid_file))
+ endif
+ if(variable_exists(fileobj, "x_T" ) .OR. variable_exists(fileobj, "geolon_t" ) ) then
+ use_get_grid_version = 1
+ call close_file(fileobj)
+ else if(variable_exists(fileobj, "ocn_mosaic_file" ) .OR. variable_exists(fileobj, "gridfiles" ) ) then
+ use_get_grid_version = 2
+ if(variable_exists(fileobj, "gridfiles" ) ) then
+ if(count_ne_1((ocn_on .OR. ice_on), lnd_on, atm_on)) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: the grid file ' // &
+ 'is a solo mosaic, one and only one of atm_on, lnd_on or ice_on/ocn_on should be true')
+ end if
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: none of x_T, geolon_t, ocn_mosaic_file or gridfiles exist in '//trim(grid_file))
+ endif
+ if(use_get_grid_version .EQ. 1) then
+ if (atm_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_atm) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
+ min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm, grid_center_bug )
+ endif
+ if (ocn_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ocn) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
+ min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn, grid_center_bug )
+ endif
+ if (lnd_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_lnd) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
+ min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd, grid_center_bug )
+ endif
+ if (ice_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ice) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ice', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
+ min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice, grid_center_bug )
+ endif
+ else
+ if (atm_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_atm) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain(atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
+ min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm )
+ endif
+ if (ocn_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ocn) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
+ min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn )
+ endif
+ if (lnd_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_lnd) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
+ min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd )
+ endif
+ if (ice_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ice) ) then
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
+ allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
+ call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'ocn', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
+ min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice )
+ endif
+ end if
+ if(use_get_grid_version .EQ. 2) then
+ call close_file(fileobj)
+ end if
+end subroutine data_override_init
+#ifndef use_yaml
+subroutine read_table(data_table)
+ type(data_type), dimension(max_table), intent(inout) :: data_table
+ integer :: ntable
+ integer :: ntable_lima
+ integer :: ntable_new
+ integer :: iunit
+ integer :: io_status
+ character(len=256) :: record
+ type(data_type) :: data_entry
+ logical :: ongrid
+ character(len=128) :: region, region_type
+ integer :: sunit
! Read coupler_table
open(newunit=iunit, file='data_table', action='READ', iostat=io_status)
@@ -273,13 +398,13 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
data_entry%interpol_method == 'bicubic' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'bilinear' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'none')) then
- unit = stdout()
- write(unit,*)" gridname is ", trim(data_entry%gridname)
- write(unit,*)" fieldname_code is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_code)
- write(unit,*)" fieldname_file is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_file)
- write(unit,*)" file_name is ", trim(data_entry%file_name)
- write(unit,*)" factor is ", data_entry%factor
- write(unit,*)" interpol_method is ", trim(data_entry%interpol_method)
+ sunit = stdout()
+ write(sunit,*)" gridname is ", trim(data_entry%gridname)
+ write(sunit,*)" fieldname_code is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_code)
+ write(sunit,*)" fieldname_file is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_file)
+ write(sunit,*)" file_name is ", trim(data_entry%file_name)
+ write(sunit,*)" factor is ", data_entry%factor
+ write(sunit,*)" interpol_method is ", trim(data_entry%interpol_method)
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: invalid last entry in data_override_table, ' &
//'its value should be "default", "bicubic", "bilinear" or "none" ')
@@ -328,13 +453,13 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
data_entry%interpol_method == 'bicubic' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'bilinear' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'none')) then
- unit = stdout()
- write(unit,*)" gridname is ", trim(data_entry%gridname)
- write(unit,*)" fieldname_code is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_code)
- write(unit,*)" fieldname_file is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_file)
- write(unit,*)" file_name is ", trim(data_entry%file_name)
- write(unit,*)" factor is ", data_entry%factor
- write(unit,*)" interpol_method is ", trim(data_entry%interpol_method)
+ sunit = stdout()
+ write(sunit,*)" gridname is ", trim(data_entry%gridname)
+ write(sunit,*)" fieldname_code is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_code)
+ write(sunit,*)" fieldname_file is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_file)
+ write(sunit,*)" file_name is ", trim(data_entry%file_name)
+ write(sunit,*)" factor is ", data_entry%factor
+ write(sunit,*)" interpol_method is ", trim(data_entry%interpol_method)
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: invalid last entry in data_override_table, ' &
//'its value should be "default", "bicubic", "bilinear" or "none" ')
@@ -354,106 +479,51 @@ subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Lan
'data_override_mod: New and old formats together in same data_table not supported')
close(iunit, iostat=io_status)
if(io_status/=0) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: Error in closing file data_table')
+end subroutine read_table
+subroutine read_table_yaml(data_table)
+ type(data_type), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: data_table
+ integer, allocatable :: entry_id(:)
+ integer :: nentries
+ integer :: i
+ character(len=50) :: buffer
+ integer :: file_id
+ file_id = open_and_parse_file("data_table.yaml")
+ nentries = get_num_blocks(file_id, "data_table")
+ allocate(data_table(nentries))
+ allocate(entry_id(nentries))
+ call get_block_ids(file_id, "data_table", entry_id)
+ do i = 1, nentries
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "gridname", data_table(i)%gridname)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "fieldname_code", data_table(i)%fieldname_code)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "fieldname_file", data_table(i)%fieldname_file)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "file_name", data_table(i)%file_name)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "interpol_method", data_table(i)%interpol_method)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "factor", data_table(i)%factor)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "region_type", buffer, is_optional=.true.)
+ if(trim(buffer) == "inside_region" ) then
+ data_table(i)%region_type = INSIDE_REGION
+ else if( trim(buffer) == "outside_region" ) then
+ data_table(i)%region_type = OUTSIDE_REGION
+ else
+ data_table(i)%region_type = NO_REGION
+ endif
-! Initialize override array
- default_array%gridname = 'NONE'
- default_array%fieldname = 'NONE'
- default_array%t_index = -1
- default_array%dims = -1
- default_array%comp_domain = -1
- do i = 1, max_array
- override_array(i) = default_array
- enddo
- call time_interp_external_init
- end if
- module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
- if ( .NOT. (atm_on .or. ocn_on .or. lnd_on .or. ice_on .or. lndUG_on)) return
- call fms2_io_init
-! Test if grid_file is already opened
- inquire (file=trim(grid_file), opened=file_open)
- if(file_open) call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(grid_file)//' already opened')
- if(.not. open_file(fileobj, grid_file, 'read' )) then
- call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: Error in opening file '//trim(grid_file))
- endif
- if(variable_exists(fileobj, "x_T" ) .OR. variable_exists(fileobj, "geolon_t" ) ) then
- use_get_grid_version = 1
- call close_file(fileobj)
- else if(variable_exists(fileobj, "ocn_mosaic_file" ) .OR. variable_exists(fileobj, "gridfiles" ) ) then
- use_get_grid_version = 2
- if(variable_exists(fileobj, "gridfiles" ) ) then
- if(count_ne_1((ocn_on .OR. ice_on), lnd_on, atm_on)) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: the grid file ' // &
- 'is a solo mosaic, one and only one of atm_on, lnd_on or ice_on/ocn_on should be true')
- end if
- else
- call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: none of x_T, geolon_t, ocn_mosaic_file or gridfiles exist in '//trim(grid_file))
- endif
- if(use_get_grid_version .EQ. 1) then
- if (atm_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_atm) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
- min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm, grid_center_bug )
- endif
- if (ocn_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ocn) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
- min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn, grid_center_bug )
- endif
- if (lnd_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_lnd) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
- min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd, grid_center_bug )
- endif
- if (ice_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ice) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ice', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
- min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice, grid_center_bug )
- endif
- else
- if (atm_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_atm) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain(atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
- min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm )
- endif
- if (ocn_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ocn) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
- min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn )
- endif
- if (lnd_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_lnd) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
- min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd )
- endif
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "lon_start", data_table(i)%lon_start, is_optional=.true.)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "lon_end", data_table(i)%lon_end, is_optional=.true.)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "lat_start", data_table(i)%lat_start, is_optional=.true.)
+ call get_value_from_key(file_id, entry_id(i), "lat_end", data_table(i)%lat_end, is_optional=.true.)
- if (ice_on .and. .not. allocated(lon_local_ice) ) then
- call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
- allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
- call get_grid_version_2(fileobj, 'ocn', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
- min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice )
- endif
- end if
- if(use_get_grid_version .EQ. 2) then
- call close_file(fileobj)
- end if
+ end do
-end subroutine data_override_init
+ table_size = nentries !< Because one variable is not enough
+end subroutine read_table_yaml
!> @brief Unset domains that had previously been set for use by data_override.
diff --git a/diag_manager/diag_data.F90 b/diag_manager/diag_data.F90
index 0cc043b0e..deb1eb39b 100644
--- a/diag_manager/diag_data.F90
+++ b/diag_manager/diag_data.F90
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ MODULE diag_data_mod
USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: time_type
USE mpp_domains_mod, ONLY: domain1d, domain2d, domainUG
- USE mpp_io_mod, ONLY: fieldtype
USE fms_mod, ONLY: WARNING, write_version_number
#ifdef use_netCDF
! NF90_FILL_REAL has value of 9.9692099683868690e+36.
@@ -148,12 +147,12 @@ MODULE diag_data_mod
!> @brief Diagnostic field type
!> @ingroup diag_data_mod
TYPE diag_fieldtype
- TYPE(fieldtype) :: Field
TYPE(domain2d) :: Domain
TYPE(domainUG) :: DomainU
REAL :: miss, miss_pack
LOGICAL :: miss_present, miss_pack_present
INTEGER :: tile_count
+ character(len=128) :: fieldname !< Fieldname
END TYPE diag_fieldtype
!> @brief Attribute type for diagnostic fields
diff --git a/diag_manager/diag_manager.F90 b/diag_manager/diag_manager.F90
index 3d9ba7a92..8a8c2cf96 100644
--- a/diag_manager/diag_manager.F90
+++ b/diag_manager/diag_manager.F90
@@ -195,13 +195,12 @@ MODULE diag_manager_mod
USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: set_time, set_date, get_time, time_type, OPERATOR(>=), OPERATOR(>),&
& get_ticks_per_second
- USE mpp_io_mod, ONLY: mpp_open, mpp_close, mpp_get_maxunits
USE mpp_mod, ONLY: mpp_get_current_pelist, mpp_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_root_pe, mpp_sum
USE mpp_mod, ONLY: input_nml_file
USE fms_mod, ONLY: error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, NOTE, stdout, stdlog, write_version_number,&
- & file_exist, fms_error_handler, check_nml_error, get_mosaic_tile_file, lowercase
+ & fms_error_handler, check_nml_error, lowercase
USE fms_io_mod, ONLY: get_instance_filename
USE diag_axis_mod, ONLY: diag_axis_init, get_axis_length, get_axis_num, get_domain2d, get_tile_count,&
& diag_axis_add_attribute, axis_compatible_check, CENTER, NORTH, EAST
@@ -3462,7 +3461,7 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_manager_end(time)
INTEGER :: file
IF ( do_diag_field_log ) THEN
- CALL mpp_close (diag_log_unit)
+ close (diag_log_unit)
DO file = 1, num_files
CALL closing_file(file, time)
@@ -3632,16 +3631,6 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_manager_init(diag_model_subset, time_init, err_msg)
CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init', 'Using CMOR missing value ('//TRIM(err_msg_local)//').', NOTE)
- ! Issue note if attempting to set diag_manager_nml::max_files larger than
- ! mpp_get_maxunits() -- Default is 1024 set in mpp_io.F90
- IF ( max_files .GT. mpp_get_maxunits() ) THEN
- err_msg_local = ''
- WRITE (err_msg_local,'(A,I6,A,I6,A,I6,A)') "DIAG_MANAGER_NML variable 'max_files' (",max_files,") is larger than '",&
- & mpp_get_maxunits(),"'. Forcing 'max_files' to be ",mpp_get_maxunits(),"."
- CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::diag_managet_init', TRIM(err_msg_local), NOTE)
- max_files = mpp_get_maxunits()
! How to handle Out of Range Warnings.
IF ( oor_warnings_fatal ) THEN
oor_warning = FATAL
@@ -3707,7 +3696,7 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_manager_init(diag_model_subset, time_init, err_msg)
! open diag field log file
IF ( do_diag_field_log.AND.mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) THEN
- CALL mpp_open(diag_log_unit, 'diag_field_log.out', nohdrs=.TRUE.)
+ open(newunit=diag_log_unit, file='diag_field_log.out', action='WRITE')
WRITE (diag_log_unit,'(777a)') &
& 'Module', SEP, 'Field', SEP, 'Long Name', SEP,&
& 'Units', SEP, 'Number of Axis', SEP, 'Time Axis', SEP,&
diff --git a/diag_manager/diag_output.F90 b/diag_manager/diag_output.F90
index 0913b256a..afcfb5d46 100644
--- a/diag_manager/diag_output.F90
+++ b/diag_manager/diag_output.F90
@@ -34,11 +34,6 @@ MODULE diag_output_mod
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real128
use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double,c_float,c_int64_t, &
-! use_mpp_io = .false.
- USE mpp_io_mod, ONLY: axistype, fieldtype, mpp_io_init, &
- & mpp_get_id, MPP_WRONLY, MPP_OVERWR,&
- & MPP_NETCDF, MPP_MULTI, MPP_SINGLE, mpp_get_field_name, &
- & fillin_fieldtype
USE mpp_domains_mod, ONLY: domain1d, domain2d, mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_pelist,&
& mpp_get_global_domain, mpp_get_compute_domains, null_domain1d, null_domain2d,&
& domainUG, null_domainUG, CENTER, EAST, NORTH, mpp_get_compute_domain,&
@@ -62,8 +57,6 @@ MODULE diag_output_mod
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_gather
use mpp_mod, only: uppercase,lowercase
use fms2_io_mod
- use axis_utils2_mod, only: axis_edges
@@ -84,7 +77,6 @@ MODULE diag_output_mod
INTEGER :: num_axis_in_file = 0
INTEGER, DIMENSION(max_axis_num) :: axis_in_file
LOGICAL, DIMENSION(max_axis_num) :: time_axis_flag, edge_axis_flag
- TYPE(axistype), DIMENSION(max_axis_num), SAVE :: Axis_types
LOGICAL :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
@@ -92,143 +84,41 @@ MODULE diag_output_mod
character(len=*), parameter :: version = '2020.03'
!> @}
- !> Write diag field using @ref fms2_io
- !> @ingroup diag_output_mod
- interface diag_field_write
- module procedure diag_field_write_field
- module procedure diag_field_write_varname
- end interface
- !> Initialize output for writing.
- !> @ingroup diag_output_mod
- interface diag_output_init
- module procedure diag_output_init_fms2_io
- end interface
- !> Writes axis metadata to a file.
- !> @ingroup diag_output_mod
- interface write_axis_meta_data
- module procedure write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io
- end interface
- !> Writes field metadata to a file.
- !> @ingroup diag_output_mod
- interface write_field_meta_data
- module procedure write_field_meta_data_fms2_io
- end interface
- !> Private interface to write metadata for an attribute to a file.
- !!
- !> @note Added for mpp_io support
- !> @ingroup diag_output_mod
- interface write_attribute_meta
- module procedure write_attribute_meta_fms2_io
- end interface
!> @addtogroup diag_output_mod
!> @{
- !> @brief Registers the time axis and opens the output file.
- SUBROUTINE diag_output_init_fms2_io (file_name, FORMAT, file_title, file_unit,&
- & all_scalar_or_1d, domain, domainU, fileobj, fileobjU, fileobjND, fnum_domain, &
+ !> @brief Opens the output file.
