diff --git a/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/README.md b/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/README.md
index e03c847e8..2fcbbee2a 100644
--- a/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/README.md
+++ b/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/README.md
@@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
-# LoRa Basics Modem LoRaWAN Class A/C example
+LR1110 LoRaWAN Radio Example
-## Description
+This is a test app for using the lr1110 library with the [WM1110 wireless
-The application will automatically starts a procedure to join a LoRaWAN network (see [configuration](../../apps/common/lorawan_key_config.h)).
+The library is a port of the [library from Seeed
+Studio](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Seeed_Wio_WM1110_Dev_Board) to Tock.
-Once a network is joined (i.e. when the corresponding event is triggered), uplinks are sent periodically. This periodic action is based on the LoRa Basics Modem alarm functionality. Each time the alarm-related event is triggered, the application requests an uplink.
-The content of the uplink is the value read out from the charge counter by calling `smtc_modem_get_charge()`.
-The application is also capable of displaying data and meta-data of a received downlink.
-## Configuration
-Several parameters can be updated in `main_lorawan.h` header file:
-| Constant                   | Description                                                                   |
-| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `LORAWAN_APP_PORT`         | LoRaWAN FPort used for the uplink messages                                    |
-| `LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON` | Request a confirmation from the LNS that the uplink message has been received |
-| `APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE`         | Delay in second between two uplinks                                           |
+This test is designed to connect to the Things Network in the US915 band.
diff --git a/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/main_lorawan.c b/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/main_lorawan.c
index 08eea105c..8351d8e56 100644
--- a/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/main_lorawan.c
+++ b/examples/tests/lr1110/lorawan/main_lorawan.c
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
+// link to README.md in seeed studio's repo where this exmaple is taken from:
+// https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Seeed_Wio_WM1110_Dev_Board/blob/master/apps/examples/lorawan/README.md
  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * --- DEPENDENCIES ------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/README.md b/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 831c8c2e6..000000000
--- a/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# Geolocation Wi-Fi example application
-## Description
-This application demonstrates the usage of the Wi-Fi geolocation middleware and
-how the LoRa Basics Modem should be configured to meet the prerequisites for
-This example illustrates the Wi-Fi scan procedure:
-- configuration of the LoRa Basics Modem library; and
-- execution of Wi-Fi *scan & send* feature using the *Wi-Fi geolocation middleware*.
-## Wi-Fi middleware
-The Wi-Fi middleware is a software layer used to simplify the integration of a
-Wi-Fi scan & send operation in a user application.
-For more details about the middleware, please refer to the documentation here:
-[Geolocation middleware documentation](<../../../geolocation_middleware/readme.md>)
-## LoRa Basics Modem configuration
-There is no particular modem configuration prerequisite for Wi-Fi scanning.
-Once the modem has joined the network, the application will configure the ADR
-custom profile for the selected region, disable the modem auto-switch to network
-controlled ADR and finally initialize the Wi-Fi middleware, and immediately
-initiate the first Wi-Fi scan & send.
-## Wi-Fi middleware events
-After the initial scan has been programmed, the application relies on the events
-sent by the Wi-Fi middleware to progress in the scan sequence.
-For this, the application defines a callback function `on_middleware_wifi_event()`
-that will be called when the Wi-Fi middleware sends an event.
-In this callback function, the application will process the pending events, and
-for any event except the `WIFI_MW_EVENT_SCAN_DONE` event, it will program the
-next scan with the delay defined by `WIFI_SCAN_GROUP_PERIOD`.
-## Configuration
-When compiling with *arm-none-eabi-gcc* toolchain, all these constant are configurable through command line with the `EXTRAFLAGS`.
-See [README.md](../../../README.md#command-line-configuration).
-### LoRaWAN related configuration
-The `apps/common/lorawan_key_config.h` header file defines several constants to
-configure the LoRaWAN parameters (profile, region, keys).
-| Constant         | Comments                         | Possible values      | Default Value              |
-| ---------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- |
-| `LORAWAN_REGION` | Selects the regulatory region    | See here-below       | `SMTC_MODEM_REGION_EU_868` |
-| `LORAWAN_CLASS`  | Selects the LoRaWAN class to use | `SMTC_MODEM_CLASS_A` | `SMTC_MODEM_CLASS_A`       |
-Supported values for `LORAWAN_REGION`:
-* `SMTC_MODEM_REGION_EU_868 (default)`
-Supported values for `LORAWAN_CLASS`:
-### Wi-Fi demonstration related configuration
-The `main_geolocation_wifi.h` header file defines several constants which can be
-set to define the configurable parameters of the application.
