- All our ThreeFold Tech code is available on GitHub TFTech
- TF Foundation websites/wiki/... and ThreeFold Foundation specific code is on GitHub ThreeFold Foundation
- A set of digital twin experiences on top of the ThreeFold Grid are on GitHub FreeFlow Universe = opensource contributions
Each repository has a license file please consult the license before using the source code.
- website: http://www.threefold.io/
- knowledgebase TFGrid: https://library.threefold.me/
- manual for TFGrid: https://library.threefold.me/info/manual/#/
- explorer for TFGrid: overview of existing grid capacity: https://explorer.threefold.io
- portal for TFGrid: http://portal.grid.tf
- weblets for TFGrid: easily deploy something: https://play.grid.tf
Opensource effort to build things on top of us. Licenses see the repositories:
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/threefold-wallet-electron
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/CosmWasm-wasmd
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/pancake-frontent
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/quantum-storage
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/rfs
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/grid_monitoring
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/twin_server_v2
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/tfgridclient_v
- https://github.com/threefoldtech/taiga-contrib-threefold-auth
Is a layer on top of the ThreeFold Grid, contributed from TFTech NV & other parties as opensource.
TODO: needs to be updated
- https://github.com/freeflowuniverse/crystaltwin : first crystal lang based version of the crystal twin (WIP)
- https://github.com/freeflowuniverse/crystaltools : supporting tools
- PublishingTools: Web content publishing system
- https://github.com/freeflowuniverse/crystalserver : server v1 for the crystal twin, working on new version
- https://github.com/freeflowuniverse/crystalstore : the file stor backend
- https://github.com/freeflowuniverse/crystaldrive : the file stor
- https://github.com/freeflowuniverse/crystaldrive-ui : Web UI for the crystal drive
Many more repo's in https://github.com/freeflowuniverse
All our code is dual licensed.
- Free: which means all code is open source but there is limited support provided through forum.
- Paid: commercial license, quality checked certified builds with support and training.