Version 2.2.2 2014-01-24
- Update dependencies
- Added associatedMediaMime
Version 2.2.1 2013-12-04
- Reorganize scripts
Version 2.2.0 2013-10-16
- Add DarwinCoreTermUtils
- Update dependencies (Spring, Jackson, canadensys-core)
Version 2.1.1 2013-10-03
- Bug fix: HibernateTaxonDAO.getStatusRegionCriterion(...) String[] region parameter should not be case sensitive.
Version 2.1.0 2013-09-27
- ElasticSearchNameDAO search function can search with or without autocompletion.
- ElasticSearchNameDAO search function now includes epithet and "genus first letter".
Version 2.0.1 2013-08-23
- Add support for synonym with more than one parent in NameDAO and model
Version 2.0 2013-08-14
- No more GeneratedValue on OccurrenceRawModel
- New Vascan package (dao and model)
- Now using Spring 3.2 and Hibernate 4.1
- New ResourceContact model and DAO
- Added migration scripts folder