- ...
- ensure correct version of docker cli and daemon are installed (see PR #88)
- fix incorrect line endings in Git PS1 when provisioned from Windows host (see PR #86)
- fix broken status indication in Git PS1 prompt (see PR #83)
- fix broken "Sofware Updater" by disabling vagrant-cachier when packaging the VM (see PR #81)
- fix broken
apt-get update
due to duplicate definition of docker apt sources (see PR #80)
- remove docker-in-docker related workarounds no longer needed with CircleCI 2.0 (see PR #87)
- disable vagrant-cachier caching by default and allow to opt-in instead (see PR #85)
- install xfreerdp so that we can use
vagrant rdp
with Windows VMs (see PR #84) - improve README regarding regional settings and input languages (see PR #82)
- make chef run fully idempotent again (see PR #79)
Updated tools:
- updated to latest "fasmat/ubuntu1804-desktop" basebox version 19.0218.1 (see PR #73)
- updated to latest tool versions (see PR #76):
- Vagrant 2.2.4
- VirtualBox 6.0.6
- ChefDK 3.9.0
- Docker 18.09.5
- Ansible 2.7.10
- Ansible related tools:
- ansible-lint 4.1.0
- testinfra 1.19.0 (we can't update to 2.1.0 as molecule 2.20.1 has a hard requirement on 1.19.0)
- molecule 2.20.1
- vscode 1.33.1 (and updated plugins)
- updated to CircleCI 2.0 (see PR #75)
- replaced atom with vscode (see PR #71, PR #74, thanks @jotbe !)
- activated host I/O cache for Virtualbox provider and assume an SSD storage (see PR #70, thanks @jotbe !)
Removed tools:
- removed outdated / deprecated vagrant plugins (see PR #77):
- vagrant-omnibus
- vagrant-berkshelf
- vagrant-toplevel-cookbooks
Updated tools:
- updated basebox to Ubuntu 18.04 (see PR #68, thanks @fasmat !)
- optimized performance of VM in Virtualbox
- update to ChefDK v3.4.23 and cookbooks
- update to Vagrant v2.2.0 and plugins
- update to Atom v1.32.2 and plugins
- update to Docker v18.06.1
- update to Packer v1.3.2
- update to VirtualBox v5.2.22
- updated the ansible toolchain (see PR #66)
- added python-vagrant wrapper so we can use molecule's vagrant driver
- update to molecule v2.19.0
- update to testinfra v1.16.0
Updated tools:
- update to Vagrant v1.9.5 (see PR #58)
- update to VirtualBox v5.1.22 (see PR #59)
- update to Docker v17.05.0-ce (see PR #61)
- update to ChefDK v1.4.3 (see PR #62)
- update to Atom Editor v1.17.1 and plugins (see PR #60):
- atom-beautify to v0.29.24
- atom-minimap to v4.28.2
- language-ansible to v0.2.1 (new)
Newly installed tools:
- installed a toolchain for developing with Ansible (see PR #63), including:
- ansible v2.3.0.0
- molecule v2.0.0.rc6
- testinfra v1.6.3
- ansible-lint v3.4.12
Updated tools:
- update to Ubuntu 16.04 basebox (see PR #29)
- update to ChefDK 1.3.40 (see PR #32, PR #55)
- update Vagrant to v1.9.3 and plugins (see PR #33, PR #41):
- vagrant-omnibus to v1.5.0
- vagrant-berkshelf to v5.1.1
- vagrant-lxc to v1.2.3
- vagrant-managed-servers v0.8.0 (new plugin, see PR #43)
- update to Docker 17.04.0-ce (see PR #34, PR #46)
- update to Atom Editor v1.15.0 and plugins (see PR #35):
- atom-beautify to v0.29.18
- atom-minimap to v4.27.1
- removed: language-batchfile (not needed)
- removed: line-ending-converter (part of atom core)
Newly installed tools:
- installs VirtualBox 5.1.18 and make it the default vagrant provider (see PR #28)
- installs Packer 1.0.0 (see PR #36)
- installs the indicator-multiload applet for monitoring system resources (see PR #37)
- various minor improvements when provisioning via Vagrant (see PR #39):
- use all available CPU cores when starting the VM via vagrant
- force colored output when provisioning the VM without a tty
- adjust chef-zero log level when provisioning the VM without a tty
- noticeably improve chef-zero startup time by disabling the vmware ohai plugin (see PR #40)
- add
flag to theupdate-vm.sh
script (see PR #42, PR #47) - configure PS1 to provide a usable shell prompt for Git (see PR #45)
- tweak Atom to scale the tree view's font size along with the editor (see PR #49)
- restructure the README to better differentiate between Usage and Development (see PR #50)
- added a
file to provide the sources under MIT license (see PR #51) - cleanup: renove outdated workarounds, TODOs and rubocop linting (see PR #54)
- place a README on the Desktop for better guiding the user (see PR #56)
Breaking changes:
- the VM is now provisioned under a dedicated user account 'user', and thus the 'vagrant' user account can now be removed before packaging the box (see PR #44)
The initial release of the linus-kitchen developer VM.
It includes:
- ChefDK 0.13.21
- Vagrant 1.8.1
- Docker 1.11
- Git 1.9
- Atom Editor 1.7.3
See the README for more details.