Shape identification in electro-sensing.
This library deals with the problem of shape identification in some inverse problems with electric or acoustic measurements. It allows to reproduce some numerical results of the following papers:
- Target identification using dictionary matching of generalized polarization tensors, in Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2014
- Tracking of a Mobile Target Using Generalized Polarization Tensors, in SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2013
- Shape recognition and classification in electro-sensing, submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013
- Wavelet methods for shape perception in electro-sensing, submitted to Mathematics of Computation, 2013
- Shape identification and classification in echolocation, submitted to Mathematics of Computation, 2013
The library is written in Matlab object-oriented programming language and is organized in the following manner:
- +acq: classes of acquisition system
- +asymp: asymptotic expansions, CGPT, Scattering coefficients etc.
- +dico: tools for shape identification in a dictionary
- +ops: classes of layer potentials
- +PDE: classes of PDE modeling for the simulation and solution of inverse problems
- +shape: classes for C2 smooth domain
- +tools: functions of utility
- +tracking: functions for tracking of a mobile target
- +wavelet: classes of wavelet representation for shape perception
- examples: demos scripts
For usage of the package, go to the path examples/ and run the demo scripts. Your suggestions and remarks are welcome.
Author: Han Wang, Email: [email protected]