AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for building web apps and API servers. It comes with support for testing, modern tooling, an ecosystem of official packages, and more.
And you know what? There’s also a great community package to add OpenAPI support and it comes with the Scalar API reference by default.
If you’re starting on a green field, you’ll first need to initialize a new AdonisJS project:
npm init adonisjs@latest my-awesome-app
You’ll be asked a few questions. Pick whatever feels right to you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, use the following options for the sake of this guide:
Which starter kit would you like to use?
❯ API Starter Kit
Select the authentication guard you want to use …
❯ Access Token
Select the database driver you want to use …
❯ SQLite
Do you want us to install dependencies using "npm"?
❯ Yes
Wow, you’re half way there already. Jump into the directory and start the devlopment server:
cd my-awesome-app
npm run dev
Done? Open http://localhost:3333 in your browser.
Time to set up the community package to add OpenAPI support to your AdonisJS project:
npm add adonis-autoswagger
We’ll also need to add a configuration file:
// config/openapi.ts
import path from 'node:path'
import url from 'node:url'
export default {
path: path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) + '/../',
title: 'My Awesome App',
version: '1.0.0',
snakeCase: true,
tagIndex: 2,
ignore: ['/openapi', '/docs'],
// If PUT/PATCH are provided for the same route, prefer PUT
preferredPutPatch: 'PUT',
common: {
// OpenAPI conform parameters that are commonly used
parameters: {},
// OpenAPI conform headers that are commonly used
headers: {},
Head over to the repository to learn more about the configuration file or how to use it with AdonisJS 5.
To actually serve an OpenAPI file and render the reference with Scalar you can extend your routes file:
// start/routes.ts
import openapi from '#config/openapi'
import router from '@adonisjs/core/services/router'
import AutoSwagger from 'adonis-autoswagger'
// Just an example route
router.get('/', async () => {
return {
hello: 'world',
// Returns the OpenAPI file as YAML
router.get('/openapi', async () => {
return, openapi)
// Renders the API reference with Scalar
router.get('/docs', async () => {
return AutoSwagger.default.scalar('/openapi')
Boom, that’s it. Go to http://localhost:3333/docs and see your new OpenAPI-based reference.
You’ll notice there isn’t that much in there. To actually make this useful, you’ll need to work with Controllers in AdonisJS and learn about the syntax that Adonis Autoswagger uses to add information about your endpoints.