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This package contains helpers to use Viem with Turnkey.

We provide a Turnkey Custom Account (signer) which implements the signing APIs expected by Viem clients.

If you need a lower-level, fully typed HTTP client for interacting with Turnkey API, check out @turnkey/http.

Getting started

$ npm install viem @turnkey/viem
import { createAccount } from "@turnkey/viem";
import { TurnkeyClient } from "@turnkey/http";
import { ApiKeyStamper } from "@turnkey/api-key-stamper";
import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";

async function main() {
  // Create a Turnkey HTTP client with API key credentials
  const httpClient = new TurnkeyClient(
      baseUrl: "",
    // This uses API key credentials.
    // If you're using passkeys, use `@turnkey/webauthn-stamper` to collect webauthn signatures:
    // new WebauthnStamper({...options...})
    new ApiKeyStamper({
      apiPublicKey: "...",
      apiPrivateKey: "...",

  // Create the Viem custom account
  const turnkeyAccount = await createAccount({
    client: httpClient,
    organizationId: "...",
    signWith: "...",
    // optional; will be fetched from Turnkey if not provided
    ethereumAddress: "...",

  // Below: standard Viem APIs are used, nothing special!

  const client = createWalletClient({
    account: turnkeyAccount,
    chain: sepolia,
    transport: http(`$(YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY)`),

  const transactionRequest = {
    to: "0x08d2b0a37F869FF76BACB5Bab3278E26ab7067B7" as `0x${string}`,
    value: 1000000000000000n, // 0.001 ETH

  const txHash = await client.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);
  console.log(`Success! Transaction broadcast with hash ${txHash}`);

main().catch((error) => {

Testing (Local)

  1. Copy .env.example to .env

    $ cp .env.example .env
  2. Start the Anvil node in one shell:

    • Install Foundry & Anvil if you haven't done so already
    • Add Foundry to your $PATH
      $ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.foundry/bin"
    • Source your env e.g.
      $ source ~/.zshrc
    • Run foundryup to install Anvil
      $ foundryup
    • Start Anvil
      $ pnpm anvil
  3. Run the tests in a new shell:

    $ pnpm test

See also