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196 lines (139 loc) · 6.08 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (139 loc) · 6.08 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Nothing at the moment.

0.7.2 - 2021-10-21


  • Add thoughtbot logos
  • Update documentation to include instructions for aliasing the package and using assets in Rails asset pipeline
  • Add .tool-versions for asdf users

0.7.1 - 2021-09-29


  • Update documentation to include links to the Figma library
  • Upgrade the project dependencies
  • Update project default branch to 'main'

0.7.0 - 2020-03-05


  • A compiled CSS version of tbds is now packaged with each release. You can use the unpkg CDN to load the CSS using a URL like[email protected]/dist/tbds.css.

0.6.0 - 2020-03-03


  • Added more brand color variables, to match our Brand Guidelines:
    • $tbds-brand-gray-medium
    • $tbds-brand-gray-light
    • $tbds-brand-gray-ultra-light
    • $tbds-brand-purple
    • $tbds-brand-yellow
    • $tbds-brand-yellow-light
  • Added display: none !important; to the [hidden] attribute selector to ensure that elements using the HTML hidden attribute are actually hidden.


  • Link underlines are now removed on state change (hover & focus).
  • $tbds-brand-gray is now $tbds-brand-gray-dark.
  • The value of $tbds-brand-blue is now #2e52e4.

0.5.0 - 2019-09-19


  • Added a Badge component
  • Added a Skip link component
  • Added support for media in inverted color mode

0.4.0 - 2019-09-09


  • Added $tbds-control-block-size to set controls (text inputs and buttons) to the same block size.
  • Margin utilities now include auto (e.g. tbds-margin-inline-auto).


  • When using tbds-form elements (e.g. tbds-form__text-input), you now must ensure that the parent <form> has the tbds-form class.
  • The --border-radius custom property in the tbds-avatar component was renamed to --tbds-avatar-border-radius.
  • The --size custom property in the tbds-avatar component was renamed to --tbds-avatar-size.
  • The --size custom property in the tbds-icon component was renamed to --tbds-icon-size.
  • The --gap custom property in the tbds-block-stack component was renamed to --tbds-block-stack-gap.
  • The --gap custom property in the tbds-inline-stack component was renamed to --tbds-inline-stack-gap.

0.3.0 - 2019-06-19


  • Added the tbds-line-height-0 utility class.

  • Added breakpoint variants for the margin, padding, and text-align utility classes, e.g. tbds-margin-right-4@medium and tbds-text-align-right@large.

  • Added inline-size (width) utility classes (e.g. tbds-inline-size-25%) for the following lengths:

    • 20%
    • 25%
    • 33.3333%
    • 40%
    • 50%
    • 60%
    • 66.6666%
    • 75%
    • 80%
    • 100%

    Breakpoint-based variants are also available (e.g. tbds-inline-size-25%@medium).

  • Added utility classes for margin and padding block & inline shorthands:

    • tbds-margin-block-*
    • tbds-margin-inline-*
    • tbds-padding-block-*
    • tbds-padding-inline-*


  • tbds-app-frame__body--vertical-middle was renamed to tbds-app-frame__body--center-items

  • Layout properties and values now use logical dimensions instead of physical dimensions, for example width is now inline-size and height is now block-size. The following classes were updated to match the new syntax:

    • tbds-text-align-left is now tbds-text-align-start
    • tbds-text-align-right is now tbds-text-align-end
    • tbds-margin-top-* is now tbds-margin-block-start-*
    • tbds-margin-right-* is now tbds-margin-inline-end-*
    • tbds-margin-bottom-* is now tbds-margin-block-end-*
    • tbds-margin-left-* is now tbds-margin-inline-start-*
    • tbds-padding-top-* is now tbds-padding-block-start-*
    • tbds-padding-right-* is now tbds-padding-inline-end-*
    • tbds-padding-bottom-* is now tbds-padding-block-end-*
    • tbds-padding-left-* is now tbds-padding-inline-start-*
    • tbds-button__icon--text-to-left is now tbds-button__icon--end
    • tbds-button__icon--text-to-right is now tbds-button__icon--start
    • tbds-media--vertical-center is now tbds-media--block-center


  • Fixed button icon alignment.

0.2.0 - 2019-05-10


  • Global variables for styling focus outlines.
  • tbds-inline-stack component.
  • The block stack component now has a modifier to add a border between each item: tbds-block-stack--bordered.
  • Added tbds-icon component for simple icons
  • Added breakpoints to settings module which provides a few basic media queries


  • $tbds-blue is now $tbds-brand-blue, and its value changed from #1568c1 to #0b758c.
  • tbds-stack is now tbds-block-stack


  • tbds-form__row has been removed. Use the Stack component instead to achieve the same layout.

0.1.0 - 2019-04-19


  • Deprecated individual component packages (e.g. @thoughtbot/tbds-button) in favor of one primary package (@thoughtbot/design-system).