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question labs.txt
"If you lost your job how hard would it be for you to find a new job that paid as much as you are making now ",
"Six months from now do you think there will be ", "Would you say that you and your family are ",
"Overall do you think the economy is getting better or worse ",
"How worried are you about losing your job ", "How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Construction civil engineering housebuilding etc ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Military equipment",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Agriculture forestry amp fisheries",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Utility companies water electricity gas providers etc ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Insurance",
"Do you think the stock market will be higher or lower 12 months from now ",
"How many if any charities have you donated to in the past three months This could be anything from paying through a direct debit to giving change to a street fundraiser or sponsoring someone to raise money for a charity of their choice ",
"Thinking about how much you earn which of the following comes closest to your view ",
"Which of the following best describes your working arrangement If you switch between arrangements you may select multiple options ",
"Please say how likely you are to actively pay attention to a commercial in any of these contexts instead of changing the channel skipping leaving the room etc On a billboard",
"Please say how likely you are to actively pay attention to a commercial in any of these contexts instead of changing the channel skipping leaving the room etc On social media e g a sponsored post ",
"Please say how likely you are to actively pay attention to a commercial in any of these contexts instead of changing the channel skipping leaving the room etc On a streaming service",
"Please say how likely you are to actively pay attention to a commercial in any of these contexts instead of changing the channel skipping leaving the room etc At a cinema",
"Please say how likely you are to actively pay attention to a commercial in any of these contexts instead of changing the channel skipping leaving the room etc On the radio",
"Please say how likely you are to actively pay attention to a commercial in any of these contexts instead of changing the channel skipping leaving the room etc On TV",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Technology manufacturers computers mobile phoness tablets etc ",
"Which of the following statements apply to you with regards to wearable devices e g a smartwatch or wearable fitness band Please select all that apply ",
"Do you feel generally optimistic or pessimistic about the influence the internet is having on society ",
"In general do you think social media has a broadly positive or broadly negative effect on your mental health ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Soft drinks makers",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Groceries food cleeaning products etc ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Luxury fashion amp beauty clothes watches makeup bags etc ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations alcoholic drinks makers",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Fast food chains",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Leisure companies hotels cinemas restaurants etc ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Supermarkets",
"Generally speaking how healthy would you say your eating habits are ",
"Which if any of the following terms would you use to describe your usual eating habits ",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Bars",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Pubs",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Online food shopping websites",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Tobacco",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Pharmaceuticals amp biotech medicines etc ",
"If you were struggling with your mental health would you or would you not talk to the following person people about it ",
"In general how happy if at all would you say you are regarding your own weight and body image ",
"When it comes to smoking which of the following statements BEST applies to you ",
"If you had a child would you give them the MMR vaccine against mumps measles and rubella or not If you do have a child please state what you will do have done ",
"Would you be happy to get medical advice from a doctor via video link rather than in person e g speaking to a doctor over Skype rather than going into a clinic ",
"Which of these is the most important issue for you Please note the following answer options were recoded The environment gt Climate change and the environment Foreign policy gt National security and foreign policy The economy gt Jobs and the economy Taxes gt Taxes and government spending",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following political groups the Republicans in Congress ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following political parties the Republican Party ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following political groups the Democrats in Congress ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following political parties the Democratic Party ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Joe Biden ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Kamala Harris ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Chuck Schumer ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Mitch McConnell ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Donald Trump ",
"Would you say things in this country today are ", "Overall do you approve or disapprove of the way that the United States Congress is handling its job ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Russia ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Mexico ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States China ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Israel ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Germany ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Iran ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States France ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States United Kingdom ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Saudi Arabia ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Japan ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States Canada ",
"Do you consider the countries listed below to be an ally or an enemy of the United States South Korea ",
"Broadly speaking which of the following best describe your mood and or how you have felt in the past week Please select all that apply ",
"How many times in the past week if any have you done 30 minutes or more of physical exercise i e an activity which requires physical effort e g fast paced walking or running team sports dance swimming etc ",
"Thinking about the past week approximately how many hours of sleep have you had per night on average ",
