Releases: tim740/skUtilities
number of (cpu|processor) cores
(cpu|processor) core count
#Returns number of cpu cores
name of (cpu|processor)
(cpu|processor) name
#Returns the name of the cpu and model
arch[itecture] of (cpu|processor)
(cpu|processor) arch[itecture]
#Returns the Architecture of the cpu
Improved Error Messages, Made them more clear and more Custom:
Updated Base64 Encode/Decode (games647)
Updater Check Sync (games647)
file %string% is a dir[ectory]
file %string% is(n'| no)t a dir[ectory]
#checks if path is dircetory
relative path of %string%
%string%'s relative path
#Gets relative path
short path of %string%
%string%'s short path
#Gets short path
on (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd) (run|execute)
#Event: Triggers when you use Run Command cancelable
run (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd) %string%
#Excutes command in skript
#Windows: cmd /c <command>
[last ]output of executed (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd)
[last ]executed (bash|batch|sh) (command|cmd)'s output
#Returns last executed command's output
system property (os arch|os name|os version|java home|user dir|user home|user name|user lang[uage]|user timezone|line separator|file separator|path separator|file encoding)
#Gets a System property
(operating system|os) is (windows|mac|linux|unix|solaris|sun os|hp ux|aix|irix|free bsd|open bsd|net bsd)
(operating system|os) is(n'| no)t (windows|mac|linux|unix|solaris|sun os|hp ux|aix|irix|free bsd|open bsd|net bsd)
#Check's if your server's os is a certain os
Fixed Is File
ExprLoaded Optimized
Optimized other classes
Now using bStats and mcStats (mcStats will be removed if it doesn't come back online in a later update!)
Disclaimer: This addon can damage your server if used wrong or used in malicious manner, Double checking code is Advised, I take no responsibility for any damage caused, I've tried to make this addon as powerful and non-restrictive as possible!
%string% parsed as date[ formatted as %-string%]
#parses a string date as a date
(year|month|month name|day of year|day of month|day of week|day name|hours|minutes|seconds) from date %date%
date %date%'s (year|month|month name|day of year|day of month|day of week|day name|hours|minutes|seconds)
#gets information from a date
Fixed CondFileExists syntax
Tweaked update messages
Changed ERROR
in chat error messages
New checks added to download file
%boolean% is %-boolean%
%boolean% is(n't| not) %-boolean%
#update message: `Checking for update now you will be notified if there is an update!`
#edited some of the updaters messages
#update message: `Currently using the latest version of skUtilities.`
Fixed a bug where the addon would redownload the changelog (affected every version before this one
if your using v0.8.7 i suggest you update.
%boolean% is %-boolean%
%boolean% is(n't| not) %-boolean%
#checks if a boolean = a boolean if boolean = null this will return false
#2 new config options 'broadcastUpdates' and 'broadcastErrors'
#All File events
#Config Resetter
y[a]ml[ path] %string% in file %-string% exists
y[a]ml[ path] %string% in file %-string% does(n't| not) exist
#checks if yaml path exists in a file
#Load option to disable yaml stuff
#print tag in console
Prefixed all events with [skUtil[ities]]
Yaml path ... doesn't exist
error has been made better
Bug Fixes
y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string%
set y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string% to %object%
delete y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string%
y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %-string%
add %object% to y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %-string%
add %object% to y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %-string%
add %object% to y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
#%object% can be a string/boolean/number
#this was really buggy and never really worked well
#now it works fine :)
Optimized json
Switched to MetricsLite
online stat(us|e) of url %string%
url %string%'s online stat(us|e)
#returns a boolean
Updated every syntax to allow prefixing of skutil[ities]
Added Second Syntaxs:
bin[ary] %string% as (text|string)
bin[ary] %string% as decimal
bin[ary] %string% as hexa[decimal]
bin[ary] %string% as octal
(text|string) %string% as bin[ary]
decimal %string% as bin[ary]
hexa[decimal] %string% as bin[ary]
octal %string% as bin[ary]
ascii %numbers% as (text|string)
ascii %numbers% as unicode
(text|string) %string% as ascii
(text|string) %string% as unicode
unicode %string% as (text|string)
unicode %string% as ascii
hexa[decimal] %string% as num[ber]
num[ber] %number% as hexa[decimal]
hex %string% as rgb
rgb %number%, %number%, %number% as hex
date %date% as unix[ date]
unix[ date] %number% as date
unix[ date] %number% as date formatted as %string%