diff --git a/mapbox_vector_tile/command.py b/mapbox_vector_tile/command.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a5318b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mapbox_vector_tile/command.py
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import mercantile
+from mercantile import Tile
+import shapely.affinity
+import shapely.geometry
+import shapely.ops
+import shapely.wkb
+from . import encode, decode
+_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _configure_logger(logger, level, stream=None):
+    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s')
+    handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
+    handler.setLevel(level)
+    handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+    logger.addHandler(handler)
+    logger.setLevel(level)
+def mvt_decode():
+    buffer = sys.stdin.buffer.read()
+    layers = decode(buffer)
+    print(json.dumps(layers))
+def _parse_tiles(tile_texts):
+    """
+    :param tile_texts: an iterable of "z/x/y" or "minz-maxz" (inclusive)
+    :return: a generator of tiles
+    """
+    tiles = set()
+    for text in tile_texts:
+        if '/' in text:
+            z, x, y = text.split('/')
+            tiles.add(Tile(x=int(x), y=int(y), z=int(z)))
+        elif '-' in text:
+            minz, maxz = text.split('-')
+            minz, maxz = min(int(minz), int(maxz)), max(int(minz), int(maxz))
+            for z in range(minz, maxz+1):
+                tiles.add(Tile(x=None, y=None, z=z))
+        else:
+            tiles.add(Tile(x=None, y=None, z=int(text)))
+    # if both x/y/z and None/None/z exist in tiles, we remove None/None/z
+    removing = set(
+        tile.z for tile in tiles
+        if tile.x is not None
+    )
+    for z in removing:
+        tile = Tile(x=None, y=None, z=z)
+        if tile in tiles:
+            tiles.remove(tile)
+    return tiles
+def _get_ancestral_tiles(tiles, sorted_levels):
+    """
+    generate ancestral tiles at the reversely sorted levels
+    :param tiles: an iterable of tiles that mush be lower than sorted_levels[0]
+    :param sorted_levels: reversely sorted levels
+    :return: generate of ancestral tiles
+    """
+    children = tiles
+    for level in sorted_levels:
+        if level < 0:
+            break
+        tiles = set()
+        for child in children:
+            assert level <= child.z
+            scale = 2 ** (child.z - level)
+            tiles.add(Tile(x=child.x // scale, y=child.y // scale, z=level))
+        for tile in tiles:
+            yield tile
+        children = tiles
+def _generate_tile_children(tile: Tile):
+    x, y, z = tile.x * 2, tile.y * 2, tile.z + 1
+    yield Tile(x=x, y=y, z=z)
+    yield Tile(x=x + 1, y=y, z=z)
+    yield Tile(x=x, y=y + 1, z=z)
+    yield Tile(x=x + 1, y=y + 1, z=z)
+_WORLD_BOUNDS = mercantile.bounds(0, 0, 0)
+_WORLD_MINX, _WORLD_MINY = mercantile.xy(_WORLD_BOUNDS.west, _WORLD_BOUNDS.south)
+_WORLD_MAXX, _WORLD_MAXY = mercantile.xy(_WORLD_BOUNDS.east, _WORLD_BOUNDS.north)
+def _tile_bbox(tile):
+    n = 2 ** tile.z
+    tile_width, tile_height = _WORLD_WIDTH / n, _WORLD_HEIGHT / n
+    minx, miny = tile.x * tile_width, tile.y * tile_height
+    maxx, maxy = minx + tile_width, miny + tile_height
+    # Flip y
+    miny, maxy = _WORLD_HEIGHT - maxy, _WORLD_WIDTH - miny
+    # Shift origin
+    return minx + _WORLD_MINX, miny + _WORLD_MINY, maxx + _WORLD_MINX, maxy + _WORLD_MINY
+def _is_intersected(shape_mercator, tile: Tile):
+    """
+    check if shape in mercator intersects with the tile.
+    :param shape_mercator: shape in mercator
+    :param tile: tile coodintates
+    :return: whether they intersect
+    """
+    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = _tile_bbox(tile)
+    coords = [
+        (minx, miny),
+        (maxx, miny),
+        (maxx, maxy),
+        (minx, maxy),
+        (minx, miny),
+    ]
+    tile_bbox_shape = shapely.geometry.Polygon(coords)
+    return tile_bbox_shape.intersects(shape_mercator)
+def _intersected_tiles(shape_mercator, zoom_level, parent_tile=None):
+    """
+    generate intersected tiles at the zoom level.