"Thinking about the past week on how many days have you set aside a minimum of an hour specifically for socialising with other people This could include a meal with family meeting up with a friend or pursuing a hobby in a social setting ",
"Overall how satisfied are you with your life nowadays To be answered on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is 8220 not at all 8221 and 10 is 8220 completely 8221 ",
"How many if any days of vacation have you taken from your job in the past month in total ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Travel holidays airlines etc ",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Homeware",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Technology amp electronic",
"Roughly how many if any books have you read over the last 3 months ",
"Have you been to an art gallery or exhibition in the past three months ",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Health amp beauty products",
"Which of the following areas of investment if any are becoming more appealing to you at the moment Tick as many as apply ",
"Thinking about all of the financial services providers who offer deposit accounts such as checking savings money market accounts or CDs etc which one company do you consider to be your PRIMARY OR MOST IMPORTANT provider of banking services ",
"How likely would you be to recommend your current bank to your friends and family ",
"The following question is about sex We understand that this can be a sensitive topic and we have provided you with a Prefer not to say option if you would rather not share your experiences How many times in the past week if any have you had sex Please note this includes sexual intercourse involving penetration oral sex or any other activity with another person typically culminating in orgasm ",
"Would you say Donald Trump is ", "Is the Democratic Party ",
"Is the Republican Party ", "Would you say Barack Obama is ",
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as President ",
"Have you consumed any of the following types of alcohol in each of the following contexts in the last two weeks ",
"The following question is about sexual harassment We understand that this can be a sensitive topic and we have provided you with a Prefer not to say option if you would rather not share your experiences Have you experienced sexual harassment of any form i e unwanted behavior of a sexual nature which violated your dignity and or created an intimidating hostile degrading humiliating or offensive environment in a public space e g on public transport walking down the street at a workplace in the last month ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Car manufacturers",
"Do you think Joe Biden is honest and trustworthy or not ",
"Would you say Joe Biden is ", "Regardless of whether you agree with him do you like Joe Biden as a person ",
"How often if at all have you used a public library in the past three months ",
"On average how often do you eat a sweet treat of some form e g a chocolate bar bag of candy a piece of cake or muffin ",
"Below are some traditions around getting married and weddings In each case please say whether you think it is a tradition that should be preserved or dropped Bride s promising to obey their partner",
"Below are some traditions around getting married and weddings In each case please say whether you think it is a tradition that should be preserved or dropped Giving out wedding favours to guests",
"Below are some traditions around getting married and weddings In each case please say whether you think it is a tradition that should be preserved or dropped The person who proposes asking permission from the other partner s parents",
"Below are some traditions around getting married and weddings In each case please say whether you think it is a tradition that should be preserved or dropped Bride s wearing white",
"Below are some traditions around getting married and weddings In each case please say whether you think it is a tradition that should be preserved or dropped Couple not seeing each other beforehand",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Mike Pence ",
"If the technology was available do you think gene editing should or shouldnot be allowed in order to Make people more intelligent",
"If the technology was available would you personally consider using gene editing if You could change your future children s appearance",
"If the technology was available would you personally consider using gene editing if You could make your future children more intelligent",
"If the technology was available would you personally consider using gene editing if You were carrying genes for a genetic disorder and ran the risk of passing them onto future children",
"If the technology was available do you think gene editing should or shouldnot be allowed in order to Change people s appearance",
"If the technology was available do you think gene editing should or shouldnot be allowed in order to Prevent people from passing on hereditary genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis or Huntington s disease",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Equal gender pay for you personally",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Household responsibilities",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Equal gender balance in the media",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Equal caring responsibilities",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Equal gender balance in the workplace",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Equal gender balance in politics",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Openly talking about addressing sexual misconduct",
"Do you think that gender equality in each of the following areas has been achieved more should be done or is no longer necessary or relevant Equal gender pay",
"For the following question a transgender man is someone who was female at birth but now identifies as a man To what extent if at all do you agree with the statement A transgender man is a man ",
"For the following question a transgender woman is someone who was male at birth but now identifies as a woman To what extent if at all do you agree with the statement A transgender woman is a woman ",
"Thinking about someone who says they are transgender which of the following do you personally consider the most legitimate way to define what their gender is ",
"How optimistic or pessimistic would you say you are that you would be able to change or update your skillset to find new work if your current job was replaced through automation ",
"How worried if it all are you that your type of work could be automated within your lifetime ",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life Clothes",
"How likely do you think it is that there will be a major conflict involving most countries in the world in the next 20 years ",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life Charitable activity",
"Which ONE if any of the following statements do you MOST agree with ",
"Thinking about the USA s relationship with different countries which of the following comes closest to your view ",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life Your career",