+ SUBROUTINE diag_output_init (file_name, file_title, file_unit,&
+ & domain, domainU, fileobj, fileobjU, fileobjND, fnum_domain, &
& attributes)
- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: file_name !< Output file name
+ CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: file_name !< Output file name
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: file_title !< Descriptive title for the file
- INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: FORMAT !< File format (Currently only 'NETCDF' is valid)
- INTEGER , INTENT(out) :: file_unit !< File unit number assigned to the output file.
- !! Needed for subsuquent calls to
- !! diag_output_mod
- LOGICAL , INTENT(in) :: all_scalar_or_1d
- TYPE(domain2d) , INTENT(in) :: domain
- TYPE(diag_atttype), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: attributes
- TYPE(domainUG), INTENT(in) :: domainU !< The unstructure domain
- type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobjU
- type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobj
- type(FmsNetcdfFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobjND
+ INTEGER , INTENT(out) :: file_unit !< File unit number assigned to the output file.
+ !! Needed for subsuquent calls to
+ !! diag_output_mod
+ TYPE(domain2d) , INTENT(in) :: domain !< Domain associated with file, if domain decomposed
+ TYPE(domainUG) , INTENT(in) :: domainU !< The unstructure domain
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobj !< Domain decomposed fileobj
+ type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobjU !< Unstructured domain fileobj
+ type(FmsNetcdfFile_t),intent(inout),target :: fileobjND !< Non domain decomposed fileobj
+ character(*),intent(out) :: fnum_domain !< String indicating the type of fileobj was used:
+ !! "2d" domain decomposed
+ !! "ug" unstrucuted domain decomposed
+ !! "nd" no domain
+ TYPE(diag_atttype), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: attributes(:) !< Array of global attributes to be written to file
class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fileob => NULL()
- character(*),intent(out) :: fnum_domain
- INTEGER :: form, threading, fileset, i
+ integer :: i !< For looping through number of attributes
TYPE(diag_global_att_type) :: gAtt
- character(len=:),allocatable :: fname_no_tile
- integer :: len_file_name
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: current_pelist
integer :: mype !< The pe you are on
character(len=9) :: mype_string !< a string to store the pe
!---- initialize mpp_io ----
IF ( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) THEN
- CALL mpp_io_init ()
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
CALL write_version_number("DIAG_OUTPUT_MOD", version)
- !---- set up output file ----
- form = MPP_NETCDF
- threading = MPP_MULTI
- fileset = MPP_MULTI
- CASE default
- ! invalid format
- CALL error_mesg('diag_output_init', 'invalid format', FATAL)
- IF(all_scalar_or_1d) THEN
- threading = MPP_SINGLE
- fileset = MPP_SINGLE
- len_file_name = len(trim(file_name))
-!> If the file name has .tileX or .tileX.nc where X is a one or two digit tile number, removes
-!! that suffix from the time name because fms2_io will add it
-!! \note If mpp_domains accepts more than 99 tiles, this will need to be updated
- allocate(character(len=len_file_name) :: fname_no_tile)
- if (len_file_name < 6) then
- if (trim(file_name) == "tile") then
- call error_mesg('diag_output_init', 'You can not name your history file "tile"',FATAL)
- else
- fname_no_tile = trim(file_name)
- endif
- !> One-digit tile numbers example
- !! \verbatim
- !! filename.tile1.nc
- !! 09876543210
- !! ^ ^
- !! filename.tile1
- !! 09876543210
- !! ^ ^
- !! \endverbatim
- elseif (lowercase(file_name(len_file_name-4:len_file_name-1)) .eq. "tile") then
- fname_no_tile = file_name(1:len_file_name-6)
- elseif (len_file_name < 9) then
- fname_no_tile = trim(file_name)
- elseif (lowercase(file_name(len_file_name-7:len_file_name-4)) .eq. "tile") then
- fname_no_tile = file_name(1:len_file_name-9)
- !> Two-digit tile numbers example
- !! \verbatim
- !! filename.tile10.nc
- !! 09876543210
- !! ^ ^
- !! filename.tile10
- !! 09876543210
- !! ^ ^
- !! \endverbatim
- elseif (lowercase(file_name(len_file_name-5:len_file_name-2)) .eq. "tile") then
- fname_no_tile = file_name(1:len_file_name-7)
- elseif (lowercase(file_name(len_file_name-5:len_file_name-8)) .eq. "tile") then
- fname_no_tile = file_name(1:len_file_name-10)
- else
- fname_no_tile = trim(file_name)
- endif
-!> If there is a .nc suffix on the file name, removes the .nc
- if (len(trim(fname_no_tile)) > 3 ) then
- checkNC: do i = 3,len(trim(fname_no_tile))
- if (fname_no_tile(i-2:i) == ".nc") then
- fname_no_tile(i-2:i) = " "
- exit checkNC
- endif
- enddo checkNC
- endif
!> Checks to make sure that only domain2D or domainUG is used. If both are not null, then FATAL
if (domain .NE. NULL_DOMAIN2D .AND. domainU .NE. NULL_DOMAINUG)&
@@ -240,7 +130,7 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_output_init_fms2_io (file_name, FORMAT, file_title, file_unit,&
!> Check if there is an io_domain
iF ( associated(mpp_get_io_domain(domain)) ) then
fileob => fileobj
- if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) call open_check(open_file(fileobj, trim(fname_no_tile)//".nc", "overwrite", &
+ if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) call open_check(open_file(fileobj, trim(file_name)//".nc", "overwrite", &
domain, is_restart=.false.))
fnum_domain = "2d" ! 2d domain
file_unit = 2
@@ -249,7 +139,7 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_output_init_fms2_io (file_name, FORMAT, file_title, file_unit,&
mype = mpp_pe()
write(mype_string,'(I0.4)') mype
if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) then
- call open_check(open_file(fileobjND, trim(fname_no_tile)//".nc."//trim(mype_string), "overwrite", &
+ call open_check(open_file(fileobjND, trim(file_name)//".nc."//trim(mype_string), "overwrite", &
!< For regional subaxis add the NumFilesInSet attribute, which is added by fms2_io for (other)
!< domains with sufficient decomposition info. Note mppnccombine will work with an entry of zero.
@@ -260,17 +150,16 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_output_init_fms2_io (file_name, FORMAT, file_title, file_unit,&
fileob => fileobjU
- if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) call open_check(open_file(fileobjU, trim(fname_no_tile)//".nc", "overwrite", &
+ if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) call open_check(open_file(fileobjU, trim(file_name)//".nc", "overwrite", &
domainU, is_restart=.false.))
fnum_domain = "ug" ! unstructured grid
fileob => fileobjND
-! if (.not.check_if_open(fileob) .and. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
call mpp_get_current_pelist(current_pelist)
if (.not.check_if_open(fileob)) then
- call open_check(open_file(fileobjND, trim(fname_no_tile)//".nc", "overwrite", &
+ call open_check(open_file(fileobjND, trim(file_name)//".nc", "overwrite", &
pelist=current_pelist, is_restart=.false.))
fnum_domain = "nd" ! no domain
@@ -311,18 +200,17 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_output_init_fms2_io (file_name, FORMAT, file_title, file_unit,&
call register_global_attribute(fileob, 'grid_tile', TRIM(gAtt%tile_name), str_len=len_trim(gAtt%tile_name))
- END SUBROUTINE diag_output_init_fms2_io
+ END SUBROUTINE diag_output_init
!> @brief Write the axis meta data to file.
- SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_axis_registered)
+ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_axis_registered)
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< File unit number
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: axes(:) !< Array of axis ID's, including the time axis
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t) , intent(inout),target :: fileob
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t) ,pointer :: fptr
+ class(FmsNetcdfFile_t) , intent(inout) :: fileob !< FMS2_io fileobj
LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time_ops !< .TRUE. if this file contains any min, max, time_rms, or time_average
- logical, intent(inout) , optional :: time_axis_registered
- TYPE(domain1d) :: Domain
+ logical, intent(inout) , optional :: time_axis_registered !< .TRUE. if the time axis was already written to the file
+ TYPE(domain1d) :: Domain
TYPE(domainUG) :: domainU
CHARACTER(len=mxch) :: axis_name, axis_units, axis_name_current
@@ -330,20 +218,14 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
CHARACTER(len=1) :: axis_cart_name
INTEGER :: axis_direction, axis_edges
REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: axis_data(:)
- INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: axis_extent(:), pelist(:)
integer :: domain_size, axis_length, axis_pos
INTEGER :: num_attributes
TYPE(diag_atttype), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attributes
INTEGER :: calendar, id_axis, id_time_axis
INTEGER :: i, j, index, num, length, edges_index
- INTEGER :: gbegin, gend, gsize, ndivs
+ INTEGER :: gend !< End index of global io_domain
LOGICAL :: time_ops1
CHARACTER(len=2048) :: err_msg
- type(domainUG),pointer :: io_domain
- integer(I4_KIND) :: io_domain_npes
- integer(I4_KIND),dimension(:),allocatable :: io_pelist
- integer(I4_KIND),dimension(:),allocatable :: unstruct_axis_sizes
- real,dimension(:),allocatable :: unstruct_axis_data
integer :: id_axis_current
logical :: is_time_axis_registered
integer :: istart, iend
@@ -355,7 +237,6 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
! Make sure err_msg is initialized
err_msg = ''
- fptr => fileob !Use for selecting a type
IF ( PRESENT(time_ops) ) THEN
time_ops1 = time_ops
@@ -405,242 +286,88 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
& num_attributes, attributes, domain_position=axis_pos)
IF ( Domain .NE. null_domain1d ) THEN
- IF ( length > 0 ) THEN
- if (trim(uppercase(trim(axis_cart_name))) .eq. "X" .or. trim(uppercase(trim(axis_cart_name))) .eq. "Y") then
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, lowercase(trim(axis_cart_name)), domain_position=axis_pos )
- if (allocated(fptr%pelist)) then
- call get_global_io_domain_indices(fptr, trim(axis_name), istart, iend)
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data(istart:iend) )
- endif
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t) !< For regional X and Y axes, treat as any other axis
- call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, begin=gstart, end=gend) !< Get the global indicies
- call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain, begin=cstart, end=cend, size=clength) !< Get the compute indicies
- iend = cend - gstart + 1 !< Get the array indicies for the axis data
- istart = cstart - gstart + 1
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, dimension_length=clength)
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- !< For regional subaxis add the "domain_decomposition" attribute, which is added
- !< fms2_io for (other) domains with sufficient decomposition info.
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "domain_decomposition", &
- (/gstart, gend, cstart, cend/))
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data(istart:iend) )
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "The file object is not the right type. It must be FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t or "//&
- "FmsNetcdfFile_t for a X or Y axis, ", FATAL)
- end select
- endif
+ select type (fileob)
+ type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
+ !> If the axis is domain decomposed and the type is FmsNetcdfFile_t, this is regional diagnostic
+ !! So treat it as any other dimension
+ call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, begin=gstart, end=gend) !< Get the global indicies
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain, begin=cstart, end=cend, size=clength) !< Get the compute indicies
+ iend = cend - gstart + 1 !< Get the array indicies for the axis data
+ istart = cstart - gstart + 1
+ call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, dimension_length=clength)
+ call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
+ !> For regional subaxis add the "domain_decomposition" attribute, which is added
+ !> fms2_io for (other) domains with sufficient decomposition info.
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "domain_decomposition", &
+ (/gstart, gend, cstart, cend/))
+ type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
+ !> If the axis is domain decomposed and the type is FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, this is a domain decomposed dimension
+ !! so register it as one
+ call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, lowercase(trim(axis_cart_name)), domain_position=axis_pos )
+ call get_global_io_domain_indices(fileob, trim(axis_name), istart, iend)
+ call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
+ end select
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, lowercase(trim(axis_cart_name)), domain_position=axis_pos )
- if (allocated(fptr%pelist)) then
- call get_global_io_domain_indices(fptr, trim(axis_name), istart, iend)
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- endif
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name )
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, dimension_length=size(axis_data))
- if (allocated(fptr%pelist)) then
-! call get_global_io_domain_indices(fptr, trim(axis_name), istart, iend)
- istart = lbound(axis_data,1)
- iend = ubound(axis_data,1)
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- endif
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "The FmsNetcdfDomain file object is not the right type.", FATAL)
- end select
- call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fileob, axis_name, axis_data(istart:iend) )
+ ELSE IF ( DomainU .NE. null_domainUG) THEN
+ select type(fileob)
+ type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
+ !> If the axis is in unstructured domain and the type is FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t, this is an unstrucutred axis
+ !! so register it as one
+ call register_axis(fileob, axis_name )
+ end select
+ call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
+ istart = lbound(axis_data,1)
+ iend = ubound(axis_data,1)
- IF ( length > 0 ) THEN
- !For an unstructured dimension, only the root rank of the io_domain
- !pelist will perform the wirte, so a gather of the unstructured
- !axis size and axis data is required.
- if (uppercase(trim(axis_cart_name)) .eq. "U") then
- if (DomainU .eq. null_domainUG) then
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "A non-nul domainUG is required to" &
- //" write unstructured axis metadata.", &
- endif
- io_domain => null()
- io_domain => mpp_get_UG_io_domain(DomainU)
- io_domain_npes = mpp_get_UG_domain_npes(io_domain)
- allocate(io_pelist(io_domain_npes))
- call mpp_get_UG_domain_pelist(io_domain, &
- io_pelist)
- allocate(unstruct_axis_sizes(io_domain_npes))
- unstruct_axis_sizes = 0
- call mpp_gather((/size(axis_data)/), &
- unstruct_axis_sizes, &
- io_pelist)
- if (mpp_pe() .eq. io_pelist(1)) then
- allocate(unstruct_axis_data(sum(unstruct_axis_sizes)))
- else
- allocate(unstruct_axis_data(1))
- endif
- unstruct_axis_data = 0.0
- call mpp_gather(axis_data, &
- size(axis_data), &
- unstruct_axis_data, &
- unstruct_axis_sizes, &
- io_pelist)
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "The file unstructred 1 object is not the right type.", NOTE)
- end select
- deallocate(io_pelist)
- deallocate(unstruct_axis_sizes)
- deallocate(unstruct_axis_data)
- io_domain => null()
- else
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- if (.not.variable_exists(fptr, axis_name)) then
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- endif
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
- if (.not.variable_exists(fptr, axis_name)) then
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- endif
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "The file object is not the right type.", FATAL)
- end select
- endif
-!> @note Check if the time variable is registered. It's possible that is_time_axis_registered is set to true if using
-!! time-templated files because they aren't closed when done writing. An alternative to this set up would be to put
-!! variable_exists into the if statement with an .or. so that it gets registered.
- is_time_axis_registered = variable_exists(fptr,trim(axis_name),.true.)
- if (allocated(fptr%pelist) .and. .not. is_time_axis_registered) then
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, trim(axis_name), unlimited )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- is_time_axis_registered = .true.
- if (present(time_axis_registered)) time_axis_registered = is_time_axis_registered
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- is_time_axis_registered = .true.
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, trim(axis_name), unlimited )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- is_time_axis_registered = .true.
- if (present(time_axis_registered)) time_axis_registered = is_time_axis_registered
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "The file object is not the right type.", FATAL)
- end select
- endif
+ !> If the axis is not in a domain, register it as a normal dimension
+ call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, dimension_length=size(axis_data))
+ call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
+ istart = lbound(axis_data,1)
+ iend = ubound(axis_data,1)
+ ENDIF !! IF ( Domain .NE. null_domain1d )
+ if (length <= 0) then
+ !> @note Check if the time variable is registered. It's possible that is_time_axis_registered is set to true if using
+ !! time-templated files because they aren't closed when done writing. An alternative to this set up would be to put
+ !! variable_exists into the if statement with an .or. so that it gets registered.
+ is_time_axis_registered = variable_exists(fileob,trim(axis_name),.true.)
+ if (.not. is_time_axis_registered) then
+ call register_axis(fileob, trim(axis_name), unlimited )
+ call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
+ is_time_axis_registered = .true.
