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II. Functions

1.Arrow functions


const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map(function(name) { 
  return name.toUpperCase();
const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map(
  name => name.toUpperCase()

Convert a function to an arrow function

  • remove the function keyword
  • remove the parentheses
  • remove the opening and closing curly braces
  • remove the return keyword
  • remove the semicolon
  • add an arrow ( => ) between the parameter list and the function body

Parentheses and arrow function parameteres

const greet = name => `Hello ${name}!`;

const sayHi = () => console.log('Hello Udacity Student!');

const orderIceCream = (flavor, cone) => console.log(`Here's your ${flavor} ice cream in a ${cone} cone.`);
orderIceCream('chocolate', 'waffle');

One confusing syntax is when an arrow function is stored in a variable.

Concise and block body syntax

All of the arrow functions we've been looking at have only had a single expression as the function body:

const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map(
  name => name.toUpperCase()

This format of the function body is called the "concise body syntax". The concise syntax:

  • has no curly braces surroun
  • ding the function body
  • and automatically returns the expression.

If you need more than just a single line of code in your arrow function's body, then you can use the "block body syntax".

const upperizedNames = ['Farrin', 'Kagure', 'Asser'].map( name => {
  name = name.toUpperCase();
  return `${name} has ${name.length} characters in their name`;

Important things to keep in mind with the block syntax:

  • it uses curly braces to wrap the function body
  • and a return statement needs to be used to actually return something from the function.

"this" and Arrow Functions

The value of this inside an arrow function is the same as the value of this outside the function.

function IceCream() {
  this.scoops = 0;

// adds scoop to ice cream
IceCream.prototype.addScoop = function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log('scoop added!');
  }, 500);

const dessert = new IceCream();

The function passed to setTimeout() is called without new, without call(), without apply(), and without a context object. That means the value of this inside the function is the global object and NOT the dessert object. So what actually happened was that a new scoops variable was created (with a default value of undefined) and was then incremented (undefined + 1 results in NaN):

old ways:
// constructor
function IceCream() {
  this.scoops = 0;

// adds scoop to ice cream
IceCream.prototype.addScoop = function() {
  const cone = this; // sets `this` to the `cone` variable
  setTimeout(function() {
    cone.scoops++; // references the `cone` variable
    console.log('scoop added!');
  }, 0.5);

const dessert = new IceCream();
function IceCream() {
  this.scoops = 0;

// adds scoop to ice cream
IceCream.prototype.addScoop = function() {
  setTimeout(() => { // an arrow function is passed to setTimeout
    console.log('scoop added!');
  }, 0.5);

const dessert = new IceCream();
function IceCream() {
    this.scoops = 0;

// adds scoop to ice cream
IceCream.prototype.addScoop = () => { // addScoop is now an arrow function
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('scoop added!');
  }, 0.5);

const dessert = new IceCream();

This doesn't work for the same reason - arrow functions inherit their this value from their surrounding context. Outside of the addScoop() method, the value of this is the global object. So if addScoop() is an arrow function, the value of this inside addScoop() is the global object. Which then makes the value of this in the function passed to setTimeout() also set to the global object!

2. Default Function Parameters

old way:

function greet(name, greeting) {
  name = (typeof name !== 'undefined') ?  name : 'Student';
  greeting = (typeof greeting !== 'undefined') ?  greeting : 'Welcome';

  return `${greeting} ${name}!`;

greet(); // Welcome Student!
greet('James'); // Welcome James!
greet('Richard', 'Howdy'); // Howdy Richard!	


function greet(name = 'Student', greeting = 'Welcome') {
  return `${greeting} ${name}!`;

greet(); // Welcome Student!
greet('James'); // Welcome James!
greet('Richard', 'Howdy'); // Howdy Richard!

Defaults and destructuring arrays

function createGrid([width = 5, height = 5]) {
  return `Generates a ${width} x ${height} grid`;

createGrid([]); // Generates a 5 x 5 grid
createGrid([2]); // Generates a 2 x 5 grid
createGrid([2, 3]); // Generates a 2 x 3 grid
createGrid([undefined, 3]); // Generates a 5 x 3 grid

createGrid(); // throws an error
function createGrid([width = 5, height = 5] = []) {
  return `Generating a grid of ${width} by ${height}`;

createGrid(); // Generates a 5 x 5 grid

Array defaults vs. object defaults

Default function parameters are a simple addition, but it makes our lives so much easier! One benefit of object defaults over array defaults is how they handle skipped options. Check this out:

function createSundae({scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']} = {}) {  }

...with the createSundae() function using object defaults with destructuring, if you want to use the default value for scoops but change the toppings, then all you need to do is pass in an object with toppings:

createSundae({toppings: ['Hot Fudge', 'Sprinkles', 'Caramel']});

Compare the above example with the same function that uses array defaults with destructuring.

function createSundae([scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']] = []) {  }

With this function setup, if you want to use the default number of scoops but change the toppings, you'd have to call your function a little...oddly:

createSundae([undefined, ['Hot Fudge', 'Sprinkles', 'Caramel']]);

Since arrays are positionally based, we have to pass undefined to "skip" over the first argument (and accept the default) to get to the second argument.

