LPD-48349 Auto generated
LPD-48349 Auto generated
Force push
LPD-50693 Deleted CanAnonymizeEntryFromApplication
LPD-50693 Deleted CanAnonymizeEntryFromApplication
LPD-48135 Fix UserServiceWhenPasswordPolicyConflictsWithUserStateTest…
LPD-48135 Fix UserServiceWhenPasswordPolicyConflictsWithUserStateTest…
LPD-50801 Jakarta transform webapp xmls, some xmls reference of javax…
LPD-50801 Jakarta transform webapp xmls, some xmls reference of javax…
LPD-50817 Sort by name of file changed
LPD-50817 Sort by name of file changed
LPD-49994 Skip reindex to avoid the conflicts of indexes during batch…
LPD-49994 Skip reindex to avoid the conflicts of indexes during batch…
LPD-50142 Use a random name for the attachment and use the same patte…
LPD-50142 Use a random name for the attachment and use the same patte…
LPD-50728 Exclude test from running on portal-release and portal-rele…
LPD-50728 Exclude test from running on portal-release and portal-rele…
LPD-33264 Use the appropriate service
LPD-33264 Use the appropriate service
LPD-48135 Fix integration test
LPD-48135 Fix integration test
Force push
LPD-49994 Always process object definitions without any relationship …
LPD-49994 Always process object definitions without any relationship …
LPD-48135 Fix integration test
LPD-48135 Fix integration test
Force push
LPD-48135 Fix integration test
LPD-48135 Fix integration test
Force push