+ if (present(time_axis_registered)) time_axis_registered = is_time_axis_registered
+ endif !! if (.not. is_time_axis_registered)
+ endif !! if (length <= 0)
+ !> Add the attributes
+ if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
+ if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
+ if (length > 0 ) then
+ !> If not a time axis, add the positive attribute and write the data
+ select case (axis_direction)
+ case (1)
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
+ case (-1)
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
+ end select
+ call write_data(fileob, axis_name, axis_data(istart:iend) )
+ endif
- ! Write axis attributes
- id_axis = mpp_get_id(Axis_types(num_axis_in_file))
- CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, id_axis, num_attributes, attributes, err_msg, varname=axis_name, fileob=fileob)
+ !> Write additional axis attributes, from diag_axis_add_attribute calls
+ CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, num_attributes, attributes, err_msg, varname=axis_name, fileob=fileob)
IF ( LEN_TRIM(err_msg) .GT. 0 ) THEN
CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data', TRIM(err_msg), FATAL)
- !---- write additional attribute (calendar_type) for time axis ----
- !---- NOTE: calendar attribute is compliant with CF convention
- !---- http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/netcdf/CF-current.htm#cal
+ !> Write additional attribute (calendar_type) for time axis ----
+ !> @note calendar attribute is compliant with CF convention
+ !! http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/netcdf/CF-current.htm#cal
IF ( axis_cart_name == 'T' ) THEN
time_axis_flag(num_axis_in_file) = .TRUE.
- id_time_axis = mpp_get_id(Axis_types(num_axis_in_file))
+ id_time_axis = num_axis_in_file
calendar = get_calendar_type()
@@ -649,7 +376,6 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "calendar", &
lowercase(TRIM(valid_calendar_types(calendar))), str_len=len_trim(valid_calendar_types(calendar)) )
IF ( time_ops1 ) THEN
call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, 'bounds', TRIM(axis_name)//'_bnds', str_len=len_trim(TRIM(axis_name)//'_bnds'))
call set_fileobj_time_name(fileob, axis_name)
@@ -659,7 +385,7 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
- ! Deallocate attributes
+ !> Deallocate attributes
IF ( ALLOCATED(attributes) ) THEN
DO j=1, num_attributes
IF ( allocated(attributes(j)%fatt ) ) THEN
@@ -688,7 +414,7 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
length = get_axis_global_length ( id_axis )
CALL get_diag_axis(id_axis, axis_name, axis_units, axis_long_name, axis_cart_name,&
- & axis_direction, axis_edges, Domain, DomainU, axis_data, num_attributes, attributes)
+ & axis_direction, axis_edges, Domain, DomainU, axis_data)
! ---- write edges attribute to original axis ----
call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name_current, "edges",trim(axis_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_name))
@@ -699,101 +425,30 @@ SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io(file_unit, axes, fileob, time_ops, time_
edge_axis_flag(num_axis_in_file) = .TRUE.
time_axis_flag (num_axis_in_file) = .FALSE.
- ! ---- write edges axis to file ----
- IF ( Domain .NE. null_domain1d ) THEN
- ! assume domain decomposition is irregular and loop through all prev and next
- ! domain pointers extracting domain extents. Assume all pes are used in
- ! decomposition
- CALL mpp_get_global_domain(Domain, begin=gbegin, END=gend, size=gsize)
- CALL mpp_get_layout(Domain, ndivs)
- IF ( ndivs .NE. 1 ) THEN
- IF ( ALLOCATED(axis_extent) ) DEALLOCATE(axis_extent)
- ALLOCATE(axis_extent(0:ndivs-1))
- CALL mpp_get_compute_domains(Domain,size=axis_extent(0:ndivs-1))
- gend=gend+1
- axis_extent(ndivs-1)= axis_extent(ndivs-1)+1
- IF ( ALLOCATED(pelist) ) DEALLOCATE(pelist)
- ALLOCATE(pelist(0:ndivs-1))
- CALL mpp_get_pelist(Domain,pelist)
!> Add edges axis with fms2_io
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- if (.not.variable_exists(fptr, axis_name)) then
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- endif
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
- if (.not.variable_exists(fptr, axis_name)) then
- call register_axis(fptr, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
- call register_field(fptr, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
- if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
- if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
- select case (axis_direction)
- case (1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
- case (-1)
- call register_variable_attribute(fptr, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
- end select
- call write_data(fptr, axis_name, axis_data)
- endif
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data", &
- "The file object unstructured 2 is not the right type.", FATAL)
- end select
- ! Write edge axis attributes
- id_axis = mpp_get_id(Axis_types(num_axis_in_file))
-! CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, id_axis, num_attributes, attributes, err_msg)
- IF ( LEN_TRIM(err_msg) .GT. 0 ) THEN
- CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_axis_meta_data', TRIM(err_msg), FATAL)
+ if (.not.variable_exists(fileob, axis_name)) then
+ call register_axis(fileob, axis_name, size(axis_data) )
+ call register_field(fileob, axis_name, type_str, (/axis_name/) )
+ if(trim(axis_units) .ne. "none") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "units", trim(axis_units), str_len=len_trim(axis_units))
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "long_name", trim(axis_long_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_long_name))
+ if(trim(axis_cart_name).ne."N") call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "axis",trim(axis_cart_name), str_len=len_trim(axis_cart_name))
+ select case (axis_direction)
+ case (1)
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "up", str_len=len_trim("up"))
+ case (-1)
+ call register_variable_attribute(fileob, axis_name, "positive", "down", str_len=len_trim("down"))
+ end select
+ call write_data(fileob, axis_name, axis_data)
+ endif !! if (.not.variable_exists(fileob, axis_name))
DEALLOCATE (axis_data)
- ! Deallocate attributes
- IF ( ALLOCATED(attributes) ) THEN
- DO j=1, num_attributes
- IF ( allocated(attributes(j)%fatt ) ) THEN
- DEALLOCATE(attributes(j)%fatt)
- IF ( allocated(attributes(j)%iatt ) ) THEN
- DEALLOCATE(attributes(j)%iatt)
- DEALLOCATE(attributes)
- END SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data_fms2_io
+ END SUBROUTINE write_axis_meta_data
!> @brief Write the field meta data to file.
!! @return diag_fieldtype Field
!! @details The meta data for the field is written to the file indicated by file_unit
- FUNCTION write_field_meta_data_fms2_io ( file_unit, name, axes, units, long_name, range, pack, mval,&
+ FUNCTION write_field_meta_data ( file_unit, name, axes, units, long_name, range, pack, mval,&
& avg_name, time_method, standard_name, interp_method, attributes, num_attributes, &
& use_UGdomain, fileob) result ( Field )
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< Output file unit number
@@ -937,45 +592,9 @@ FUNCTION write_field_meta_data_fms2_io ( file_unit, name, axes, units, long_name
Field%miss_pack_present = .FALSE.
- !------ write meta data and return fieldtype -------
-!!! Fill in mpp fieldtype for field%field
- IF ( use_range ) THEN
- IF ( Field%miss_present ) THEN
- CALL fillin_fieldtype( Field%Field,&
- & Axis_types(axis_indices(1:num)),&
- & name, units, long_name,&
- & RANGE(1), RANGE(2),&
- & missing=Field%miss_pack,&
- & fill=Field%miss_pack,&
- & scale=scale, add=add, pack=ipack,&
- & time_method=time_method)
- CALL fillin_fieldtype( Field%Field,&
- & Axis_types(axis_indices(1:num)),&
- & name, units, long_name,&
- & RANGE(1), RANGE(2),&
- & missing=CMOR_MISSING_VALUE,&
- & scale=scale, add=add, pack=ipack,&
- & time_method=time_method)
- IF ( Field%miss_present ) THEN
- CALL fillin_fieldtype( Field%Field,&
- & Axis_types(axis_indices(1:num)),&
- & name, units, long_name,&
- & missing=Field%miss_pack,&
- & fill=Field%miss_pack,&
- & pack=ipack, time_method=time_method)
- CALL fillin_fieldtype( Field%Field,&
- & Axis_types(axis_indices(1:num)),&
- & name, units, long_name,&
- & missing=CMOR_MISSING_VALUE,&
- & pack=ipack, time_method=time_method)
+ !< Save the fieldname in the diag_fieldtype, so it can be used later
+ field%fieldname = name
if (.not. variable_exists(fileob,name)) then
! ipack Valid values:
! 1 = 64bit
@@ -1029,7 +648,7 @@ FUNCTION write_field_meta_data_fms2_io ( file_unit, name, axes, units, long_name
IF ( PRESENT(num_attributes) ) THEN
IF ( PRESENT(attributes) ) THEN
IF ( num_attributes .GT. 0 .AND. allocated(attributes) ) THEN
- CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, mpp_get_id(Field%Field), num_attributes, attributes, time_method, err_msg, fileob=fileob, varname=name)
+ CALL write_attribute_meta(file_unit, num_attributes, attributes, time_method, err_msg, fileob=fileob, varname=name)
IF ( LEN_TRIM(err_msg) .GT. 0 ) THEN
CALL error_mesg('diag_output_mod::write_field_meta_data',&
& TRIM(err_msg)//" Contact the developers.", FATAL)
@@ -1084,20 +703,19 @@ FUNCTION write_field_meta_data_fms2_io ( file_unit, name, axes, units, long_name
Field%tile_count = get_tile_count ( axes )
Field%DomainU = get_domainUG ( axes(1) )
- END FUNCTION write_field_meta_data_fms2_io
+ END FUNCTION write_field_meta_data
!> \brief Write out attribute meta data to file
!! Write out the attribute meta data to file, for field and axes
- SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta_fms2_io(file_unit, id, num_attributes, attributes, time_method, err_msg, varname, fileob)
+ SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta(file_unit, num_attributes, attributes, time_method, err_msg, varname, fileob)
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file_unit !< File unit number
- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id !< ID of field, file, axis to get attribute meta data
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_attributes !< Number of attributes to write
TYPE(diag_atttype), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: attributes !< Array of attributes
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time_method !< To include in cell_methods attribute if present
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg !< Return error message
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: varname !< The name of the variable
-class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileob
+ class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileob !< FMS2_io fileobj
INTEGER :: i, att_len
CHARACTER(len=1280) :: att_str
@@ -1143,7 +761,7 @@ SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta_fms2_io(file_unit, id, num_attributes, attribute
- END SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta_fms2_io
+ END SUBROUTINE write_attribute_meta
!> @brief Writes axis data to file.
!! @details Writes axis data to file. This subroutine is to be called once per file
@@ -1158,95 +776,26 @@ SUBROUTINE done_meta_data(file_unit)
num_axis_in_file = 0
END SUBROUTINE done_meta_data
- !> @brief Outputs the diagnostic data to a file using fms2_io taking a field object as input
- subroutine diag_field_write_field (field, buffer, static, fileob, file_num, fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, fnum_for_domain, time_in)
- TYPE(diag_fieldtype), INTENT(inout) :: Field !<
- REAL , INTENT(inout) :: buffer(:,:,:,:)
- logical, intent(in), optional :: static
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), optional, intent(inout),target :: fileob
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fptr => null()
- integer, intent(in), optional :: file_num
- type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t),intent(inout), optional :: fileobjU(:)
- type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t),intent(inout), optional:: fileobj(:)
- type(FmsNetcdfFile_t),intent(inout), optional:: fileobjND(:)
- character(len=2), intent(in), optional :: fnum_for_domain
- INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: time_in
- integer :: time
- if (present(static)) then
- if (static) time = 0
- elseif (present(time_in)) then
- time = time_in
- else
- time = 0
- endif
- if (present(fileob)) then !> Write output to the fileob file
- fptr => fileob
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
- call write_data (fptr,trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)),buffer)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- call write_data (fptr,trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)),buffer)
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call write_data (fptr,trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)),buffer)
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","fileob passed in is not one of the FmsNetcdfFile_t types",fatal)
- end select
- elseif (present(file_num) .and. present(fileobjU) .and. present(fileobjND) .and. present(fileobj) .and. present(fnum_for_domain)) then
- !> Figure out which file object to write output to
-! if (fnum_for_domain == "2d" .or. fnum_for_domain == "nd") then
- if (fnum_for_domain == "2d" ) then
- if (check_if_open(fileobj(file_num))) then
- if (time == 0) then
- call write_data (fileobj (file_num), trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)), buffer)
- else
- call write_data (fileobj (file_num), trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)), buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
- endif
- endif
- elseif (fnum_for_domain == "nd") then
- if (check_if_open(fileobjND (file_num)) ) then
- if (time == 0) then
- call write_data (fileobjND (file_num), trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)), buffer)
- else
- call write_data (fileobjND (file_num), trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)), buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
- endif
- endif
- elseif (fnum_for_domain == "ug") then
- if (time == 0) then
- call write_data (fileobjU(file_num), trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)), buffer)
- else
- call write_data (fileobjU(file_num), trim(mpp_get_field_name(field%field)), buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
- endif
- else
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","No file object is associated with this file number",fatal)
- endif
- elseif (present(file_num) ) then
- write (6,*) present(file_num) ,present(fileobjU) , present(fileobjND) , present(fileobj) , present(fnum_for_domain)
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","When FILE_NUM is used to determine which file object to use,"&
- //" You must also include fileobjU, fileobj, fileonjND, and fnum_for_domain",fatal)
- else
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","You must include a fileob or a file_num.",fatal)
- endif
- end subroutine diag_field_write_field
!> \brief Writes diagnostic data out using fms2_io routine.
- subroutine diag_field_write_varname (varname, buffer, static, fileob, file_num, fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, fnum_for_domain, time_in)
- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: varname !<
- REAL , INTENT(inout) :: buffer(:,:,:,:)
- logical, intent(in), optional :: static
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout), optional, target :: fileob
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fptr => null()
- integer, intent(in), optional :: file_num
- type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t),intent(inout), optional :: fileobjU(:)
- type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t),intent(inout), optional:: fileobj(:)
- type(FmsNetcdfFile_t),intent(inout), optional:: fileobjND(:)
- character(len=2), intent(in), optional :: fnum_for_domain
- INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: time_in
- integer :: time
+ subroutine diag_field_write (varname, buffer, static, file_num, fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, fnum_for_domain, time_in)
+ CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: varname !< Variable name
+ REAL , INTENT(inout) :: buffer(:,:,:,:) !< Buffer containing the variable data
+ logical, intent(in) :: static !< Flag indicating if a variable is static
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_num !< Index in the fileobj* types array
+ type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobjU(:) !< Array of non domain decomposed fileobj
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobj(:) !< Array of domain decomposed fileobj
+ type(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileobjND(:) !< Array of unstructured domain fileobj
+ character(len=2), intent(in) :: fnum_for_domain !< String indicating the type of domain
+ !! "2d" domain decomposed
+ !! "ug" unstructured domain decomposed
+ !! "nd" no domain
+ INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: time_in !< Time index
+ integer :: time !< Time index
real,allocatable :: local_buffer(:,:,:,:) !< Buffer containing the data will be sent to fms2io
!> Set up the time. Static field and default time is 0
- if (present(static) .and. static) then
+ if ( static ) then
time = 0
elseif (present(time_in)) then
time = time_in
@@ -1254,9 +803,14 @@ subroutine diag_field_write_varname (varname, buffer, static, fileob, file_num,
time = 0
- !> If the variable is 2D, switch the n_diurnal_samples and nz dimension, so local_buffer has
- !! dimension (nx, ny, n_diurnal_samples, nz).