"Generally speaking how safe or unsafe do you feel walking on the street during the day in your area ",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life Purchases",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life General household purchases",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life Travel",
"xml space preserve Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference Access to finance",
"Generally speaking to what extent if at all does environmental sustainability play a part in your decisions in the following areas of life Food",
"And generally speaking would you feel comfortable or uncomfortable using a gender neutral toilet in a public place ",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference Access to university",
"Do you think public spaces should have separate toilets for men and women gender neutral toilets or both ",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference In TV shows or films",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference Access to good schooling",
"xml space preserve Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference In the workplace",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference In the news",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference Among friends and family",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference Access to citizenship and or visas",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference Access to jobs",
"Thinking about race in the US do you think people from black Asian Hispanic or other non white backgrounds in the US face greater or lesser discrimination than white people in the following areas of life or no difference In interaction between strangers",
"Which of the following statements do you think BEST describes the situation for people growing up in the US today ",
"Regardless of whether you would send your own child to such a school do you support or oppose the concept of all boys schools and all girls schools ",
"Which if any of the following best describes how you think of your current job ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Nancy Pelosi ",
"How much of a problem if at all do you think air pollution is in your local area ",
"For children growing up in your country today do you think life prospects are better for boys or girls or about the same ",
"Which of the following best describes your opinion on what if any aspects of prostitution should be seen as a crime Buying a prostitute s services",
"Which of the following best describes your opinion on what if any aspects of prostitution should be seen as a crime Working as a prostitute",
"Please try to place your sexuality on a scale of 0 to 6 where 0 is completely heterosexual and 6 is completely homosexual i e gay or lesbian ",
"In what way if any do you pay to listen to music If the service or item you listen from is paid for but not by you directly e g by a family member or friend please select that option regardless Please select all that apply ",
"Which if any of these statements do you think best describes your alcohol consumption levels in the past six months ",
"How often if ever do you make each of the following choices when grocery shopping Reducing my consumption of meat",
"How often if ever do you make each of the following choices when grocery shopping Only buying fruit and vegetables which are in season",
"How often if ever do you make each of the following choices when grocery shopping Buying locally grown produce",
"How often if ever do you make each of the following choices when grocery shopping Bringing my own bags instead of buying new plastic bags",
"How often if ever do you make each of the following choices when grocery shopping Buying products with eco friendly packaging even if they are slightly more expensive",
"Do you take any kinds of multivitamins or dietary supplements on a regular basis i e once a week or more ",
"If you were considering flying somewhere for a vacation which if any of the following things would you consider doing this coming year to reduce the impact of your travel plans on the environment Please select all that apply Actively choose an eco friendly hotel",
"If you were considering flying somewhere for a vacation which if any of the following things would you consider doing this coming year to reduce the impact of your travel plans on the environment Please select all that apply Pay an additional carbon offsetting fee when buying a flight",
"If you were considering flying somewhere for a vacation which if any of the following things would you consider doing this coming year to reduce the impact of your travel plans on the environment Please select all that apply Swap a foreign vacation for a US vacation to avoid flying",
"If you were considering flying somewhere for a vacation which if any of the following things would you consider doing this coming year to reduce the impact of your travel plans on the environment Please select all that apply Take a vacation closer to the US to reduce flying time",
"If you were considering flying somewhere for a vacation which if any of the following things would you consider doing this coming year to reduce the impact of your travel plans on the environment Please select all that apply Take fewer holidays",
"To what extent if at all would it affect your purchasing behavior towards a brand if they did not have a policy on making their product sustainable ",
"Please imagine you were a passenger in a driverless car e g a taxi on a main road in a big city How safe or unsafe would you feel ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Bernie Sanders ",
"How much do you think Donald Trump cares about the needs and problems of people like you ",
"Would you say Donald Trump is a strong or a weak leader ", "If an election for US Congress were being held today who would you vote for in the district where you live ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Barack Obama ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Elizabeth Warren ",
"Would you say Joe Biden is a strong or a weak leader ", "How likely do you think it is that Donald Trump will get us into a war ",
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as President ",
"Regardless of whether you agree with him do you like Barack Obama as a person ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Michelle Obama ",
"Regardless of your overall opinion of Donald Trump do you feel he has the qualifications to be president ",
"Regardless of whether you agree with him do you like Donald Trump as a person ",
"If an election for president were going to be held now and the Democratic nominee was Joe Biden and the Republican nominee was Donald Trump would you vote for ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Amy Klobuchar ",
"Do you think Donald Trump has the temperament to be the President ",
"Do you think Donald Trump ", "Do you think Barack Obama ",
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President ",
"Regardless of your overall opinion of Donald Trump do you feel he has enough experience to be president ",
"Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the following people Stacey Abrams ",
