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Operator Alerts

Alertname Severity Type Description
ApiServerUnreachableViaKubernetesService critical shoot The Api server has been unreachable for 3 minutes via the kubernetes service in the shoot.
CoreDNSDown critical shoot CoreDNS could not be found. Cluster DNS resolution will not work.
ApiServerNotReachable blocker seed API server not reachable via external endpoint: {{ $labels.instance }}.
KubeApiserverDown blocker seed All API server replicas are down/unreachable, or all API server could not be found.
KubeApiServerTooManyAuditlogFailures critical seed The API servers cumulative failure rate in logging audit events is {{ printf "%0.2f" $value }}%. This may be caused by an unavailable/unreachable AuditSink(s) and/or improper API server audit configuration.
KubeControllerManagerDown critical seed Deployments and replication controllers are not making progress.
KubeEtcdMainDown blocker seed Etcd3 cluster main is unavailable or cannot be scraped. As long as etcd3 main is down the cluster is unreachable.
KubeEtcdEventsDown critical seed Etcd3 cluster events is unavailable or cannot be scraped. Cluster events cannot be collected.
KubeEtcd3MainNoLeader critical seed Etcd3 main has no leader. No communication with etcd main possible. Apiserver is read only.
KubeEtcd3EventsNoLeader critical seed Etcd3 events has no leader. No communication with etcd events possible. New cluster events cannot be collected. Events can only be read.
KubeEtcd3HighNumberOfFailedProposals warning seed Etcd3 pod {{ $labels.pod }} has seen {{ $value }} proposal failures within the last hour.
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitApproaching warning seed Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size is approaching its current practical limit of 8GB. Etcd quota might need to be increased.
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitCrossed critical seed Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size has crossed its current practical limit of 8GB. Etcd quota must be increased to allow updates.
KubeEtcdDeltaBackupFailed critical seed No delta snapshot for the past at least 30 minutes.
KubeEtcdFullBackupFailed critical seed No full snapshot taken in the past day.
KubeEtcdRestorationFailed critical seed Etcd data restoration was triggered, but has failed.
KubeletTooManyOpenFileDescriptorsSeed critical seed Seed-kubelet ({{ $labels.kubernetes_io_hostname }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. Kubelet could be under heavy load.
KubePersistentVolumeUsageCritical critical seed The PersistentVolume claimed by {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} is only {{ printf "%0.2f" $value }}% free.
KubePersistentVolumeFullInFourDays warning seed Based on recent sampling, the PersistentVolume claimed by {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} is expected to fill up within four days. Currently {{ printf "%0.2f" $value }}% is available.
KubePodPendingControlPlane warning seed Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is stuck in "Pending" state for more than 30 minutes.
KubePodNotReadyControlPlane warning Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is not ready for more than 30 minutes.
KubeSchedulerDown critical seed New pods are not being assigned to nodes.
KubeStateMetricsShootDown info seed There are no running kube-state-metric pods for the shoot cluster. No kubernetes resource metrics can be scraped.
KubeStateMetricsSeedDown critical seed There are no running kube-state-metric pods for the seed cluster. No kubernetes resource metrics can be scraped.
NoWorkerNodes blocker There are no worker nodes in the cluster or all of the worker nodes in the cluster are not schedulable.
PrometheusCantScrape warning seed Prometheus failed to scrape metrics. Instance {{ $labels.instance }}, job {{ $labels.job }}.
PrometheusConfigurationFailure warning seed Latest Prometheus configuration is broken and Prometheus is using the previous one.
VPNShootNoPods critical shoot vpn-shoot deployment in Shoot cluster has 0 available pods. VPN won't work.
VPNProbeAPIServerProxyFailed critical shoot The API Server proxy functionality is not working. Probably the vpn connection from an API Server pod to the vpn-shoot endpoint on the Shoot workers does not work.