- if (size(buffer,3) .eq. 1) then
+ if (size(buffer,3) .eq. 1 .and. size(buffer,2) .eq. 1) then
+ !> If the variable is 1D, switch the buffer so that n_diurnal_samples is
+ !! the second dimension (nx, n_diurnal_samples, 1, 1)
+ allocate(local_buffer(size(buffer,1),size(buffer,4),size(buffer,2),size(buffer,3)))
+ local_buffer(:,:,1,1) = buffer(:,1,1,:)
+ else if (size(buffer,3) .eq. 1) then
+ !> If the variable is 2D, switch the n_diurnal_samples and nz dimension, so local_buffer has
+ !! dimension (nx, ny, n_diurnal_samples, 1).
local_buffer(:,:,:,1) = buffer(:,:,1,:)
@@ -1264,49 +818,34 @@ subroutine diag_field_write_varname (varname, buffer, static, fileob, file_num,
local_buffer = buffer(:,:,:,:)
- if (present(fileob)) then !> Write output to the fileob file
- fptr => fileob
- select type (fptr)
- type is (FmsNetcdfFile_t)
- call write_data (fptr,trim(varname),local_buffer)
- type is (FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t)
- call write_data (fptr,trim(varname),local_buffer)
- type is (FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t)
- call write_data (fptr,trim(varname),local_buffer)
- class default
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","fileob passed in is not one of the FmsNetcdfFile_t types",fatal)
- end select
- elseif (present(file_num) .and. present(fileobjU) .and. present(fileobj) .and. present(fileobjND) .and. present(fnum_for_domain)) then
!> Figure out which file object to write output to
- if (fnum_for_domain == "2d" ) then
- if (check_if_open(fileobj(file_num))) then
- call write_data (fileobj (file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time )
- endif
- elseif (fnum_for_domain == "nd") then
- if (check_if_open(fileobjND (file_num)) ) then
- call write_data (fileobjND (file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
- endif
- elseif (fnum_for_domain == "ug") then
- call write_data (fileobjU(file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
- else
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","No file object is associated with this file number",fatal)
- endif
- elseif (present(file_num) ) then
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","When FILE_NUM is used to determine which file object to use,"&
- //" You must also include fileobjU, fileobj, and fnum_for_domain",fatal)
+ if (fnum_for_domain == "2d" ) then
+ if (check_if_open(fileobj(file_num))) then
+ call write_data (fileobj (file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time )
+ endif
+ elseif (fnum_for_domain == "nd") then
+ if (check_if_open(fileobjND (file_num)) ) then
+ call write_data (fileobjND (file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
+ endif
+ elseif (fnum_for_domain == "ug") then
+ if (check_if_open(fileobjU(file_num))) then
+ call write_data (fileobjU(file_num), trim(varname), local_buffer, unlim_dim_level=time)
+ endif
- call error_mesg("diag_field_write","You must include a fileob or a file_num.",fatal)
+ call error_mesg("diag_field_write","fnum_for_domain must be '2d', 'nd', or 'ug'",fatal)
- end subroutine diag_field_write_varname
+ end subroutine diag_field_write
!> \brief Writes the time data to the history file
subroutine diag_write_time (fileob,rtime_value,time_index,time_name)
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout),target :: fileob !< fms2_io file object
- class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fptr => null()
- real, intent(in) :: rtime_value !< The value of time to be written
- integer, intent(in) :: time_index !< The index of the time variable
- character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: time_name !< The name of the time variable
- character(len=:),allocatable :: name_time !< The name of the time variable
+ class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(inout) :: fileob !< fms2_io file object
+ real, intent(in) :: rtime_value !< The value of time to be written
+ integer, intent(in) :: time_index !< The index of the time variable
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time_name !< The name of the time variable
+ character(len=:),allocatable :: name_time !< The name of the time variable
!> Get the name of the time variable
if (present(time_name)) then
allocate(character(len=len(time_name)) :: name_time)
@@ -1319,7 +858,6 @@ subroutine diag_write_time (fileob,rtime_value,time_index,time_name)
call write_data (fileob, trim(name_time), rtime_value, unlim_dim_level=time_index)
!> Cleanup
if (allocated(name_time)) deallocate(name_time)
- if (associated(fptr)) nullify(fptr)
end subroutine diag_write_time
!> @brief Return the axis index number.
diff --git a/diag_manager/diag_table.F90 b/diag_manager/diag_table.F90
index 587472c85..bd56b324f 100644
--- a/diag_manager/diag_table.F90
+++ b/diag_manager/diag_table.F90
@@ -221,9 +221,8 @@
MODULE diag_table_mod
- USE mpp_io_mod, ONLY: mpp_open, MPP_RDONLY
- USE mpp_mod, ONLY: read_ascii_file, get_ascii_file_num_lines
- USE fms_mod, ONLY: fms_error_handler, error_mesg, file_exist, stdlog, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, FATAL, WARNING, lowercase, close_file
+ USE fms2_io_mod, ONLY: ascii_read
+ USE fms_mod, ONLY: fms_error_handler, error_mesg, stdlog, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, FATAL, WARNING, lowercase
USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: get_calendar_type, NO_CALENDAR, set_date, set_time, month_name, time_type
@@ -309,7 +308,7 @@ SUBROUTINE parse_diag_table(diag_subset, istat, err_msg)
CHARACTER(len=9) :: amonth !< Month name
CHARACTER(len=256) :: record_line !< Current line from the diag_table.
CHARACTER(len=256) :: local_err_msg !< Sting to hold local error messages.
+ CHARACTER(len=:), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: diag_table
TYPE(file_description_type) :: temp_file
TYPE(field_description_type) :: temp_field
@@ -331,10 +330,8 @@ SUBROUTINE parse_diag_table(diag_subset, istat, err_msg)
! get the stdlog unit number
stdlog_unit = stdlog()
- num_lines = get_ascii_file_num_lines('diag_table', DT_LINE_LENGTH)
- allocate(diag_table(num_lines))
- call read_ascii_file('diag_table', DT_LINE_LENGTH, diag_table)
+ call ascii_read('diag_table', diag_table, num_lines=num_lines)
! Read in the global file labeling string
READ (UNIT=diag_table(1), FMT=*, IOSTAT=mystat) global_descriptor
@@ -472,40 +469,6 @@ SUBROUTINE parse_diag_table(diag_subset, istat, err_msg)
END SUBROUTINE parse_diag_table
- !> @brief Open the diag_table file, and return the Fortran file unit number.
- SUBROUTINE open_diag_table(iunit, iostat, err_msg)
- INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: iunit !< Fortran file unit number of the diag_table.
- INTEGER, INTENT(out), OPTIONAL, TARGET :: iostat !< Status of opening file. If iostat == 0, file exists.
- !! If iostat > 0, the diag_table file does not exist.
- CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg !< String to hold the return error message.
- INTEGER, TARGET :: mystat
- IF ( PRESENT(iostat) ) THEN
- pstat => iostat
- pstat => mystat
- IF ( .NOT.file_exist('diag_table') ) THEN
- pstat = 1
- IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_table_mod::open_diag_table',&
- & 'diag_table file does not exist.', err_msg) ) RETURN
- pstat = 0
- CALL mpp_open(iunit, 'diag_table', action=MPP_RDONLY)
- END SUBROUTINE open_diag_table
- !> @brief Closes the diag_table file.
- SUBROUTINE close_diag_table(iunit)
- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iunit !< Fortran file unit number of the diag_table.
- CALL close_file(iunit)
- END SUBROUTINE close_diag_table
!> @brief parse_file_line parses a file description line from the diag_table file, and returns a
!! TYPE(file_description_type). The calling function, would then need to call the init_file to initialize
!! the diagnostic output file.
diff --git a/diag_manager/diag_util.F90 b/diag_manager/diag_util.F90
index 07ad463c0..618702c30 100644
--- a/diag_manager/diag_util.F90
+++ b/diag_manager/diag_util.F90
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ MODULE diag_util_mod
& write_version_number, do_cf_compliance
USE fms_io_mod, ONLY: get_tile_string, return_domain, string
USE fms2_io_mod, ONLY: fms2_io_get_instance_filename => get_instance_filename
- USE fms_io_mod, ONLY: mpp_io_get_instance_filename => get_instance_filename
USE mpp_domains_mod,ONLY: domain1d, domain2d, mpp_get_compute_domain, null_domain1d, null_domain2d,&
& OPERATOR(.NE.), OPERATOR(.EQ.), mpp_modify_domain, mpp_get_domain_components,&
& mpp_get_ntile_count, mpp_get_current_ntile, mpp_get_tile_id, mpp_mosaic_defined, mpp_get_tile_npes,&
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ MODULE diag_util_mod
USE time_manager_mod,ONLY: time_type, OPERATOR(==), OPERATOR(>), NO_CALENDAR, increment_date,&
& increment_time, get_calendar_type, get_date, get_time, leap_year, OPERATOR(-),&
- USE mpp_io_mod, ONLY: mpp_close
USE mpp_mod, ONLY: mpp_npes
USE fms_io_mod, ONLY: get_mosaic_tile_file_ug
@@ -1546,7 +1544,6 @@ SUBROUTINE opening_file(file, time, filename_time)
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: axesc(:) ! indices if compressed axes associated with the field
LOGICAL :: time_ops, aux_present, match_aux_name, req_present, match_req_fields
- LOGICAL :: all_scalar_or_1d
CHARACTER(len=7) :: prefix
CHARACTER(len=7) :: avg_name = 'average'
CHARACTER(len=128) :: time_units, timeb_units, avg, error_string, filename, aux_name, req_fields, fieldname
@@ -1560,6 +1557,7 @@ SUBROUTINE opening_file(file, time, filename_time)
INTEGER :: is, ie, last, ind
character(len=2) :: fnum_domain
class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), pointer :: fileob
+ integer :: actual_num_axes !< The actual number of axes to write including time
aux_present = .FALSE.
match_aux_name = .FALSE.
@@ -1611,13 +1609,11 @@ SUBROUTINE opening_file(file, time, filename_time)
! JWD: This is a klooge; need something more robust
domain2 = NULL_DOMAIN2D
- all_scalar_or_1d = .TRUE.
DO j = 1, files(file)%num_fields
field_num = files(file)%fields(j)
if (output_fields(field_num)%local_output .AND. .NOT. output_fields(field_num)%need_compute) CYCLE
num_axes = output_fields(field_num)%num_axes
IF ( num_axes > 1 ) THEN
- all_scalar_or_1d = .FALSE.
domain2 = get_domain2d ( output_fields(field_num)%axes(1:num_axes) )
domainU = get_domainUG ( output_fields(field_num)%axes(1) )
IF ( domain2 .NE. NULL_DOMAIN2D ) EXIT
@@ -1628,63 +1624,20 @@ SUBROUTINE opening_file(file, time, filename_time)
- IF (.NOT. all_scalar_or_1d) THEN
- IF (domainU .NE. null_domainUG .AND. domain2 .NE. null_domain2D) THEN
- CALL error_mesg('diag_util_mod::opening_file', &
- 'Domain2 and DomainU are somehow both set.', &
+ IF (domainU .NE. null_domainUG .AND. domain2 .NE. null_domain2D) THEN
+ CALL error_mesg('diag_util_mod::opening_file', &
+ 'Domain2 and DomainU are somehow both set.', &
- ELSEIF (domainU .EQ. null_domainUG) THEN
- IF (domain2 .EQ. NULL_DOMAIN2D) THEN
- CALL return_domain(domain2)
- IF (domain2 .EQ. NULL_DOMAIN2D) THEN
- !Fix for the corner-case when you have a file that contains
- !2D field(s) that is not associated with a domain tile, as
- !is usually assumed.
- !This is very confusing, but I will try to explain. The
- !all_scalar_or_1d flag determines if the file name is associated
- !with a domain (i.e. has ".tilex." in the file name). A value
- !of .FALSE. for the all_scalar_or_1d flag signals that the
- !file name is associated with a domain tile. Normally,
- !files that contain at least one two-dimensional field are
- !assumed to be associated with a specific domain tile, and
- !thus have the value of the all_scalar_or_1d flag set to
- !.FALSE. It is possible, however, to have a file that contains
- !two-dimensional fields that is not associated with a domain tile
- !(i.e., if you make it into this branch.). If that is the
- !case, then reset the all_scalar_or_1d flag back to .TRUE.
- !Got that?
- all_scalar_or_1d = .TRUE.
- ntileMe = mpp_get_current_ntile(domain2)
- ALLOCATE(tile_id(ntileMe))
- tile_id = mpp_get_tile_id(domain2)
- fname = TRIM(filename)
- IF ( mpp_get_ntile_count(domain2) > 1 ) THEN
- CALL get_tile_string(filename, TRIM(fname)//'.tile' , tile_id(files(file)%tile_count))
- ELSEIF ( tile_id(1) > 1 ) then
- CALL get_tile_string(filename, TRIM(fname)//'.tile' , tile_id(1))
- DEALLOCATE(tile_id)
- IF ( domainU .ne. null_domainUG) then
- fname = TRIM(filename)
- CALL get_mosaic_tile_file_ug(fname,filename,domainU)
IF ( allocated(files(file)%attributes) ) THEN
- CALL diag_output_init(filename, files(file)%format, global_descriptor,&
- & files(file)%file_unit, all_scalar_or_1d, domain2, domainU,&
+ CALL diag_output_init(filename, global_descriptor,&
+ & files(file)%file_unit, domain2, domainU,&
& fileobj(file),fileobjU(file), fileobjND(file), fnum_for_domain(file),&
& attributes=files(file)%attributes(1:files(file)%num_attributes))
- CALL diag_output_init(filename, files(file)%format, global_descriptor,&
- & files(file)%file_unit, all_scalar_or_1d, domain2,domainU, &
+ CALL diag_output_init(filename, global_descriptor,&
+ & files(file)%file_unit, domain2,domainU, &
& fileobj(file),fileobjU(file),fileobjND(file),fnum_for_domain(file))
!> update fnum_for_domain with the correct domain
@@ -1760,43 +1713,37 @@ SUBROUTINE opening_file(file, time, filename_time)
files(file)%is_time_axis_registered = .false.
+ if (time_ops) then
+ !< If the file contains time_average fields write the "time" and "nv" dimension
+ actual_num_axes = num_axes + 2
+ axes(num_axes + 2) = files(file)%time_bounds_id
+ else
+ !< If the file doesn't contain time_average fields write the "time" dimension
+ actual_num_axes = num_axes + 1
+ endif
if (fnum_for_domain(file) == "2d") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 1),fileobj(file), time_ops=time_ops, &
+ CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:actual_num_axes),fileobj(file), time_ops=time_ops, &
elseif (fnum_for_domain(file) == "nd") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 1),fileobjnd(file), time_ops=time_ops, &
+ CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:actual_num_axes),fileobjnd(file), time_ops=time_ops, &
elseif (fnum_for_domain(file) == "ug") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 1),fileobjU(file), time_ops=time_ops, &
+ CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:actual_num_axes),fileobjU(file), time_ops=time_ops, &
- IF ( time_ops ) THEN
- axes(num_axes + 2) = files(file)%time_bounds_id
- if (fnum_for_domain(file) == "2d") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 2),fileobj(file), &
- time_axis_registered=files(file)%is_time_axis_registered)
- elseif (fnum_for_domain(file) == "nd") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 2),fileobjND(file), &
- time_axis_registered=files(file)%is_time_axis_registered)
- elseif (fnum_for_domain(file) == "ug") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 2),fileobjU(file), &
- time_axis_registered=files(file)%is_time_axis_registered)
- endif
! write metadata for axes used in compression-by-gathering, e.g. for unstructured
! grid
DO k = 1, num_axes
IF (axis_is_compressed(axes(k))) THEN
CALL get_compressed_axes_ids(axes(k), axesc) ! returns allocatable array
- if (fnum_for_domain(file) == "2d" ) then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axesc,fileobj(file), &
- time_axis_registered=files(file)%is_time_axis_registered)
- elseif (fnum_for_domain(file) == "nd") then
- CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axesc,fileobjND(file), &
- time_axis_registered=files(file)%is_time_axis_registered)
- elseif (fnum_for_domain(file) == "ug") then
+ if (fnum_for_domain(file) == "ug") then
CALL write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axesc,fileobjU(file), &
+ else
+ CALL error_mesg('diag_util_mod::opening_file::'//trim(filename), "Compressed "//&
+ "dimensions are only allowed with axis in the unstructured dimension", FATAL)
@@ -2210,6 +2157,11 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_data_out(file, field, dat, time, final_call_in, static_write_in,
LOGICAL :: final_call, do_write, static_write
INTEGER :: i, num
REAL :: dif, time_data(2, 1, 1, 1), dt_time(1, 1, 1, 1), start_dif, end_dif
+ REAL :: time_in_file !< Time in file at the beginning of this call
+ !< Save the current time in the file. If the time in the file is not the same as the
+ !! current time, files(file)%rtime_current will be updated
+ time_in_file = files(file)%rtime_current
do_write = .TRUE.
final_call = .FALSE.
