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自动化测试的局限性 The Limits of Automated Testing

Automated testing is not suitable for all testing tasks. For example, testing the quality of search results often involves human judgment. We conduct targeted, internal studies using Search Quality Raters who execute real queries and record their impressions. Similarly, it is difficult to capture the nuances of audio and video quality in an automated test, so we often use human judgment to evaluate the performance of telephony or video-calling systems.


In addition to qualitative judgements, there are certain creative assessments at which humans excel. For example, searching for complex security vulnerabilities is something that humans do better than automated systems. After a human has discovered and understood a flaw, it can be added to an automated security testing system like Google’s Cloud Security Scanner where it can be run continuously and at scale.
除了定性判断之外,人类还擅长某些创造性的评估。例如,搜索复杂的安全漏洞是人类比自动化系统做得更好的事情。当人们发现并理解了一个缺陷后,就可以将其添加到自动安全测试系统中,比如Google的云安全扫描仪(Cloud security Scanner),该系统可以连续且大规模地运行。
A more generalized term for this technique is Exploratory Testing. Exploratory Testing is a fundamentally creative endeavor in which someone treats the application under test as a puzzle to be broken, maybe by executing an unexpected set of steps or by inserting unexpected data. When conducting an exploratory test, the specific problems to be found are unknown at the start. They are gradually uncovered by probing commonly overlooked code paths or unusual responses from the application. As with the detection of security vulnerabilities, as soon as an exploratory test discovers an issue, an automated test should be added to prevent future regressions.
Using automated testing to cover well-understood behaviors enables the expensive and qualitative efforts of human testers to focus on the parts of your products for which they can provide the most value—and avoid boring them to tears in the process.


结论 Conclusion

The adoption of developer-driven automated testing has been one of the most transformational software engineering practices at Google. It has enabled us to build larger systems with larger teams, faster than we ever thought possible. It has helped us keep up with the increasing pace of technological change. Over the past 15 years, we have successfully transformed our engineering culture to elevate testing into a cultural norm. Despite the company growing by a factor of almost 100 times since the journey began, our commitment to quality and testing is stronger today than it has ever been.


This chapter has been written to help orient you to how Google thinks about testing. In the next few chapters, we are going to dive even deeper into some key topics that have helped shape our understanding of what it means to write good, stable, and reliable tests. We will discuss the what, why, and how of unit tests, the most common kind of test at Google. We will wade into the debate on how to effectively use test doubles in tests through techniques such as faking, stubbing, and interaction testing. Finally, we will discuss the challenges with testing larger and more complex systems, like many of those we have at Google.


At the conclusion of these three chapters, you should have a much deeper and clearer picture of the testing strategies we use and, more important, why we use them.


其他 TL;DRs

  • Automated testing is foundational to enabling software to change.
  • For tests to scale, they must be automated.
  • A balanced test suite is necessary for maintaining healthy test coverage.
  • “If you liked it, you should have put a test on it.”
  • Changing the testing culture in organizations takes time.
  • 自动化测试是使软件能够改变的基础。
  • 对于可扩展的测试,它们必须是自动化的。
  • 一个平衡的测试套件对于保持健康的测试覆盖是必要的。
  • “如果你喜欢它,你应该给它做个测试。”
  • 改变组织中的测试文化需要时间。