Project developed in the LAPD course @FEUP
musicl is a full-stack web application that merges data from different Music APIs to offer information on ALbums, Artists and Tracks as well as lyrics.
- Spotify API
- Wikipedia API
Disclaimer: The information provided by this application is owned by the APIs being used and credit should be given to the data sources.
- Node.js
- Express
- React
- Redux
- MaterialUI
Requires Node.js >= v10
Populate fe/.env
with API_URL
cd fe
npm i
npm start
Populate be/.env
with Spotify credentials
cd be
npm i
npm start # or npm run watch (uses Nodemon and restarts when code changes occur)
- Mariana Aguiar mbaguiar
- Tiago Castro tiagoacastro
- Tiago Fragoso tiagofragoso