@@ -2244,8 +2196,8 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_data_out(file, field, dat, time, final_call_in, static_write_in,
" has gone backwards. There may be missing values for some of the variables",NOTE)
!> Write data
- call diag_field_write (output_fields(field)%output_name, dat, static=static_write, file_num=file, fileobjU=fileobjU, &
- fileobj=fileobj, fileobjND=fileobjND, fnum_for_domain=fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
+ call diag_field_write (output_fields(field)%output_name, dat, static_write, file, fileobjU, &
+ fileobj, fileobjND, fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
! record number of bytes written to this file
files(file)%bytes_written = files(file)%bytes_written +&
& (SIZE(dat,1)*SIZE(dat,2)*SIZE(dat,3))*(8/output_fields(field)%pack)
@@ -2260,37 +2212,28 @@ SUBROUTINE diag_data_out(file, field, dat, time, final_call_in, static_write_in,
- ! Need to write average axes out;
- DO i = 1, files(file)%num_fields
- num = files(file)%fields(i)
- IF ( output_fields(num)%time_ops .AND. &
- input_fields(output_fields(num)%input_field)%register) THEN
- ! time needs to be between start_dif and end_dif to prevent duplicate writes on time_bnds
- IF ( num == field ) THEN
- IF ( files(file)%rtime_current >= start_dif .AND. files(file)%rtime_current <= end_dif) THEN
- ! Output the axes if this is first time-averaged field
- time_data(1, 1, 1, 1) = start_dif
- call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_avg_start, time_data(1:1,:,:,:), file_num=file, &
- fileobjU=fileobjU, fileobj=fileobj, fileobjND=fileobjND, &
- fnum_for_domain=fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
- time_data(2, 1, 1, 1) = end_dif
- call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_avg_end, time_data(2:2,:,:,:), file_num=file, &
- fileobjU=fileobjU, fileobj=fileobj, fileobjND=fileobjND, &
- fnum_for_domain=fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
- ! Compute the length of the average
- dt_time(1, 1, 1, 1) = end_dif - start_dif
- call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_avg_nitems, dt_time(1:1,:,:,:), file_num=file, &
- fileobjU=fileobjU, fileobj=fileobj, fileobjND=fileobjND, &
- fnum_for_domain=fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
- ! Include boundary variable for CF compliance
- call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_bounds, time_data(1:2,:,:,:), file_num=file, &
- fileobjU=fileobjU, fileobj=fileobj, fileobjND=fileobjND, &
- fnum_for_domain=fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
+ if (files(file)%rtime_current > time_in_file) then !< If time was written in this call
+ if (output_fields(field)%time_ops) then !< If this is a time_average field
+ ! Output the axes if this is first time-averaged field
+ time_data(1, 1, 1, 1) = start_dif
+ call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_avg_start%fieldname, time_data(1:1,:,:,:), static_write, file, &
+ fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, &
+ fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
+ time_data(2, 1, 1, 1) = end_dif
+ call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_avg_end%fieldname, time_data(2:2,:,:,:), static_write, file, &
+ fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, &
+ fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
+ ! Compute the length of the average
+ dt_time(1, 1, 1, 1) = end_dif - start_dif
+ call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_avg_nitems%fieldname, dt_time(1:1,:,:,:), static_write, file, &
+ fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, &
+ fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
+ ! Include boundary variable for CF compliance
+ call diag_field_write (files(file)%f_bounds%fieldname, time_data(1:2,:,:,:), static_write, file, &
+ fileobjU, fileobj, fileobjND, &
+ fnum_for_domain(file), time_in=files(file)%time_index)
! If write time is greater (equal for the last call) than last_flush for this file, flush it
IF ( final_call ) THEN
diff --git a/docs/Doxyfile.in b/docs/Doxyfile.in
index 345e0d82c..63ac4a508 100644
--- a/docs/Doxyfile.in
+++ b/docs/Doxyfile.in
@@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = *.inc
# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
+PREDEFINED = use_yaml
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The
diff --git a/docs/grouping.h b/docs/grouping.h
index c2c75a631..2e2f7a82d 100644
--- a/docs/grouping.h
+++ b/docs/grouping.h
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@
+/** @defgroup parser Parser
+ *
+ */
/** @defgroup platform Platform
diff --git a/fms/Makefile.am b/fms/Makefile.am
index ea443f17e..5d0cf5b5c 100644
--- a/fms/Makefile.am
+++ b/fms/Makefile.am
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libfms.la
# Each convenience library depends on its source.
libfms_la_SOURCES = \
+ fms_c.c \
+ fms_c.h \
fms.F90 \
fms_io.F90 \
fms_io_unstructured_field_exist.inc \
diff --git a/fms/fms.F90 b/fms/fms.F90
index 61f5772e3..63decdbae 100644
--- a/fms/fms.F90
+++ b/fms/fms.F90
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ module fms_mod
-public :: fms_c2f_string
+public :: fms_c2f_string, fms_cstring2cpointer
!public from the old fms_io but not exists here
public :: string
@@ -302,11 +302,19 @@ module fms_mod
end interface
!> C functions
+ !> @brief converts a kind=c_char to type c_ptr
+ pure function fms_cstring2cpointer (cs) result (cp) bind(c, name="cstring2cpointer")
+ import c_char, c_ptr
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: cs(*) !< C string input
+ type (c_ptr) :: cp !< C pointer
+ end function fms_cstring2cpointer
!> @brief Finds the length of a C-string
integer(c_size_t) pure function c_strlen(s) bind(c,name="strlen")
import c_size_t, c_ptr
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: s !< A C-string whose size is desired
end function
!> @brief Frees a C pointer
subroutine c_free(ptr) bind(c,name="free")
import c_ptr
@@ -831,7 +839,7 @@ function fms_c2f_string (cstring) result(fstring)
allocate(character(len=length) :: fstring) !> Set the length of fstring
fstring = string_buffer
+ deallocate(string_buffer)
end function fms_c2f_string
!> @brief Prints to the log file (or a specified unit) the version id string and
diff --git a/fms/fms_c.c b/fms/fms_c.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c14f44823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fms/fms_c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+char * cstring2cpointer (char * cs)
+ return cs;
diff --git a/fms/fms_c.h b/fms/fms_c.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9636e0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fms/fms_c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+char * cstring2cpointer (char * cs);
diff --git a/libFMS/Makefile.am b/libFMS/Makefile.am
index 05a151b81..7ec87e39d 100644
--- a/libFMS/Makefile.am
+++ b/libFMS/Makefile.am
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ libFMS_la_LIBADD += $(top_builddir)/tracer_manager/libtracer_manager.la
libFMS_la_LIBADD += $(top_builddir)/random_numbers/librandom_numbers.la
libFMS_la_LIBADD += $(top_builddir)/diag_integral/libdiag_integral.la
libFMS_la_LIBADD += $(top_builddir)/sat_vapor_pres/libsat_vapor_pres.la
+libFMS_la_LIBADD += $(top_builddir)/parser/libparser.la
libFMS_la_LIBADD += $(top_builddir)/libFMS_mod.la
# At least one source file must be included to please Automake.
diff --git a/mpp/include/mpp_do_updateV_nonblock.h b/mpp/include/mpp_do_updateV_nonblock.h
index a1c0ebf8e..aad3ba5ca 100644
--- a/mpp/include/mpp_do_updateV_nonblock.h
+++ b/mpp/include/mpp_do_updateV_nonblock.h
@@ -567,6 +567,7 @@ subroutine MPP_COMPLETE_DO_UPDATE_3D_V_(id_update, f_addrsx, f_addrsy, domain, u
integer :: tMe, dir
update_edge_only = BTEST(flags, EDGEONLY)
+ recv = .false.
recv(1) = BTEST(flags,EAST)
recv(3) = BTEST(flags,SOUTH)
recv(5) = BTEST(flags,WEST)
diff --git a/mpp/include/mpp_do_update_nonblock.h b/mpp/include/mpp_do_update_nonblock.h
index 4006aa338..5ed53f54a 100644
--- a/mpp/include/mpp_do_update_nonblock.h
+++ b/mpp/include/mpp_do_update_nonblock.h
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ subroutine MPP_COMPLETE_DO_UPDATE_3D_(id_update, f_addrs, domain, update, d_type
pointer(ptr_field, field)
update_edge_only = BTEST(flags, EDGEONLY)
+ recv = .false.
recv(1) = BTEST(flags,EAST)
recv(3) = BTEST(flags,SOUTH)
recv(5) = BTEST(flags,WEST)
diff --git a/parser/Makefile.am b/parser/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0b6c6bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#* GNU Lesser General Public License
+#* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+#* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+#* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+#* your option) any later version.
+#* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+#* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+#* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+#* for more details.
+#* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+# This is an automake file for the constants directory of the FMS
+# package.
+# Ed Hartnett 2/22/19
+# Include .h and .mod files.
+AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
+# Build this uninstalled convenience library.
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libparser.la
+# The convenience library depends on its source.
+libparser_la_SOURCES = \
+ yaml_parser.F90 \
+ yaml_parser_binding.c
+ yaml_parser_mod.$(FC_MODEXT)
+nodist_include_HEADERS = $(MODFILES)
+include $(top_srcdir)/mkmods.mk
diff --git a/parser/yaml_parser.F90 b/parser/yaml_parser.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74f5a4842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/yaml_parser.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+!* GNU Lesser General Public License
+!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+!* your option) any later version.
+!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+!* for more details.
+!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+!> @defgroup yaml_parser_mod yaml_parser_mod
+!> @ingroup parser
+!> @brief Routines to use for parsing yaml files
+!> @file
+!> @brief File for @ref yaml_parser_mod
+!> @addtogroup yaml_parser_mod
+!> @{
+module yaml_parser_mod
+#ifdef use_yaml
+use fms_mod, only: fms_c2f_string
+use platform_mod
+use mpp_mod
+use iso_c_binding
+implicit none
+public :: open_and_parse_file
+public :: get_num_blocks
+public :: get_block_ids
+public :: get_value_from_key
+public :: get_nkeys
+public :: get_key_ids
+public :: get_key_name
+public :: get_key_value
+!public :: clean_up
+!> @}
+!> @brief Dermine the value of a key from a keyname
+!> @ingroup yaml_parser_mod
+interface get_value_from_key
+ module procedure get_value_from_key_0d
+ module procedure get_value_from_key_1d
+end interface get_value_from_key
+!> @brief c functions binding
+!> @ingroup yaml_parser_mod
+!> @brief Private c function that opens and parses a yaml file (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Flag indicating if the read was sucessful
+function open_and_parse_file_wrap(filename, file_id) bind(c) &
+ result(sucess)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: filename(*) !< Filename of the yaml file
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(out) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ logical(kind=c_bool) :: sucess !< Flag indicating if the read was sucessful
+end function open_and_parse_file_wrap
+!> @brief Private c function that checks if a file_id is valid (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Flag indicating if the file_id is valid
+function is_valid_file_id(file_id) bind(c) &
+ result(is_valid)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ logical(kind=c_bool) :: is_valid !< Flag indicating if the file_id is valid
+end function is_valid_file_id
+!> @brief Private c function that gets the number of key-value pairs in a block (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Number of key-value pairs in this block
+function get_nkeys_binding(file_id, block_id) bind(c) &
+ result(nkeys)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: block_id !< Id of the parent_block
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: nkeys
+end function get_nkeys_binding
+!> @brief Private c function that gets the ids of the key-value pairs in a block (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+subroutine get_key_ids_binding(file_id, block_id, key_ids) bind(c)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: block_id !< Id of the parent_block
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(inout) :: key_ids(*) !< Ids of the key-value pairs
+end subroutine get_key_ids_binding
+!> @brief Private c function that checks if a key_id is valid (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Flag indicating if the key_id is valid
+function is_valid_key_id(file_id, key_id) bind(c) &
+ result(is_valid)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: key_id !< Key id to check if valid
+ logical(kind=c_bool) :: is_valid !< Flag indicating if the file_id is valid
+end function is_valid_key_id
+!> @brief Private c function that get the key from a key_id in a yaml file
+!! @return Name of the key obtained
+function get_key(file_id, key_id) bind(c) &
+ result(key_name)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: key_id !< Id of the key-value pair of interest
+ type(c_ptr) :: key_name
+end function get_key
+!> @brief Private c function that get the value from a key_id in a yaml file
+!! @return String containing the value obtained
+function get_value(file_id, key_id) bind(c) &
+ result(key_value)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: key_id !< Id of the key-value pair of interest
+ type(c_ptr) :: key_value
+end function get_value
+!> @brief Private c function that determines they value of a key in yaml_file (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return c pointer with the value obtained
+function get_value_from_key_wrap(file_id, block_id, key_name, sucess) bind(c) &
+ result(key_value2)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: block_id !< ID corresponding to the block you want the key for
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: key_name(*) !< Name of the key you want the value for
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(out) :: sucess !< Flag indicating if the call was sucessful
+ type(c_ptr) :: key_value2
+end function get_value_from_key_wrap
+!> @brief Private c function that determines the number of blocks with block_name in the yaml file
+!! (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Number of blocks with block_name
+function get_num_blocks_all(file_id, block_name) bind(c) &
+ result(nblocks)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: block_name(*) !< The name of the block you are looking for
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: nblocks
+end function get_num_blocks_all
+!> @brief Private c function that determines the number of blocks with block_name that belong to
+!! a parent block with parent_block_id in the yaml file (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Number of blocks with block_name
+function get_num_blocks_child(file_id, block_name, parent_block_id) bind(c) &
+ result(nblocks)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: block_name(*) !< The name of the block you are looking for
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: parent_block_id !< Id of the parent block
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: nblocks
+end function get_num_blocks_child
+!> @brief Private c function that gets the the ids of the blocks with block_name in the yaml file
+!! (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+subroutine get_block_ids_all(file_id, block_name, block_ids) bind(c)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: block_name(*) !< The name of the block you are looking for
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(inout) :: block_ids(*) !< Id of the parent_block
+end subroutine get_block_ids_all
+!> @brief Private c function that gets the the ids of the blocks with block_name and that
+!! belong to a parent block id in the yaml file (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+subroutine get_block_ids_child(file_id, block_name, block_ids, parent_block_id) bind(c)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: block_name(*) !< The name of the block you are looking for
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(inout) :: block_ids(*) !< Id of the parent_block
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: parent_block_id !< Id of the parent block
+end subroutine get_block_ids_child
+!> @brief Private c function that checks if a block_id is valid (see yaml_parser_binding.c)
+!! @return Flag indicating if the block_id is valid
+function is_valid_block_id(file_id, block_id) bind(c) &
+ result(is_valid)
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_int, c_bool
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer(kind=c_int), intent(in) :: block_id !< Block id to check if valid
+ logical(kind=c_bool) :: is_valid !< Flag indicating if the file_id is valid
+end function is_valid_block_id
+end interface
+!> @addtogroup yaml_parser_mod
+!> @{
+!> @brief Opens and parses a yaml file
+!! @return A file id corresponding to the file that was opened
+function open_and_parse_file(filename) &
+ result(file_id)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename !< Filename of the yaml file
+ logical :: sucess !< Flag indicating if the read was sucessful
+ integer :: file_id
+ sucess = open_and_parse_file_wrap(trim(filename)//c_null_char, file_id)
+ if (.not. sucess) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Error opening the yaml file:"//trim(filename)//". Check the file!")
