Releases: timeseriesAI/tsai
Release notes
Breaking Changes
- removed InceptionTSiT, InceptionTSiTPlus, ConvTSiT & ConvTSiTPlus (#276)
New Features
add stateful custom sklearn API type tfms: TSShrinkDataFrame, TSOneHotEncoder, TSCategoricalEncoder (#313)
Pytorch 1.10 compatibility (#311)
ability to pad at the start/ end of sequences and filter results in SlidingWindow (#307)
added bias_init to TSiT (#288)
plot permutation feature importance after a model's been trained (#286)
added separable as an option to MultiConv1d (#285)
Modified TSiTPlus to accept a feature extractor and/or categorical variables (#278)
Bugs Squashed
learn modules takes too long to load (#312)
error in roll2d and roll3d when passing index 2 (#304)
TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' (#302)
ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars (#300)
unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' when using multiclass multistep labels (#298)
incorrect data types in NumpyDatasets subset (#297)
create_future_mask creates a mask in the past (#293)
NameError: name 'X' is not defined in learner.feature_importance (#291)
TSiT test fails on cuda (#287)
MultiConv1d breaks when ni == nf (#284)
WeightedPerSampleLoss reported an error when used with LDS_weights (#281)
pos_encoding transfer weight in TSiT fails (#280)
MultiEmbedding cat_pos and cont_pos are not in state_dict() (#277)
Release notes
Breaking Changes
- removed torch-optimizer dependency (#228)
New Features
added option to train MVP on random sequence lengths (#252)
added ability to pass an arch name (str) to learner instead of class (#217)
created convenience fns create_directory and delete_directory in utils (#213)
added option to create random array of given shapes and dtypes (#212)
my_setup() print your main system and package versions (#202)
added a new tutorial on how to train large datasets using tsai (#199)
added a new function to load any file as a module (#196)
Created in #210
Bugs Squashed
Loading code just for inference takes too long (#273)
Fixed out-of-memory issue with large datasets on disk (#126)
AttributeError: module 'torch' has no attribute 'nan_to_num' (#262)
Fixed TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' (#250)
Wrong link in paper references (#249)
remove default PATH which overwrites custom PATH (#238)
Predictions where not properly decoded when using with_decoded. (#237)
SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame (#221)
InceptionTimePlus wasn't imported by TSLearners (#218)
get_subset_dl fn is not properly creating a subset dataloader (#211)
Bug in WeightedPersSampleLoss (#203)
Bump nokogiri from 1.11.4 to 1.12.5 in /docs by @dependabot in #222
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.2.20...0.2.23