-| Constant           | Comments                                                                                      | Possible values | Default Value |
-| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------- |
-| `WIFI_SCAN_PERIOD` | Defines the duration between the end of a scan & send sequence and the start of next sequence | `uint32_t`      | 30            |
-## Build
-The demo can be built through GNU make command by doing the following:
-# Navigate to the build folder
-$ cd apps/geolocation_wifi/makefile
-# Execute the make call
-$ make -j
-By default, the demonstration is compiled to use the EUIs and Application key
-defined in the file *apps/common/lorawan_key_config.h*.
-## Usage
-### Serial console
-The application requires no user intervention after the static configuration
-option have been set.
-Information messages are displayed on the serial console, starting with the
-DevEUI, AppEUI/JoinEUI and PIN that you might need in order to register your
-device with the LoRa Cloud Device Join service.
-### LoRaWAN Network Server / Application Server
-This application needs an Application Server to run in order to perform the Wi-Fi
-Two possibilities :
-* A Node-Red application server is provided in folder *apps/geolocation_application_server*.
-Refer to the readme in this folder for details about setup and usage of the
-application server.
-* Use the LoRaCloud Locator https://atk.loracloud.com/ which embed a complete integration of an application server and an associated dashboard. 
-### ADR configuration
-The Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) is configured in *Custom ADR profile* with datarate
-distribution and number of repetition defined per regions.
-For more details about ADR configuration for geolocation middleware usage,
-please refer to this [Geolocation middleware documentation](<../../../geolocation_middleware/doc/geolocationMiddleware.rst>), section "LoRaWAN datarate considerations".
-The actual datarate and number of retransmission values are defined in the
-`main_geolocation_wifi.h` header file.
-| Constant                | Comments                                                 | Default value                        |
-| ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| `CUSTOM_NB_TRANS_EU868` | The number of retransmission to be used for EU868 region | 1                                    |
-| `ADR_CUSTOM_LIST_EU868` | The custom ADR list to be used for EU868 region          | '5' repeated 9 times, '4' x5, '3' x2 |
-| `CUSTOM_NB_TRANS_US915` | The number of retransmission to be used for US915 region | 2                                    |
-| `ADR_CUSTOM_LIST_US915` | The custom ADR list to be used for US915 region          | '5' repeated 9 times, '4' x5, '3' x2 |
-| `CUSTOM_NB_TRANS_CN470` | The number of retransmission to be used for CN470 region | 2                                    |
-| `ADR_CUSTOM_LIST_CN470` | The custom ADR list to be used for CN470 region          | '3' repeated 9 times, '2' x5, '1' x2 |
-The values must be carefully set to match with duty cycle constraints, power
-consumption targets etc...
-## Expected Behavior
-Here follow the steps that shall be seen in the logs to indicate the expected behavior of the application.
-### Device starts and resets
-INFO: Modem Initialization
-INFO: ===== LoRa Basics Modem Geolocation Wi-Fi example =====
-Following this print you shall find application and parameter prints
-### Joined the network
-At first run no time is supposed to be available
-INFO: ###### ===== JOINED EVENT ==== ######
-### Execute and send the Wi-Fi scan
-INFO: RP_TASK_WIFI - new scan - task queued at 40097 + 30000
----- internal Wi-Fi scan start ----
-INFO: start Wi-Fi scan
-WARN: No time available.
-INFO: ###### ===== MIDDLEWARE_2 EVENT ==== ######
-INFO: Wi-Fi middleware event - SCAN DONE
-SCAN_DONE info:
--- number of results: 3
--- power consumption: 0 uah
--- Timestamp: 0
-64 70 02 D9 94 55  -- Channel: 1 -- Type: 1 -- RSSI: -78
-3C 17 10 B7 CD 90  -- Channel: 6 -- Type: 1 -- RSSI: -88
-74 B6 B6 42 B4 EB  -- Channel: 1 -- Type: 2 -- RSSI: -87
----- internal TX DONE ----
-INFO: ###### ===== MIDDLEWARE_2 EVENT ==== ######
-INFO: Wi-Fi middleware event - TERMINATED
--- number of scans sent: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/main_geolocation_wifi.c b/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/main_geolocation_wifi.c
index e2cb348d0..3b6d0d19f 100644
--- a/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/main_geolocation_wifi.c
+++ b/examples/tests/lr1110/wifi_scan/main_geolocation_wifi.c
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
  * @endparblock
+// link to README.md in seeed studio's repo where this exmaple is taken from:
+// https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Seeed_Wio_WM1110_Dev_Board/blob/master/apps/examples/geolocation_wifi/README.md