+end function open_and_parse_file
+!> @brief Gets the key from a file id
+subroutine get_key_name(file_id, key_id, key_name)
+ integer, intent(in) :: key_id !< Id of the key-value pair of interest
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(len=*), intent(out) :: key_name
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_key_name call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. is_valid_key_id(file_id, key_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The key id in your get_key_name call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ key_name = fms_c2f_string(get_key(file_id, key_id))
+end subroutine get_key_name
+!> @brief Gets the value from a file id
+subroutine get_key_value(file_id, key_id, key_value)
+ integer, intent(in) :: key_id !< Id of the key-value pair of interest
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(len=*), intent(out) :: key_value
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_key_value call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. is_valid_key_id(file_id, key_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The key id in your get_key_value call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ key_value = fms_c2f_string(get_value(file_id, key_id))
+end subroutine get_key_value
+!> @brief Used to dermine the value of a key from a keyname
+subroutine get_value_from_key_0d(file_id, block_id, key_name, key_value, is_optional)
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ integer, intent(in) :: block_id !< ID corresponding to the block you want the key for
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: key_name !< Name of the key you want the value for
+ class(*), intent(inout):: key_value !< Value of the key
+ logical, intent(in), optional :: is_optional !< Flag indicating if it is okay for they key to not exist.
+ !! If the key does not exist key_value will not be set, so it
+ !! is the user's responsibility to initialize it before the call
+ character(len=255) :: buffer !< String buffer with the value
+ type(c_ptr) :: c_buffer !< c pointer with the value
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: sucess !< Flag indicating if the value was obtained sucessfully
+ logical :: optional !< Flag indicating that the key was optional
+ integer :: err_unit !< integer with io error
+ optional = .false.
+ if (present(is_optional)) optional = is_optional
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_value_from_key call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. is_valid_block_id(file_id, block_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The block id in your get_value_from_key call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ c_buffer = get_value_from_key_wrap(file_id, block_id, trim(key_name)//c_null_char, sucess)
+ if (sucess == 1) then
+ buffer = fms_c2f_string(c_buffer)
+ select type (key_value)
+ type is (integer(kind=i4_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to i4")
+ type is (integer(kind=i8_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to i8")
+ type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to r4")
+ type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to r8")
+ type is (character(len=*))
+ key_value = buffer
+ class default
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, "The type of your buffer in your get_value_from_key call for key "//trim(key_name)//&
+ &" is not supported. Only i4, i8, r4, r8 and strings are supported.")
+ end select
+ else
+ if(.not. optional) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Error getting the value for key:"//trim(key_name))
+ endif
+end subroutine get_value_from_key_0d
+!> @brief Used' to dermine the 1D value of a key from a keyname
+subroutine get_value_from_key_1d(file_id, block_id, key_name, key_value, is_optional)
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ integer, intent(in) :: block_id !< ID corresponding to the block you want the key for
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: key_name !< Name of the key you want the value for
+ class(*), intent(inout):: key_value(:) !< Value of the key
+ logical, intent(in), optional :: is_optional !< Flag indicating if it is okay for they key' to not exist.
+ !! If the key does not exist key_value will not be set, so it
+ !! is the user's responsibility to initialize it before the call
+ character(len=255) :: buffer !< String buffer with the value
+ type(c_ptr) :: c_buffer !< c pointer with the value
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: sucess !< Flag indicating if the value was obtained sucessfully
+ logical :: optional !< Flag indicating that the key was optional
+ integer :: err_unit !< integer with io error
+ optional=.false.
+ if (present(is_optional)) optional = is_optional
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_value_from_key call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. is_valid_block_id(file_id, block_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The block id in your get_value_from_key call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ c_buffer = get_value_from_key_wrap(file_id, block_id, trim(key_name)//c_null_char, sucess)
+ if (sucess == 1) then
+ buffer = fms_c2f_string(c_buffer)
+ select type (key_value)
+ type is (integer(kind=i4_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to i4")
+ type is (integer(kind=i8_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to i8")
+ type is (real(kind=r4_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to r4")
+ type is (real(kind=r8_kind))
+ read(buffer,*, iostat=err_unit) key_value
+ if (err_unit .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Key:"//trim(key_name)//" Error converting '"//trim(buffer)//"' to r8")
+ type is (character(len=*))
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, "get_value_from_key 1d string variables are not supported. Contact developers")
+ class default
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, "The type of your buffer in your get_value_from_key call for key "//trim(key_name)//&
+ &" is not supported. Only i4, i8, r4, r8 and strings are supported.")
+ end select
+ else
+ if(.not. optional) call mpp_error(FATAL, "Error getting the value for key:"//trim(key_name))
+ endif
+end subroutine get_value_from_key_1d
+!> @brief Determines the number of blocks with block_name in the yaml file
+!! If parent_block_id is present, it only counts those that belong to that block
+!! @return Number of blocks with block_name
+function get_num_blocks(file_id, block_name, parent_block_id) &
+ result(nblocks)
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: block_name !< The name of the block you are looking for
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: parent_block_id !< Id of the parent block
+ integer :: nblocks
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_num_blocks call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. present(parent_block_id)) then
+ nblocks=get_num_blocks_all(file_id, trim(block_name)//c_null_char)
+ else
+ if (.not. is_valid_block_id(file_id, parent_block_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The parent_block id in your get_num_blocks call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ nblocks=get_num_blocks_child(file_id, trim(block_name)//c_null_char, parent_block_id)
+ endif
+end function get_num_blocks
+!> @brief Gets the the ids of the blocks with block_name in the yaml file
+!! If parent_block_id is present, it only gets those that belong to that block
+subroutine get_block_ids(file_id, block_name, block_ids, parent_block_id)
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id of the yaml file to search
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: block_name !< The name of the block you are looking for
+ integer, intent(inout) :: block_ids(:) !< Id of blocks with block_name
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: parent_block_id !< Id of the parent_block
+ integer :: nblocks_id
+ integer :: nblocks
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_block_ids call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ nblocks_id = size(block_ids)
+ nblocks = get_num_blocks(file_id, block_name, parent_block_id)
+ if (nblocks .ne. nblocks_id) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The size of your block_ids array is not correct")
+ if (.not. present(parent_block_id)) then
+ call get_block_ids_all(file_id, trim(block_name)//c_null_char, block_ids)
+ else
+ if (.not. is_valid_block_id(file_id, parent_block_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The parent_block id in your get_block_ids call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ call get_block_ids_child(file_id, trim(block_name)//c_null_char, block_ids, parent_block_id)
+ endif
+end subroutine get_block_ids
+!> @brief Gets the number of key-value pairs in a block
+!! @return Number of key-value pairs in this block
+function get_nkeys(file_id, block_id) &
+ result(nkeys)
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer, intent(in) :: block_id !< Id of the parent_block
+ integer :: nkeys
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_nkeys call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. is_valid_block_id(file_id, block_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The block id in your get_nkeys call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ nkeys = get_nkeys_binding(file_id, block_id)
+end function get_nkeys
+!> @brief Gets the ids of the key-value pairs in a block
+subroutine get_key_ids (file_id, block_id, key_ids)
+ integer, intent(in) :: file_id !< File id corresponding to the yaml file that was opened
+ integer, intent(in) :: block_id !< Id of the parent_block
+ integer, intent(inout) :: key_ids(:) !< Ids of the key-value pairs
+ integer :: nkey_ids !< Size of key_ids
+ integer :: nkeys !< Actual number of keys
+ if (.not. is_valid_file_id(file_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file id in your get_key_ids call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ if (.not. is_valid_block_id(file_id, block_id)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The block id in your get_key_ids call is invalid! Check your call.")
+ nkey_ids = size(key_ids)
+ nkeys = get_nkeys(file_id, block_id)
+ if (nkeys .ne. nkey_ids) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The size of your key_ids array is not correct.")
+ call get_key_ids_binding (file_id, block_id, key_ids)
+end subroutine get_key_ids
+end module yaml_parser_mod
+!> @}
+! close documentation grouping
diff --git a/parser/yaml_parser_binding.c b/parser/yaml_parser_binding.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c4fdaefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/yaml_parser_binding.c
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+ *
+ * FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+ * your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FMS. If not, see .
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifdef use_yaml
+/* Type to store info about key */
+typedef struct {
+ int key_number; /* Id of this key */
+ char key[255]; /* Name of the key */
+ char value[255]; /* Value of the key */
+ char parent_name[255]; /* Name of the block the key belongs to */
+ int parent_key; /* Id of the block the key belongs to */
+/* Type to store all of the keys */
+typedef struct {
+ int nkeys;
+ key_value_pairs *keys;
+/* Type to store all the yaml files that are opened */
+typedef struct {
+ yaml_file *files;
+file_type my_files; /* Array of opened yaml files */
+int nfiles = 0; /* Number of files in the yaml file */
+/* @brief Private c function that gets the number of key-value pairs in a block
+ @return Number of key-value pairs in this block */
+int get_nkeys_binding(int *file_id, int *block_id)
+ int nkeys = 0; /* Number of key-value pairs */
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key == *block_id && !strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, "") ) nkeys = nkeys + 1;
+ }
+ return nkeys;
+/* @brief Private c function that gets the ids of the key-value pairs in a block */
+void get_key_ids_binding(int *file_id, int *block_id, int *key_ids)
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int key_count = -1; /* Number of key-value pairs */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key == *block_id && !strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, "") ){
+ key_count = key_count + 1;
+ key_ids[key_count] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+/* @brief Private c function that get the key from a key_id in a yaml file
+ @return Name of the key obtained */
+char *get_key(int *file_id, int *key_id)
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ return my_files.files[j].keys[*key_id].key;
+/* @brief Private c function that get the value from a key_id in a yaml file
+ @return String containing the value obtained */
+char *get_value(int *file_id, int *key_id)
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ return my_files.files[j].keys[*key_id].value;
+/* @brief Private c function that determines they value of a key in yaml_file
+ @return c pointer with the value obtained */
+char *get_value_from_key_wrap(int *file_id, int *block_id, char *key_name, int *sucess) /*, char *key_name) */
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ *sucess = 0; /* Flag indicating if the search was sucessful */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if (my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key == *block_id)
+ {
+ if( strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].key, key_name) == 0)
+ {
+ *sucess = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (*sucess == 1) {return my_files.files[j].keys[i].value;} else {return "";}
+/* @brief Private c function that determines the number of blocks with block_name in the yaml file
+ @return Number of blocks with block_name */
+int get_num_blocks_all(int *file_id, char *block_name)
+ int nblocks = 0; /* Number of blocks */
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if(strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, block_name) == 0) nblocks = nblocks + 1;
+ }
+ return nblocks;
+/* @brief Private c function that determines the number of blocks with block_name that belong to
+ a parent block with parent_block_id in the yaml file
+ @return Number of blocks with block_name */
+int get_num_blocks_child(int *file_id, char *block_name, int *parent_block_id)
+ int nblocks = 0; /* Number of blocks */
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if(strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, block_name) == 0 && my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key == *parent_block_id) nblocks = nblocks + 1;
+ }
+ return nblocks;
+/* @brief Private c function that gets the the ids of the blocks with block_name in the yaml file */
+void get_block_ids_all(int *file_id, char *block_name, int *block_ids)
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int nblocks = -1; /* Number of blocks */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if(strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, block_name) == 0) {
+ nblocks = nblocks + 1;
+ block_ids[nblocks] = my_files.files[j].keys[i].key_number;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+/* @brief Private c function that gets the the ids of the blocks with block_name and that
+ belong to a parent block id in the yaml file */
+void get_block_ids_child(int *file_id, char *block_name, int *block_ids, int *parent_key_id )
+ int i; /* For loops */
+ int nblocks = -1; /* Number of blocks */
+ int j = *file_id; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ )
+ {
+ if(strcmp(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, block_name) == 0 && my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key == *parent_key_id) {
+ nblocks = nblocks + 1;
+ block_ids[nblocks] = my_files.files[j].keys[i].key_number;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+/* @brief Private c function to determine if a block_id is valid */
+bool is_valid_block_id(int *file_id, int *block_id)
+ /* If the block id it not in the allowed range is not a valid block id */
+ if (*block_id <= -1 || *block_id > my_files.files[*file_id].nkeys) {return false;}
+ /* If the block id has an empty parent name then it is not a valid block id */
+ if (*block_id != 0 && strcmp(my_files.files[*file_id].keys[*block_id].parent_name, "") == 0) {return false;}
+ return true;
+/* @brief Private c function to determine if a key_id is valid */
+bool is_valid_key_id(int *file_id, int *key_id)
+ if (*key_id > -1 && *key_id <= my_files.files[*file_id].nkeys) {return true;}
+ else { return false;}
+/* @brief Private c function to determine if a file_id is valid */
+bool is_valid_file_id(int *file_id)
+ if (*file_id > -1 && *file_id < nfiles) {return true;}
+ else { return false;}
+/* @brief Private c function that opens and parses a yaml file and saves it in a struct
+ @return Flag indicating if the read was sucessful */
+bool open_and_parse_file_wrap(char *filename, int *file_id)
+ yaml_parser_t parser;
+ yaml_token_t token;
+ FILE *file;
+ bool is_key = false; /* Flag indicating if the current token in a key */
+ char key_value[255]; /* Value of a key */
+ int layer = 0; /* Current layer (block level) */
+ int key_count=0; /* Current number of keys */
+ int parent[10]; /* Ids of blocks */
+ int current_parent; /* Id of the current block */
+ char layer_name[10][255]; /* Array of block names */
+ char current_layername[255]; /* Name of the current block */
+ int i; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ int j; /* To minimize the typing :) */
+ if (nfiles == 0 )
+ {
+ my_files.files = (yaml_file*)calloc(1, sizeof(yaml_file));
+ } else
+ {
+ my_files.files = realloc(my_files.files, (nfiles+1)*sizeof(yaml_file));
+ }
+ j = nfiles;
+ *file_id =j;
+/* printf("Opening file: %s.\nThere are %i files opened.\n", filename, j); */
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file == NULL) return false;
+ if(!yaml_parser_initialize(&parser)) return false;
+ my_files.files[j].keys = (key_value_pairs*)calloc(1, sizeof(key_value_pairs));
+ parent[0]=0;
+ strcpy(layer_name[0], "TOP");
+ /* Set input file */
+ yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, file);
+ do {
+ yaml_parser_scan(&parser, &token);
+ switch(token.type)
+ {
+ {
+ is_key = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ is_key = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ layer = layer + 1;
+ if (strcmp(key_value, ""))
+ {
+ strcpy(layer_name[layer], key_value);
+ }
+ key_count = key_count + 1;
+ i = key_count;
+ my_files.files[j].keys = realloc(my_files.files[j].keys, (i+1)*sizeof(key_value_pairs));
+ my_files.files[j].keys[i].key_number=i;
+ my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key = parent[layer-1];
+ strcpy(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, layer_name[layer]);
+ strcpy(my_files.files[j].keys[i].key, "");
+ strcpy(my_files.files[j].keys[i].value, "");
+ parent[layer]=key_count;
+ /*printf("KEY:%i LAYER:%i NAME:%s for %s=%i\n", key_count, layer, layer_name[layer], layer_name[layer-1], parent[layer-1]); */
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ layer = layer - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if ( ! is_key)
+ {
+ current_parent = parent[layer];
+ strcpy(current_layername, "");
+ key_count = key_count + 1;
+ i = key_count;
+ my_files.files[j].keys = realloc(my_files.files[j].keys, (i+1)*sizeof(key_value_pairs));
+ my_files.files[j].keys[i].key_number=i;
+ my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key = current_parent;
+ strcpy(my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, current_layername);
+ strcpy(my_files.files[j].keys[i].key, key_value);
+ strcpy(my_files.files[j].keys[i].value, token.data.scalar.value);
+ my_files.files[j].nkeys = key_count;
+ /* printf("----> LAYER:%i LAYER_NAME=%s PARENT:%i, KEYCOUNT:%i KEY: %s VALUE: %s \n", layer, current_layername, current_parent, key_count, key_value, token.data.scalar.value); */
+ strcpy(key_value,"");
+ }
+ else
+ {strcpy(key_value,token.data.scalar.value);}
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(token.type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN)
+ yaml_token_delete(&token);
+ } while(token.type != YAML_STREAM_END_TOKEN);
+ yaml_token_delete(&token);
+ yaml_parser_delete(&parser);
+ /*
+ for ( i = 1; i <= my_files.files[j].nkeys; i++ ) {
+ printf("Key_number:%i Parent_key:%i Parent_name:%s Key:%s Value:%s \n", my_files.files[j].keys[i].key_number, my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_key, my_files.files[j].keys[i].parent_name, my_files.files[j].keys[i].key, my_files.files[j].keys[i].value);
+ }
+ printf("/\n");
+ */
+ nfiles = nfiles + 1;
+/* printf("closing file: %s\n", filename); */
+ fclose(file);
+ return true;