"Do you think Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy or not ",
"Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the next four years with Donald Trump as President ",
"Do you think the way Donald Trump uses Twitter is appropriate or inappropriate for the President of the United States ",
"The following policy ideas have recently been discussed in the news Which of the following do you support or oppose Require businesses to publish salary ranges for each position",
"The following policy ideas have recently been discussed in the news Which of the following do you support or oppose Increase police funding",
"If you had to choose which ONE of the following statements is closer to your point of view ",
"The following policy ideas have recently been discussed in the news Which of the following do you support or oppose Universal health care",
"The following policy ideas have recently been discussed in the news Which of the following do you support or oppose Making election day a national holiday",
"The following policy ideas have recently been discussed in the news Which of the following do you support or oppose Expanding vote by mail",
"Immigrants are a drain on national resources ", "The following policy ideas have recently been discussed in the news Which of the following do you support or oppose Defunding police department",
"Some people say that people get ahead by their own hard work Others say that the characteristics you are born with or luck is more important Which do you think is most important to getting ahead ",
"Thinking about what you have to do in order to register and vote in your state 8211 do you feel that it is generally easy or hard to vote ",
"Do you think people like you are able to get affordable health care when they need it ",
"When it comes to getting a good education do you think people like you have more less or about the same opportunity as others ",
"When it comes to getting a well paying job do you think people like you have more less or about the same opportunity as others ",
"What do you think the chances are these days that a woman won t get a job or promotion while an equally or less qualified man gets one instead ",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Supermarkets",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Shops",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Outdoor markets",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Fast food outlets",
"Which of these best describes your diet ", "To what extent if at all would it affect your purchasing behavior towards a brand if they took a side on a political issue which aligned with what you believe ",
"To what extent if at all would it affect your purchasing behavior towards a brand if they took a side on a political issue which went against what you believe ",
"Thinking about sexuality which of the following comes closer to your view ",
"How favorable or unfavorable do you feel about each of the following sectors in the US Please consider the organisations in each sector their products and services and their general operations Media companies newspapers television radio etc ",
"And how do you imagine your household s financial situation to be 12 months from now in comparison to your present financial situation ",
"How would you describe your financial situation now in comparison to a month ago ",
"How do you currently manage your money Please select all that apply ",
"Which of the statements below best describes how well you are coping financially at the moment ",
"Have you or has someone you know ever personally bought cryptocurrency e g Bitcoin Ethereum Ripple ",
"How would you describe your financial situation now in comparison to six months ago ",
"Which if any of the following are you likely to do in the next 12 months Please select all that apply ",
"How often if ever do you make payments in cash ", "Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Holiday bookings",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Gifts",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Shoes",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Clothing",
"Do you do the majority of your shopping in each of the following areas online or in store Food amp drink",
"How important or not is it to you that the brands you like have a clear transparent point of view on wider issues in society ",
"How did you meet your current or most recent partner ", "For the following question by close friends we mean people who you trust look out for you and have your best interests at heart How many people in your life would you class as close friends ",
"Do you think luxury brands should offer a selection of goods which suit anyone s wallet so as to be accessible to more people or that luxury goods should be at the upper end of the price range so as not to erode the value of the brand ",
"Which of the following comes closer to your view on global retail chains e g McDonalds Starbucks etc ",
"If a branch of a global retail chain e g McDonalds Starbucks opens up in your local area do you see this as ",
"Which if any of the following factors do you take into consideration when buying clothes Please pick up to three ",
"In what way if ever do you pay to watch films If the service or item you watch them on is paid for but not by you directly e g by a family member or friend please select that option regardless Please select all that apply ",
"Which if any of the following devices do you use to listen to music on each of these services channels Please select all that apply for each service ",
"In which if any of the following ways do you consume music music content in a typical month Please think about music you listen to using a device rather than music you listen to live at gigs or festivals Please select all that apply ",
"In what way if ever do you pay to watch TV shows If the service or item you watch them on is paid for but not by you directly e g by a family member or friend please select that option regardless Please select all that apply ",
"In the last three years which if any of the following types of accommodation have you stayed in when on vacation Please select all that apply ",
"Which if any of the following continents have you visited and or lived in not including the country you were raised in ",
"Where do you normally do each of the following types of food shopping Sweets and snacks",
"Where do you normally do each of the following types of food shopping Frozen foods",
"Where do you normally do each of the following types of food shopping Dried food staples",
"Where do you normally do each of the following types of food shopping Meat and fish",
"Where do you normally do each of the following types of food shopping Fruit and vegetables",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Restaurants",
"How often if ever do you buy food and or drink at any of the following types of establishments Cafes",
"To what extent if at all would it affect your purchasing behavior towards a brand if they did not pay the right amount of tax ",
"To what extent if at all would it affect your purchasing behavior towards a brand if it emerged that they treated their staff badly e g poor working conditions not paying minimum wage "