This broker provides AWS SQS Queues. The configuration key "queues" takes a list of queue definition objects which currently supports the following fields:
Queue Definition
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | YES | Name that will be assigned to the provisioned queue |
policyName | String | YES | Name to a JSON file which represents the queue policy that will be applied to the bucket. This should be in Amazon Access Policy Language. |
delaySeconds | Int | NO | Time that messages will be delayed before delivery |
maximumMessageSize | Int | NO | Max size (in bytes) of a message sent in the queue. Default = 256kb |
messageRetentionPeriod | Int | NO | Number of seconds that SQS retains a message. Default = 4 days |
receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds | Int | NO | Number of seconds that a ReceiveMessage action will wait for messages before returning. Default = 0 See Long Polling Documentation |
visibilityTimeout | Int | NO | Number of seconds that a message won't be available after being delivered to a recipient. Default = 30 seconds |
serverSideEncryption | Bool | NO | Indicates if server side encryption should be turned on. Default = true |
kmsMasterKeyId | String | NO | KMS Key used to encrypt messages in the queue. Default = alias/aws/sqs or null if serverSideEncryption is disabled |
fifoQueue | Bool | NO | Indicates if the queue is a FIFO queue. Default = false |
redrivePolicy | Object | NO | Indicates there should be a Dead-Letter queue created. The name of the dead-letter queue will the the name of the source queue with -dlq appended on the end. For FIFO queues, the -dlq with go before .fifo Default = null |
redrivePolicy.maximumReceiveCount | Int | NO | Number of attempted deliveries to the consumer before adding the message to the dead-letter queue. Default = 5 |
Example of SQS Manifest and resource policy:
App template:
Corresponding policy (specified by policyName attribute):