- Increased the timeout when talking to gateways.
- Fixed issue with create payment method API call.
- Support all 3.x versions of ActiveSupport
- Support all 0.x versions of HTTParty
- Fix bug where a response with no body could raise a NoMethodError on NilClass
- Update Rakefile to include bundler tasks for building and releasing the gem
Allow configuring via a set of key/values or with the traditional 3 arguments. For example: SpreedlyCore.configure :login => 'login', :secret => 'secret', :token => 'token' or SpreeclyCore.configure 'login', 'secret', 'token'
Handle exceptional cases better. There are 2 types of exceptions which can be raised by the library:
- SpreedlyCore::TimeOutError A TimeOutError is raised if communication with SpreedlyCore takes longer than 10 seconds
- SpreedlyCore::InvalidResponse An InvalidResponse is raised when the response code is unexpected (I.E. we expect a HTTP response code of 200 bunt instead got a 500) or if the response does not contain an expected attribute. For example the response from retaining a payment method should contain an XML attribute of "transaction". If this is not found (for example a HTTP response 404 or 500 is returned), then an InvalidResponse is raised
Both TimeOutError and InvalidResponse subclass SpreedlyCore::Error.