+    :param shape_mercator: the shape in mercator
+    :param zoom_level: the zoom level
+    :return: generator of tiles
+    """
+    if parent_tile is None:
+        parent_tile = Tile(x=0, y=0, z=0)
+    if zoom_level < parent_tile.z:
+        return
+    if not _is_intersected(shape_mercator, parent_tile):
+        return
+    if zoom_level == parent_tile.z:
+        yield parent_tile
+    else:
+        assert parent_tile.z < zoom_level
+        for child in _generate_tile_children(parent_tile):
+            yield from _intersected_tiles(shape_mercator, zoom_level, child)
+def _extract_feature(geojson):
+    type = geojson['type']
+    if type == 'Feature':
+        yield geojson
+    elif type == 'FeatureCollection':
+        for feature in geojson['features']:
+            yield feature
+    else:
+        # assume it is a geometry
+        yield {
+            'type': 'Feature',
+            'geometry': geojson,
+            'properties': {},
+        }
+def _get_geometry_shape(geometry):
+    type = geometry['type']
+    coordinates = geometry['coordinates']
+    if type == 'Point':
+        return shapely.geometry.Point(coordinates)
+    elif type == 'MultiPoint':
+        return shapely.geometry.MultiPoint(coordinates)
+    elif type == 'LineString':
+        return shapely.geometry.LineString(coordinates)
+    elif type == 'MultiLineString':
+        return shapely.geometry.MultiLineString(coordinates)
+    elif type == 'Polygon':
+        return shapely.geometry.Polygon(coordinates)
+    elif type == 'MultiPolygon':
+        return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(coordinates)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError('Invalid geometry type {}'.format(type))
+def _transform_to_mercator(shape_wgs84):
+    return shapely.ops.transform(
+        mercantile.xy,
+        shape_wgs84,
+    )
+def _transform_affine_params(tile, extent):
+    bounds = mercantile.bounds(*tile)
+    minx, miny = mercantile.xy(bounds.west, bounds.south)
+    maxx, maxy = mercantile.xy(bounds.east, bounds.north)
+    dx = -minx
+    dy = -miny
+    fx = extent / (maxx - minx)
+    fy = extent / (maxy - miny)
+    return dx, dy, fx, fy
+def _transform_tile_based_mercator(shape_mercator, tile, extent=4096):
+    dx, dy, fx, fy = _transform_affine_params(tile, extent=extent)
+    return shapely.affinity.affine_transform(
+        shape_mercator,
+        [
+            fx, 0,
+            0, fy,
+            dx * fx, dy * fy
+        ]
+    )
+def _index_features(geojson, sorted_levels):
+    """
+    put features in the geojson into the tiles that they intersect with respectively.
+    :param geojson: any geojson element
+    :param sorted_levels: a reversely sorted zoom levels
+    :return: the indexed dict
+    """
+    indexed_features = {}
+    for feature in _extract_feature(geojson):
+        shape_wgs84 = _get_geometry_shape(feature['geometry'])
+        shape_mercator = _transform_to_mercator(shape_wgs84)
+        # highest tiles that intersect with the shape
+        highest_tiles = _intersected_tiles(shape_mercator, sorted_levels[0])
+        # all tiles in the sorted levels that contain the highest tiles
+        ancestral_tiles = _get_ancestral_tiles(highest_tiles, sorted_levels)
+        for tile in ancestral_tiles:
+            indexed_features.setdefault(tile, []).append((feature, shape_mercator))
+    return indexed_features
+def write_tile(args, tile, indexed_features):
+    """
+    encode features indexed in the tile and write then into the disk.
+    :param args: a namespace that must contain directory and layer name
+    :param tile: the tile coordinates
+    :param indexed_features: a dict that maps tile to a list of tuples (feature, shape in mercator)
+    :return: None
+    """
+    if tile not in indexed_features:
+        return
+    def _transform_and_simplify(shape_mercator, tile):
+        shape = _transform_tile_based_mercator(shape_mercator, tile)
+        return shape.simplify(1, preserve_topology=True)
+    def _normalize_properties(properties):
+        return {
+            key: (json.dumps(value) if isinstance(value, (list ,dict)) else value)
+            for key, value in properties.items()
+        }
+    features = [
+        {
+            'geometry': _transform_and_simplify(shape_mercator, tile),
+            'properties': _normalize_properties(feature['properties']),
+        }
+        for feature, shape_mercator in indexed_features[tile]
+    ]
+    encoded_tile = encode({
+        'name': args.name,
+        'features': features,
+    })
+    tile_path = os.path.join(args.directory or '', '{tile.z}/{tile.x}/{tile.y}.mvt'.format(tile=tile))
+    tile_dir = os.path.dirname(tile_path)
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(tile_dir)
+    except OSError:
+        pass
+    with open(tile_path, 'wb') as f:
+        f.write(encoded_tile)
+    _LOG.info('Wrote {nbr_features} feature(s) in {tile_path}'.format(
+        nbr_features=len(features),
+        tile_path=tile_path,
+    ))
+def mvt_encode():
+    _configure_logger(_LOG, logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Encode GeoJSON read from stdin as mapbox vector tiles')
+    parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', help='Write tiles into the directory')
+    parser.add_argument('name', help='Layer name')
+    parser.add_argument('tiles', nargs='+', help='Tile coodinates (z/x/y), or zoom level ranges (minz-maxz)')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    sorted_tiles = sorted(
+        _parse_tiles(args.tiles),
+        key=lambda tile: tile.z,
+        reverse=True,
+    )
+    sorted_levels = [tile.z for tile in sorted_tiles]
+    # index features: tile -> (feature, shape)
+    geojson = json.load(sys.stdin)
+    indexed_features = _index_features(geojson, sorted_levels)
+    # encode
+    for tile in sorted_tiles:
+        if tile.x is None:
+            assert tile.y is None
+            for indexed_tile in indexed_features:
+                if indexed_tile.z == tile.z:
+                    write_tile(args, indexed_tile, indexed_features)
+        else:
+            write_tile(args, tile, indexed_features)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 67778d4..c12193b 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -30,10 +30,16 @@ def test_suite():
-          "setuptools",
+          "future",
+          "mercantile",
+          "pyclipper",
+          "setuptools",
-          "future",
-          "pyclipper"
-      ]
+      ],
+      entry_points='''
+      [console_scripts]
+      mvt_encode=mapbox_vector_tile.command:mvt_encode
+      mvt_decode=mapbox_vector_tile.command:mvt_decode
+      '''