A project for a very low power LoRa APRS weather station
This project started on jan 17 2024.
Having a few Arduino Pro Mini and SX1278 RFM95W clones laying around, and being more confident now that I have written my "Lora APRS WX station", I wanted to make a test with the Arduino board.
I also had some PCBs ordered past year that I didn't find the time to use.
It took just a few hours behind the keyboard to make a new project come to life, a "Tiny LoRa APRS WX station".
It worked so well that I worked a bit more on it and finally got a nice working project!
I worked to make this project VERY LOW power. Indeed does it consume only 6-7 microamperes when in sleep!!
More infos on my home page : https://www.egloff.eu/