Unless you've got a strong reason to use array defaults with array destructuring, we recommend going with object defaults with object destructuring!

3. JavaScript Classes

ES5 "Class" Recap

Since ES6 classes are just a mirage and hide the fact that prototypal inheritance is actually going on under the hood, let's quickly look at how to create a "class" with ES5 code:

function Plane(numEngines) {
  this.numEngines = numEngines;
  this.enginesActive = false;

// methods "inherited" by all instances
Plane.prototype.startEngines = function () {
  console.log('starting engines...');
  this.enginesActive = true;

const richardsPlane = new Plane(1);

const jamesPlane = new Plane(4);

In the code above, the Plane function is a constructor function that will create new Plane objects. The data for a specific Plane object is passed to the Plane function and is set on the object. Methods that are "inherited" by each Plane object are placed on the Plane.prototype object. Then richardsPlane is created with one engine while jamesPlane is created with 4 engines. Both objects, however, use the same startEngines method to activate their respective engines.

Things to note:

  • the constructor function is called with the new keyword
  • the constructor function, by convention, starts with a capital letter
  • the constructor function controls the setting of data on the objects that will be created
  • "inherited" methods are placed on the constructor function's prototype object

Keep these in mind as we look at how ES6 classes work because, remember, ES6 classes set up all of this for you under the hood.

ES6 Classes

Here's what that same Plane class would like like if it were written using the new class syntax:

class Plane {
  constructor(numEngines) {
    this.numEngines = numEngines;
    this.enginesActive = false;

  startEngines() {
    console.log('starting engines…');
    this.enginesActive = true;

Things to look out for when using classes

  1. class is not magic
    • The class keyword brings with it a lot of mental constructs from other, class-based languages. It doesn't magically add this functionality to JavaScript classes.
  2. class is a mirage over prototypal inheritance
    • We've said this many times before, but under the hood, a JavaScript class just uses prototypal inheritance.
  3. Using classes requires the use of new
    • When creating a new instance of a JavaScript class, the new keyword must be used

Static methods

To add a static method, the keyword static is placed in front of the method name. Look at the badWeather() method in the code below.

class Plane {
  constructor(numEngines) {
    this.numEngines = numEngines;
    this.enginesActive = false;

  static badWeather(planes) {
    for (plane of planes) {
      plane.enginesActive = false;

  startEngines() {
    console.log('starting engines…');
    this.enginesActive = true;

See how badWeather() has the word static in front of it while startEngines() doesn't? That makes badWeather() a method that's accessed directly on the Plane class, so you can call it like this:

Plane.badWeather([plane1, plane2, plane3]);

Subclasses(Super and Extends)

Now that we've looked at creating classes in JavaScript. Let's use the new super and extends keywords to extend a class.

class Tree {
  constructor(size = '10', leaves = {spring: 'green', summer: 'green', fall: 'orange', winter: null}) {
    this.size = size;
    this.leaves = leaves;
    this.leafColor = null;

  changeSeason(season) {
    this.leafColor = this.leaves[season];
    if (season === 'spring') {
      this.size += 1;

class Maple extends Tree {
  constructor(syrupQty = 15, size, barkColor, leaves) {
    super(size, barkColor, leaves);
    this.syrupQty = syrupQty;

  changeSeason(season) {
    if (season === 'spring') {
      this.syrupQty += 1;

  gatherSyrup() {
    this.syrupQty -= 3;

const myMaple = new Maple(15, 5);

Both Tree and Maple are JavaScript classes. The Maple class is a "subclass" of Tree and uses the extends keyword to set itself as a "subclass". To get from the "subclass" to the parent class, the super keyword is used. Did you notice that superwas used in two different ways? In Maple's constructor method, super is used as a function. In Maple's changeSeason()method, super is used as an object!

Compared to ES5 subclasses

Let's see this same functionality, but written in ES5 code:

function Tree() {
  this.size = size || 10;
  this.leaves = leaves || {spring: 'green', summer: 'green', fall: 'orange', winter: null};

Tree.prototype.changeSeason = function(season) {
  this.leafColor = this.leaves[season];
  if (season === 'spring') {
    this.size += 1;

function Maple (syrupQty, size, barkColor, leaves) {, size, barkColor, leaves);
  this.syrupQty = syrupQty || 15;

Maple.prototype = Object.create(Tree.prototype);
Maple.prototype.constructor = Maple;

Maple.prototype.changeSeason = function(season) {, season);
  if (season === 'spring') {
    this.syrupQty += 1;

Maple.prototype.gatherSyrup = function() {
  this.syrupQty -= 3;

const myMaple = new Maple(15, 5);

Working with subclasses

Like most of the new additions, there's a lot less setup code and it's a lot cleaner syntax to create a subclass using class, super, and extends.

Just remember that, under the hood, the same connections are made between functions and prototypes.

super must be called before this

In a subclass constructor function, before this can be used, a call to the super class must be made.

class Apple {}
class GrannySmith extends Apple {
  constructor(tartnessLevel, energy) {
    this.tartnessLevel = tartnessLevel; // `this` before `super` will throw an error!