Use settings thumbnail as thumbnail for Event.
- 0.1.0
- 7.1
Squarespace plan that supports JavaScript.
- Not Applicable
Install twcsl. After you install twcsl be sure to continue on with the rest of the steps.
Add code from file events page event thumbnail add.html to Events Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection for the events page. Please see Per-page code injection. Read the code for any instructions within.
Wikipedia has a nice entry on bookmarklet.
By default the code adds the thumbnail to the meta information area of an event. If you want the thumbnail to be added at the top of the content of the event follow these steps.
Create an event to use as a template. Add an inline image block at the top of the event.
Set the image block link to #twc-epefihg.
Save the event and exit.
You can use spacers to help control the placement, size, and spacing of the image. Keep the formatting really simple or things may break. This post is only a template.
Add code from file events page event first image html get.bookmarklet as the URL for a bookmark in your browser named Events Page Event First Image Html Get.
In the event template you created select the Events Page Event First Image Html Get bookmark.
A window/tab should pop-up with HTML code in it. If the pop-up doesn't appear be sure that you don't have a pop-up or ad blocker software that is preventing the pop-up from opening.
Copy all the HTML in the pop-up to your clipboard.
Edit the Events Page Event Thumbnail Add code you installed previously and paste the HTML where indicated in the code.
This effect is not active in SS Preview to test it use private browsing.
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- initial version