All notable changes to the Form Render Skip Logic module will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix bug that removes arm-event after 10th control field in project level configuration, credit to REDCap community user nathan.orr (mbentz)
- Adjust instance appending to only occur on repeating events (Kyle Chesney)
- Update minimum RC version to 8.7.2 to ensure all core lib functions exist (Kyle Chesney)
- Resize large images in the README that displayed poorly in REDCap (Philip Chase)
- Add repeating instance test projects for issues 41 and 67 (Philip Chase)
- Document the limited repeating event support in FRSL (Philip Chase)
- Document how to use FRSL with surveys (Philip Chase)
- Go to correct instance when using Save and Go to Next Form (Kyle Chesney)
- Fix bug on Record Home wherein FRSL would quietly fail to hide forms when returning from Save and Exit Record (Kyle Chesney)
- Address cosmetic error caused by "Delete all data on event" row of Record Home (Kyle Chesney)
- Use only the records for the DAG if one is specified in Record Status Dashboard (Kyle Chesney)
- Clarify which control field type is deprecated (Philip Chase)
- Improve performance of Record Status Dashboard by limiting the records parsed to those viewed instead of entire dataset (Kyle Chesney)
- Check for arm or ID before loading FRSL (Kyle Chesney)
- Document deprecation of advanced control fields(Kyle Chesney)
- Update LogicTester call for new variable in v9 (Kyle Chesney)
- Add Kyle Chesney as contributor (Kyle Chesney)
- Checks if records exist before preventing hidden data (Kyle Chesney)
- Fix for repeating instruments display bug - issue #40 (adam nunez)
- Move authors from config.json to and add Marly as an author (Philip Chase)
- Preventing "Unsupported operands types" error (tbembersimeao)
- Fixing wrong behavior of "Control mode" field on config form: part II. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Fixing wrong logic on 2.x - 3.x migration. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Fix wrong behavior of "Control mode" field on config form. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Refactor 2.x - 3.x migration in order to use External Modules API functions. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Add "Prevent hiding of filled forms" config. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Add support for migrating FRSL v2.x.x configurations to FRSL v3.x.x configurations automatically (Dileep Rajput)
- Add support for equations on Advanced control mode (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Add support to event-relative control fields (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Add Zenodo DOI to README (Philip Chase)
- Fixing control field's 2nd column visibility. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Add support for data piping and smart variables in place of a control field. (Tiago Bember Simeao & Philip Chase)
- Add support for multiple control fields. (Tiago Bember Simeao & Philip Chase)
- Adding config checkbox to determine whether to enable FRSL when control field value is not saved yet. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Preventing false alarms/errors on redirect. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Fixing potential conflict with LDEW. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Fixed #12: Currently FRSL does not support "Auto-continue to next survey". (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Fixed #10:
Save and go to the next form
redirects to the dashboard instead of the next available instrument (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Turn FRSL into a external module. (Tiago Bember Simeao)
- Replace the test project with a simple, non-longitudinal project (Philip Chase, Taryn Stoffs)
- Add support for record_id_field variable in config data read from custom project settings (Philip Chase, Dileep Rajput)
- Enable frsl_dashboard on non-longitudinal projects (Philip Chase, Dileep Rajput)
- Use redcap_custom_project_settings extension to fetch the settings (suryayalla, Philip Chase)
- Remove warnings about global hook activation from README as we fixed that issue (Philip Chase)
- Wrap all javascript variables and functions in a javascript object to avoid namespace collisions (Dileep)
- Modify frsl_record_home_page.php to activate on non-numeric record_id's (Dileep)
- Provide a more complex test project that uses repeating instruments in hidden forms and non-numeric record_ids (Philip Chase)
- Add support for repeating instruments (Dileep)
- Add 'Developer Notes' section to README (Philip Chase)
- Activate more instruments for control_field_value of 2 in example configuration (Philip Chase)
- Add Apache 2.0 license file
- initial release for Form Render Skip Logic hooks
- frsl_dashboard.php: a hook to disable form links on a per-record basis on the record status dashboard
- frsl_data_collection_instruments.php: a hook to hide forms listed in the left hand menu while doing data entry and replace the "Save & next form" button with a second "Save & Stay" button.
- frsl_record_home_page.php: a hook to hide forms on the record home page.
- empty_test_project.xml: a fully defined test project with no data
- test_project.xml: a fully defined test project with 4 records
- venn_diagram_of_test_project_forms.png: a conceptual diagram of forms displayed or not displayed