diff --git a/test_fms/Makefile.am b/test_fms/Makefile.am
index 9e070def2..639a69c5b 100644
--- a/test_fms/Makefile.am
+++ b/test_fms/Makefile.am
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4
# Make targets will be run in each subdirectory. Order is significant.
SUBDIRS = coupler diag_manager data_override exchange monin_obukhov drifters \
mosaic interpolator fms mpp mpp_io time_interp time_manager \
-horiz_interp field_manager axis_utils affinity fms2_io
+horiz_interp field_manager axis_utils affinity fms2_io parser
# This input file must be distributed, it is turned into
# test_common.sh by configure.
diff --git a/test_fms/data_override/Makefile.am b/test_fms/data_override/Makefile.am
index 252533e24..7564bec26 100644
--- a/test_fms/data_override/Makefile.am
+++ b/test_fms/data_override/Makefile.am
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ EXTRA_DIST = input_base.nml diag_table_base data_table_base \
# Clean up
-CLEANFILES = input.nml *.nc* *.out diag_table data_table
+CLEANFILES = input.nml *.nc* *.out diag_table data_table data_table.yaml
diff --git a/test_fms/data_override/test_data_override2.sh b/test_fms/data_override/test_data_override2.sh
index 873b97d68..785c14a49 100755
--- a/test_fms/data_override/test_data_override2.sh
+++ b/test_fms/data_override/test_data_override2.sh
@@ -30,18 +30,31 @@
# Run the ongrid test case with 2 halos in x and y
touch input.nml
+cat <<_EOF > data_table.yaml
+ - gridname : "OCN"
+ fieldname_code : "runoff"
+ fieldname_file : "runoff"
+ file_name : "INPUT/runoff.daitren.clim.1440x1080.v20180328.nc"
+ interpol_method : "none"
+ factor : 1.0
printf '"OCN", "runoff", "runoff", "./INPUT/runoff.daitren.clim.1440x1080.v20180328.nc", "none" , 1.0' | cat > data_table
[ ! -d "INPUT" ] && mkdir -p "INPUT"
+echo "TEST 1"
run_test test_data_override_ongrid 6
rm -rf "INPUT"
# Run the ongrid test case again with no halos
printf "&test_data_override_ongrid_nml \n nhalox=0 \n nhaloy=0\n/" | cat > input.nml
[ ! -d "INPUT" ] && mkdir -p "INPUT"
+echo "TEST 2"
run_test test_data_override_ongrid 6
rm -rf "INPUT"
# Run the get_grid_v1 test:
+echo "TEST 3"
run_test test_get_grid_v1 1
# Copy to builddir and rename data files for tests.
diff --git a/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager.F90 b/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager.F90
index 86a76700a..9794d5bda 100644
--- a/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager.F90
+++ b/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager.F90
@@ -479,6 +479,7 @@ PROGRAM test
dat1h = 0.
+ dat1 = 0.
DO j=js1, je1
DO i=is1, ie1
dat1(i,j,1) = SIN(lon1(i))*COS(lat1(j))
diff --git a/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager_time.F90 b/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager_time.F90
index 03419ab44..78e540951 100644
--- a/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager_time.F90
+++ b/test_fms/diag_manager/test_diag_manager_time.F90
@@ -83,11 +83,6 @@ program test_diag_manager_time
id_sst = register_diag_field ('test_diag_manager_mod', 'sst', (/id_x,id_y,id_z/), Time, 'SST', 'K')
id_ice = register_diag_field ('test_diag_manager_mod', 'ice', (/id_x,id_y/), Time, 'ICE', 'm')
-! Send the axis data
-used = send_data(id_x, x, Time)
-used = send_data(id_y, y, Time)
-used = send_data(id_z, z, Time)
! Increase the time and send data
do i=1,23
Time = set_date(2,1,1,i,0,0)
diff --git a/test_fms/fms/test_fms.F90 b/test_fms/fms/test_fms.F90
index 387441f92..bdb3d39e7 100644
--- a/test_fms/fms/test_fms.F90
+++ b/test_fms/fms/test_fms.F90
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ program test_fms
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error, fatal, note, mpp_init
use fms_mod, only : fms_init, string, fms_end
use fms_mod, only : fms_c2f_string
+ use fms_mod, only : fms_cstring2cpointer
use test_fms_mod
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
integer :: i !< Integer
character(len=16) :: answer !< expected answer
character(len=16) :: test !< Test string
- character(len=:,kind=c_char), pointer :: Cstring !< C string to convert
+ character(kind=c_char) :: Cstring (17)!< C string to convert
type(c_ptr), pointer :: Cptr !< C pointer to string
call mpp_init()
@@ -50,6 +51,26 @@ program test_fms
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(test)//" does not match "//trim(answer))
+! Test the c string to c pointer conversion
+ test = " "
+ answer = '100'
+ Cstring = " "
+ Cstring(1) = "1"
+ Cstring(2) = "0"
+ Cstring(3) = "0"
+ Cstring(17) = c_null_char
+ call mpp_error(NOTE,"Testing fms_cstring2cpointer and fms_c2f_string")
+! test = fms_c2f_string(fms_cstring2cpointer(c_char_"100 "//c_null_char))
+ test = fms_c2f_string(fms_cstring2cpointer(Cstring))
+ if (trim(answer) .eq. trim(test)) then
+ call mpp_error(NOTE, trim(test)//" matches "//trim(answer))
+ else
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(test)//" does not match "//trim(answer))
+ endif
call fms_end()
diff --git a/test_fms/parser/Makefile.am b/test_fms/parser/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..469538ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fms/parser/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#* GNU Lesser General Public License
+#* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+#* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+#* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+#* your option) any later version.
+#* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+#* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+#* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+#* for more details.
+#* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+# This is an automake file for the test_fms/data_override directory of the FMS
+# package.
+# uramirez, Ed Hartnett
+# Find the needed mod and .inc files.
+AM_CPPFLAGS = -I${top_srcdir}/include -I$(MODDIR)
+# Link to the FMS library.
+LDADD = ${top_builddir}/libFMS/libFMS.la
+# Build this test program.
+check_PROGRAMS = parser_demo2 test_yaml_parser check_crashes parser_demo
+# This is the source code for the test.
+test_yaml_parser_SOURCES = test_yaml_parser.F90
+check_crashes_SOURCES = check_crashes.F90
+parser_demo_SOURCES = parser_demo.F90
+parser_demo2_SOURCES = parser_demo2.F90
+# Run the test program.
+TESTS = test_yaml_parser.sh
+# Include these files with the distribution.
+EXTRA_DIST = test_yaml_parser.sh
+TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = parser_skip=${skipflag}
+# Clean up
+CLEANFILES = input.nml *.nc* *.out *.yaml
diff --git a/test_fms/parser/check_crashes.F90 b/test_fms/parser/check_crashes.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d454ed6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fms/parser/check_crashes.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+!* GNU Lesser General Public License
+!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+!* your option) any later version.
+!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+!* for more details.
+!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+program check_crashes
+!> @brief This programs tests if the public subroutines in parser/yaml_parser.F90
+!! crash as expected
+#ifdef use_yaml
+use yaml_parser_mod
+use mpp_mod
+use fms_mod, only : fms_init, fms_end
+implicit none
+integer :: io_status !< io_status when reading a namelist
+logical :: missing_file = .false. !< try to open files that do not exist
+logical :: bad_conversion = .false. !< try type conversions that are not possible
+logical :: missing_key = .false. !< try to get the value of a key that does not exist
+logical :: wrong_buffer_size_key_id = .false. !< try to send an array of key_id that is the wrong size
+logical :: wrong_buffer_size_block_id = .false. !< try to send an array of block_id that is the wrong size
+logical :: get_key_name_bad_key_id = .false. !< try to send a bad key_id to get_key_name
+logical :: get_key_value_bad_key_id = .false. !< try to send a bad key_id to get_key_value
+logical :: get_block_ids_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_block_ids
+logical :: get_key_name_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_key_name
+logical :: get_key_value_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_key_value
+logical :: get_num_blocks_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_num_blocks
+logical :: get_value_from_key_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_value_from_key
+logical :: get_nkeys_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_nkeys
+logical :: get_key_ids_bad_id = .false. !< try to send a bad file_id to get_key_ids
+logical :: get_key_ids_bad_block_id = .false. !< try to send a bad block_id to get_key_ids
+logical :: get_nkeys_bad_block_id = .false. !< try to send a bad block_id to get_nkeys
+logical :: get_block_ids_bad_block_id = .false. !< try to send a bad block_id to get_block_ids
+logical :: get_num_blocks_bad_block_id = .false. !< try to send a bad block_id to get_num_blocks
+logical :: get_value_from_key_bad_block_id = .false. !< try to send a bad block_id to get_value_from_key
+namelist / check_crashes_nml / missing_file, bad_conversion, missing_key, get_block_ids_bad_id, &
+ get_key_name_bad_id, get_key_value_bad_id, get_num_blocks_bad_id, get_value_from_key_bad_id, &
+ get_nkeys_bad_id, get_key_ids_bad_id, &
+ get_key_name_bad_key_id, get_key_value_bad_key_id, &
+ get_key_ids_bad_block_id, get_nkeys_bad_block_id, get_block_ids_bad_block_id, get_num_blocks_bad_block_id, &
+ get_value_from_key_bad_block_id, &
+ wrong_buffer_size_key_id, wrong_buffer_size_block_id
+call fms_init
+read (input_nml_file, check_crashes_nml, iostat=io_status)
+if (io_status > 0) call mpp_error(FATAL,'=>check_crashes: Error reading input.nml')
+if (missing_file) call check_read_and_parse_file_missing
+if (get_block_ids_bad_id) call check_get_block_ids_bad_id
+if (get_key_name_bad_id) call check_get_key_name_bad_id
+if (get_key_value_bad_id) call check_get_key_value_bad_id
+if (get_num_blocks_bad_id) call check_get_num_blocks_bad_id
+if (get_value_from_key_bad_id) call check_get_value_from_key_bad_id
+if (get_nkeys_bad_id) call check_get_nkeys_bad_id
+if (get_key_ids_bad_id) call check_get_key_ids_bad_id
+if (bad_conversion) call check_bad_conversion
+if (missing_key) call check_missing_key
+if (wrong_buffer_size_key_id) call check_wrong_buffer_size_key_id
+if (wrong_buffer_size_block_id) call check_wrong_buffer_size_block_id
+if (get_key_name_bad_key_id) call check_get_key_name_bad_key_id
+if (get_key_value_bad_key_id) call check_get_key_value_bad_key_id
+if (get_key_ids_bad_block_id) call check_get_key_ids_bad_block_id
+if (get_nkeys_bad_block_id) call check_get_nkeys_bad_block_id
+if (get_block_ids_bad_block_id) call check_get_block_ids_bad_block_id
+if (get_num_blocks_bad_block_id) call check_get_num_blocks_bad_block_id
+if (get_value_from_key_bad_block_id) call check_get_value_from_key_bad_block_id
+call fms_end
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends a bad block_id to get_key_ids
+subroutine check_get_key_ids_bad_block_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: key_ids(10) !< array of key ids
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_key_ids (yaml_file_id, -40, key_ids)
+end subroutine check_get_key_ids_bad_block_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends a bad block_id to get_nkeys
+subroutine check_get_nkeys_bad_block_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: nkeys !< number of keys
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ nkeys = get_nkeys(yaml_file_id, 9999)
+end subroutine check_get_nkeys_bad_block_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends a bad parent_block_id to get_block_ids
+subroutine check_get_block_ids_bad_block_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: block_ids(10)!< array of block ids
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_block_ids(yaml_file_id, "varList", block_ids, parent_block_id=-40)
+end subroutine check_get_block_ids_bad_block_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends a bad parent_block_id to get_num_blocks
+subroutine check_get_num_blocks_bad_block_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: nblocks !< number of blocks
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ nblocks = get_num_blocks(yaml_file_id, "varList", parent_block_id=-30)
+end subroutine check_get_num_blocks_bad_block_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends a bad parent_block_id to get_value_from_key
+subroutine check_get_value_from_key_bad_block_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: key_value !< integer buffer
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id, 999, "mullions", key_value)
+end subroutine check_get_value_from_key_bad_block_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user tries to open a missing file.
+subroutine check_read_and_parse_file_missing
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("missing")
+end subroutine check_read_and_parse_file_missing
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_block_ids
+subroutine check_get_block_ids_bad_id
+ integer :: block_ids(10) !< array of block ids
+ call get_block_ids(-40, "diagFiles", block_ids)
+end subroutine check_get_block_ids_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_key_name
+subroutine check_get_key_name_bad_id
+ character(len=10) :: buffer !< string buffer
+ call get_key_name(-45, 1, buffer)
+end subroutine check_get_key_name_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_key_value
+subroutine check_get_key_value_bad_id
+ character(len=10) :: buffer !< string buffer
+ call get_key_value(-45, 1, buffer)
+end subroutine check_get_key_value_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_num_blocks
+subroutine check_get_num_blocks_bad_id
+ integer :: nblocks !< number of blocks
+ nblocks = get_num_blocks(-45, "diagFiles")
+end subroutine check_get_num_blocks_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_value_from_key
+subroutine check_get_value_from_key_bad_id
+ character(len=10) :: string_buffer !< string buffer
+ call get_value_from_key(-45, 1, "varName", string_buffer)
+end subroutine check_get_value_from_key_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_nkeys
+subroutine check_get_nkeys_bad_id
+ integer :: nkeys !< number of keys
+ nkeys = get_nkeys(-45, 1)
+end subroutine check_get_nkeys_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid file id to get_key_ids
+subroutine check_get_key_ids_bad_id
+ integer :: key_ids(10) !< array of key ids
+ call get_key_ids(-45, 1, key_ids)
+end subroutine check_get_key_ids_bad_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends a buffer of the wrong type
+subroutine check_bad_conversion
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ real :: buffer !< real buffer
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id, 9, "varName", buffer)
+end subroutine check_bad_conversion
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user tries to get they value for a key
+!! that doesn't exist
+subroutine check_missing_key
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ real :: buffer !< string bufffer
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id, 9, "missing", buffer)
+end subroutine check_missing_key
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid key id to get_key_name
+subroutine check_get_key_name_bad_key_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ character(len=10) :: buffer !< string buffer
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_key_name(yaml_file_id, 666, buffer)
+end subroutine check_get_key_name_bad_key_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an invalid key id to get_key_value
+subroutine check_get_key_value_bad_key_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ character(len=10) :: buffer !< string buffer
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_key_value(yaml_file_id, 666, buffer)
+end subroutine check_get_key_value_bad_key_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an a key_id array that is that the correct
+!! size to get_key_ids
+subroutine check_wrong_buffer_size_key_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: key_ids(1) !< array of key ids
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_key_ids(yaml_file_id, 19, key_ids)
+end subroutine check_wrong_buffer_size_key_id
+!> @brief This is to check if the parser crashes correctly if user sends an a block_id array that is that the correct
+!! size to get_block_ids
+subroutine check_wrong_buffer_size_block_id
+ integer :: yaml_file_id !< file_id for a yaml file
+ integer :: block_ids(10)!< array of block ids
+ yaml_file_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+ call get_block_ids(yaml_file_id, "diag_files", block_ids)
+end subroutine check_wrong_buffer_size_block_id
+end program check_crashes
diff --git a/test_fms/parser/parser_demo.F90 b/test_fms/parser/parser_demo.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16bc1c81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fms/parser/parser_demo.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+!* GNU Lesser General Public License
+!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+!* your option) any later version.
