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Retrieve results for scheduled and dynamic tests on endpoint agents.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 7.0.32
  • Generator version: 7.6.0
  • Build package: com.thousandeyes.api.codegen.ThousandeyesPythonGenerator


Python 3.8+

Installation & Usage

pip install

Install directly via PyPi:

pip install thousandeyes-sdk-endpoint-test-results

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install thousandeyes-sdk-endpoint-test-results)

Then import the package:

import thousandeyes_sdk.endpoint_test_results


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import thousandeyes_sdk.endpoint_test_results


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import thousandeyes_sdk.core
import thousandeyes_sdk.endpoint_test_results
from thousandeyes_sdk.core.exceptions import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = thousandeyes_sdk.core.Configuration(
    host = ""

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure Bearer authorization: BearerAuth
configuration = thousandeyes_sdk.core.Configuration(
    access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with thousandeyes_sdk.core.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = thousandeyes_sdk.endpoint_test_results.HTTPServerEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi(api_client)
    test_id = '202701' # str | Test ID
    aid = '1234' # str | A unique identifier associated with your account group. You can retrieve your `AccountGroupId` from the `/account-groups` endpoint. Note that you must be assigned to the target account group. Specifying this parameter without being assigned to the target account group will result in an error response. (optional)
    window = '12h' # str | A dynamic time interval up to the current time of the request. Specify the interval as a number followed by an optional type: `s` for seconds (default if no type is specified), `m` for minutes, `h` for hours, `d` for days, and `w` for weeks. For a precise date range, use `startDate` and `endDate`. (optional)
    start_date = '2022-07-17T22:00:54Z' # datetime | Use with the `endDate` parameter. Include the complete time (hours, minutes, and seconds) in UTC time zone, following the ISO 8601 date-time format. See the example for reference. Please note that this parameter can't be used with `window`. (optional)
    end_date = '2022-07-18T22:00:54Z' # datetime | Defaults to current time the request is made. Use with the `startDate` parameter. Include the complete time (hours, minutes, and seconds) in UTC time zone, following the ISO 8601 date-time format. See the example for reference. Please note that this parameter can't be used with `window`. (optional)
    cursor = 'cursor_example' # str | (Optional) Opaque cursor used for pagination. Clients should use `next` value from `_links` instead of this parameter. (optional)
    expand = [thousandeyes_sdk.endpoint_test_results.ExpandEndpointHttpServerOptions()] # List[ExpandEndpointHttpServerOptions] | This parameter is optional and determines whether to expand resources related to test results. By default, no expansion occurs when this query parameter is omitted. To expand a specific resource, such as \"header,\" append `?expand=header` to the query. (optional)

        # Retrieve HTTP server scheduled test results
        api_response = api_instance.get_http_server_scheduled_test_results(test_id, aid=aid, window=window, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, cursor=cursor, expand=expand)
        print("The response of HTTPServerEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi->get_http_server_scheduled_test_results:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling HTTPServerEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi->get_http_server_scheduled_test_results: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
HTTPServerEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi get_http_server_scheduled_test_results GET /endpoint/test-results/scheduled-tests/{testId}/http-server Retrieve HTTP server scheduled test results
HTTPServerEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi get_multi_test_filtered_http_server_scheduled_test_results POST /endpoint/test-results/scheduled-tests/http-server/filter Filter HTTP server scheduled test results
LocalNetworkEndpointTestResultsApi filter_local_networks_test_results_topologies POST /endpoint/test-results/local-networks/topologies/filter List endpoint network topologies probes
LocalNetworkEndpointTestResultsApi get_local_networks_test_results GET /endpoint/test-results/local-networks List local networks
LocalNetworkEndpointTestResultsApi get_local_networks_test_results_topology GET /endpoint/test-results/local-networks/topologies/{networkTopologyId} Retrieve endpoint local network topology
NetworkDynamicEndpointTestResultsApi filter_dynamic_test_network_results POST /endpoint/test-results/dynamic-tests/{testId}/network/filter Retrieve network dynamic test results
NetworkDynamicEndpointTestResultsApi get_dynamic_test_path_vis_agent_round_results GET /endpoint/test-results/dynamic-tests/{testId}/path-vis/agent/{agentId}/round/{roundId} Retrieve path visualization network dynamic test results details
NetworkDynamicEndpointTestResultsApi get_dynamic_test_path_vis_results GET /endpoint/test-results/dynamic-tests/{testId}/path-vis Retrieve path visualization network dynamic test results
NetworkEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi filter_scheduled_test_network_results POST /endpoint/test-results/scheduled-tests/{testId}/network/filter Retrieve network scheduled test results
NetworkEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi filter_scheduled_tests_network_results POST /endpoint/test-results/scheduled-tests/network/filter Retrieve network scheduled test results from multiple tests
NetworkEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi get_scheduled_test_path_vis_agent_round_results GET /endpoint/test-results/scheduled-tests/{testId}/path-vis/agent/{agentId}/round/{roundId} Retrieve path visualization network scheduled test results details
NetworkEndpointScheduledTestResultsApi get_scheduled_test_path_vis_results GET /endpoint/test-results/scheduled-tests/{testId}/path-vis Retrieve path visualization network scheduled test results
RealUserEndpointTestResultsApi filter_real_user_tests_network_results POST /endpoint/test-results/real-user-tests/networks/filter List endpoint real user tests
RealUserEndpointTestResultsApi filter_real_user_tests_results POST /endpoint/test-results/real-user-tests/filter List endpoint real user tests
RealUserEndpointTestResultsApi filter_real_user_tests_visited_pages_results POST /endpoint/test-results/real-user-tests/pages/filter List endpoint real user tests visited pages
RealUserEndpointTestResultsApi get_real_user_test_page_results GET /endpoint/test-results/real-user-tests/{id}/pages/{pageId} Retrieve endpoint real user test page
RealUserEndpointTestResultsApi get_real_user_test_results GET /endpoint/test-results/real-user-tests/{id} Retrieve endpoint real user test

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer authentication


ThousandEyes API Team