+!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+!* for more details.
+!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+program parser_demo
+!> @brief This programs demostrates how to use the parser
+#ifdef use_yaml
+use FMS_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end
+use yaml_parser_mod
+use platform_mod
+implicit none
+integer :: diag_yaml_id !< Id for the diag_table yaml
+integer :: nfiles !< Number of files in the diag_table yaml
+integer, allocatable :: file_ids(:) !< Ids of the files in the diag_table yaml
+integer :: nvariables !< Number of variables in the diag_table yaml
+integer, allocatable :: var_ids(:) !< Ids of the variables in the diag_table yaml
+integer :: i, j !< For do loops
+character(len=255) :: string_buffer !< Buffer to read strings to
+integer :: int_buffer !< Buffer to read integers to
+real(kind=r8_kind) :: r8_buffer !< Buffer to read r8 to
+call fms_init
+call fms_end
+diag_yaml_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+print *, ""
+call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, 0, "title", string_buffer)
+print *, "title:", trim(string_buffer)
+call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, 0, "baseDate", string_buffer)
+print *, "baseDate:", trim(string_buffer)
+nfiles = get_num_blocks(diag_yaml_id, "diag_files")
+call get_block_ids(diag_yaml_id, "diag_files", file_ids)
+print *, ""
+do i = 1, nfiles
+ print *, "File number:", i
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i), "fileName", string_buffer)
+ print *, "fileName:", trim(string_buffer)
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i), "freq", int_buffer)
+ print *, "freq:", int_buffer
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i), "frequnit", string_buffer)
+ print *, "frequnit:", trim(string_buffer)
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i), "timeunit", string_buffer)
+ print *, "timeunit:", trim(string_buffer)
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i), "unlimdim", string_buffer)
+ print *, "unlimdim:", trim(string_buffer)
+ !< The number of variables that are part of the current file
+ nvariables = get_num_blocks(diag_yaml_id, "varlist", parent_block_id=file_ids(i))
+ allocate(var_ids(nvariables))
+ call get_block_ids(diag_yaml_id, "varlist", var_ids, parent_block_id=file_ids(i))
+ do j = 1, nvariables
+ print *, " Variable number:", j
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "varName", string_buffer)
+ print *, " varName:", trim(string_buffer)
+ string_buffer = ""
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "reduction", string_buffer)
+ print *, " reduction:", trim(string_buffer)
+ string_buffer = ""
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "module", string_buffer)
+ print *, " module:", trim(string_buffer)
+ r8_buffer = 0.
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "fill_value", r8_buffer, is_optional=.true.)
+ print *, " fill_value:", r8_buffer
+ string_buffer = ""
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "outName", string_buffer, is_optional=.true.)
+ print *, " outName:", trim(string_buffer)
+ string_buffer = ""
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "kind", string_buffer, is_optional=.true.)
+ print *, " kind:", trim(string_buffer)
+ int_buffer = 0.
+ call get_value_from_key(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), "mullions", int_buffer, is_optional=.true.)
+ print *, " mullions:", int_buffer
+ print *, ""
+ end do
+ deallocate(var_ids)
+ print *, ""
+end program parser_demo
diff --git a/test_fms/parser/parser_demo2.F90 b/test_fms/parser/parser_demo2.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c230559a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fms/parser/parser_demo2.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+!* GNU Lesser General Public License
+!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+!* your option) any later version.
+!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+!* for more details.
+!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+program parser_demo
+!> @brief This programs demostrates how to use the parser
+#ifdef use_yaml
+use FMS_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end
+use yaml_parser_mod
+use platform_mod
+implicit none
+integer :: diag_yaml_id !< Id for the diag_table yaml
+integer :: nfiles !< Number of files in the diag_table yaml
+integer, allocatable :: file_ids(:) !< Ids of the files in the diag_table yaml
+integer :: nvariables !< Number of variables in the diag_table yaml
+integer, allocatable :: var_ids(:) !< Ids of the variables in the diag_table yaml
+integer :: i, j, k !< For do loops
+integer :: nkeys !< Number of keys
+integer, allocatable :: key_ids(:) !< Ids of keys in the diag_table_yaml
+character(len=255) :: key_value !< The value of a key
+character(len=255) :: key_name !< The name of a key
+call fms_init
+call fms_end
+diag_yaml_id = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+print *, ""
+nkeys = get_nkeys(diag_yaml_id, 0)
+call get_key_ids(diag_yaml_id, 0, key_ids)
+do i = 1, nkeys
+ call get_key_name(diag_yaml_id, key_ids(i), key_name)
+ call get_key_value(diag_yaml_id, key_ids(i), key_value)
+ print *, "Key:", trim(key_name), " Value:", trim(key_value)
+nfiles = get_num_blocks(diag_yaml_id, "diag_files")
+call get_block_ids(diag_yaml_id, "diag_files", file_ids)
+print *, ""
+do i = 1, nfiles
+ print *, "File number:", i
+ nkeys = get_nkeys(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i))
+ allocate(key_ids(nkeys))
+ call get_key_ids(diag_yaml_id, file_ids(i), key_ids)
+ do j = 1, nkeys
+ call get_key_name(diag_yaml_id, key_ids(j), key_name)
+ call get_key_value(diag_yaml_id, key_ids(j), key_value)
+ print *, " Key:", trim(key_name), " Value:", trim(key_value)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(key_ids)
+ print *, ""
+ !< The number of variables that are part of the current file
+ nvariables = get_num_blocks(diag_yaml_id, "varlist", parent_block_id=file_ids(i))
+ allocate(var_ids(nvariables))
+ call get_block_ids(diag_yaml_id, "varlist", var_ids, parent_block_id=file_ids(i))
+ do j = 1, nvariables
+ print *, " Variable number:", j
+ nkeys = get_nkeys(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j))
+ allocate(key_ids(nkeys))
+ call get_key_ids(diag_yaml_id, var_ids(j), key_ids)
+ do k = 1, nkeys
+ call get_key_name(diag_yaml_id, key_ids(k), key_name)
+ call get_key_value(diag_yaml_id, key_ids(k), key_value)
+ print *, " Key:", trim(key_name), " Value:", trim(key_value)
+ enddo
+ deallocate(key_ids)
+ print *, ""
+ end do
+ deallocate(var_ids)
+ print *, ""
+end program parser_demo
diff --git a/test_fms/parser/test_yaml_parser.F90 b/test_fms/parser/test_yaml_parser.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cdc3b7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fms/parser/test_yaml_parser.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+!* GNU Lesser General Public License
+!* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+!* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+!* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+!* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+!* your option) any later version.
+!* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+!* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+!* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+!* for more details.
+!* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+!* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+!> @brief This programs tests the public subroutines in parser/yaml_parser.F90
+program test_read_and_parse_file
+#ifdef use_yaml
+use yaml_parser_mod
+use mpp_mod
+use fms_mod, only : fms_init, fms_end
+use platform_mod
+implicit none
+integer :: yaml_file_id1 !< file id of a yaml file
+integer :: nfiles !< number of files
+integer :: nvariables !< number of variables
+integer, allocatable :: file_ids(:) !< array of file ids
+integer, allocatable :: variable_ids(:) !< array of variable ids
+integer :: yaml_file_id2 !< file id of a yaml file
+integer :: nentries !< number of entries
+integer, allocatable :: entries_ids(:) !< array of entries ids
+integer :: zero !< dummy integer buffer
+character(len=20) :: string_buffer !< string buffer
+integer(kind=i4_kind) :: i4_buffer !< i4 buffer
+integer(kind=i8_kind) :: i8_buffer !< i8 buffer
+real(kind=r4_kind) :: r4_buffer !< r4 buffer
+real(kind=r8_kind) :: r8_buffer !< r8 buffer
+integer :: nkeys !< number of keys
+integer, allocatable :: key_ids(:) !< array of key ids
+character(len=20) :: key_name !< the name of the key
+character(len=20) :: key_value !< the value of a key
+call fms_init
+!< Test open_and_parse_file
+yaml_file_id1 = open_and_parse_file("diag_table.yaml")
+if (yaml_file_id1 .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The yaml_file_id for this file should be 0")
+!< Test if multiple files can be opened
+yaml_file_id2 = open_and_parse_file("data_table.yaml")
+if (yaml_file_id2 .ne. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The yaml_file_id for this file should be 1")
+!< -----------------------------------
+!< Test get_num_blocks
+nfiles = get_num_blocks(yaml_file_id1, "diag_files")
+if (nfiles .ne. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, "There should be only 2 diag_files")
+!< Test if a different yaml file id will work
+nentries = get_num_blocks(yaml_file_id2, "data_table")
+if (nentries .ne. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, "There should be only 2 entries")
+!< Try to look for a block that does not exist!
+zero = get_num_blocks(yaml_file_id2, "diag_files")
+if (zero .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, "'diag_files' should not exist in this file")
+!< Try the parent block_id optional argument
+nvariables = get_num_blocks(yaml_file_id1, "varlist", parent_block_id=3) !< Number of variables that belong to the atmos_daily file in the diag_table.yaml
+if (nvariables .ne. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, "There should only be 2 variables in the atmos_daily file")
+!< -----------------------------------
+!< Test get_block_ids
+call get_block_ids(yaml_file_id1, "diag_files", file_ids)
+if(file_ids(1) .ne. 3 .or. file_ids(2) .ne. 21) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The file_ids are wrong!")
+!< Test to see if a diffrent yaml file id will work
+call get_block_ids(yaml_file_id2, "data_table", entries_ids)
+if(entries_ids(1) .ne. 1 .or. entries_ids(2) .ne. 8) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The entry_ids are wrong!")
+!< Try the parent block id optional argument
+call get_block_ids(yaml_file_id1, "varlist", variable_ids, parent_block_id=3)
+if (variable_ids(1) .ne. 9 .or. variable_ids(2) .ne. 15) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The variable_ids are wrong!")
+!< Error check: *_ids is not the correct size
+!< -----------------------------------
+!< Test get_value_from_key
+!! Try get_value_from_key using a string buffer
+call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), "varName", string_buffer)
+if (trim(string_buffer) .ne. "tdata") call mpp_error(FATAL, "varName was not read correctly!")
+!! Try get_value_from_key using a i4 buffer
+call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), "mullions", i4_buffer)
+if (i4_buffer .ne. int(10, kind=i4_kind)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "mullions was not read correctly as an i4!")
+!! Try get_value_from_key using a i8 buffer
+call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), "mullions", i8_buffer)
+if (i8_buffer .ne. int(10, kind=i8_kind)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "mullions was not read correctly as an i8!")
+!! Try get_value_from_key using a r4 buffer
+call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), "fill_value", r4_buffer)
+if (r4_buffer .ne. real(-999.9, kind=r4_kind)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "fill_value was not read correctly as an r4!")
+!! Try get_value_from_key using a r8 buffer
+call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), "fill_value", r8_buffer)
+if (r8_buffer .ne. real(-999.9, kind=r8_kind)) call mpp_error(FATAL, "fill_value was not read correctly as an r8!")
+!! Try the is_optional argument on an key that does not exist
+string_buffer = ""
+call get_value_from_key(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), "NANANANA", string_buffer, is_optional=.true.)
+if (trim(string_buffer) .ne. "") call mpp_error(FATAL, "string_buffer was set when they key does not exist?")
+!< -----------------------------------
+!< Test nkeys
+nkeys = get_nkeys(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1))
+if (nkeys .ne. 5) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The number of keys was not read correctly")
+!< -----------------------------------
+!< Test get_key_ids
+call get_key_ids(yaml_file_id1, variable_ids(1), key_ids)
+if (key_ids(1) .ne. 10 .or. key_ids(2) .ne. 11 .or. key_ids(3) .ne. 12 .or. key_ids(4) .ne. 13 .or. key_ids(5) .ne. 14) call mpp_error(FATAL, "The key ids obtained are wrong")
+!< -----------------------------------
+!< Test get_key_name
+call get_key_name(yaml_file_id1, key_ids(1), key_name)
+if ((trim(key_name) .ne. "varName")) call mpp_error(FATAL, "get_key_name did not output the correct name")
+!< Test get_key_value
+call get_key_value(yaml_file_id1, key_ids(1), key_value)
+if ((trim(key_value) .ne. "tdata")) call mpp_error(FATAL, "get_key_name did not output the correct name")
+call fms_end
+end program
diff --git a/test_fms/parser/test_yaml_parser.sh b/test_fms/parser/test_yaml_parser.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..de134653d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_fms/parser/test_yaml_parser.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#* GNU Lesser General Public License
+#* This file is part of the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS).
+#* FMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+#* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+#* your option) any later version.
+#* FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+#* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+#* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+#* for more details.
+#* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#* License along with FMS. If not, see .
+# This is part of the GFDL FMS package. This is a shell script to
+# execute tests in the test_fms/parser directory.
+# Set common test settings.
+. ../test_common.sh
+touch input.nml
+cat <<_EOF > data_table.yaml
+ - gridname : "ICE"
+ fieldname_code : "sic_obs"
+ fieldname_file : "ice"
+ file_name : "INPUT/hadisst_ice.data.nc"
+ interpol_method : "bilinear"
+ factor : 0.01
+ - gridname : "WUT"
+ fieldname_code : "potato"
+ fieldname_file : "mullions"
+ file_name : "INPUT/potato.nc"
+ interpol_method : "bilinear"
+ factor : 1e-06
+ region_type : "inside_region"
+ lat_start : -89.1
+ lat_end : 89.8
+ lon_start : 3.4
+ lon_end : 154.4
+cat <<_EOF > diag_table.yaml
+title: c384L49_esm5PIcontrol
+baseDate: [1960 1 1 1 1 1 1]
+- fileName: "atmos_daily"
+ freq: 24
+ frequnit: hours
+ timeunit: days
+ unlimdim: time
+ varlist:
+ - varName: tdata
+ reduction: False
+ module: mullions
+ mullions: 10
+ fill_value: -999.9
+ - varName: pdata
+ outName: pressure
+ reduction: False
+ kind: double
+ module: "moist"
+- fileName: atmos_8xdaily
+ freq: 3
+ frequnit: hours
+ timeunit: days
+ unlimdim: time
+ varlist:
+ - varName: tdata
+ reduction: False
+ module: "moist"
+run_test test_yaml_parser 1 $parser_skip
+run_test parser_demo 1 $parser_skip
+run_test parser_demo2 1 $parser_skip
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n missing_file = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n bad_conversion = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n missing_key = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_block_ids_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_num_blocks_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_nkeys_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_key_ids_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_key_name_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_key_value_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_value_from_key_bad_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_key_name_bad_key_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_key_value_bad_key_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_key_ids_bad_block_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_nkeys_bad_block_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_block_ids_bad_block_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_num_blocks_bad_block_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n get_value_from_key_bad_block_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 $parser_skip && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n wrong_buffer_size_key_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3
+printf "&check_crashes_nml \n wrong_buffer_size_block_id = .true. \n/" | cat > input.nml
+run_test check_crashes 1 && echo "It worked?"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "The test should have failed"
+ exit 3