Services are defined in service definition files. These reside on the host in ~/.eris/services
Service definition files may be formatted in any of the following formats:
eris will marshal the following fields from service definition files:
Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name" toml:"name"`
// id of the service
ServiceID string `json:"service_id" yaml:"service_id" toml:"service_id"`
// array of strings of other services which should be started prior to this service starting
ServiceDeps []string `json:"services", yaml:"services" toml:"services"`
// a chain which must be started prior to this service starting. can take a `$chain` string
// which would then be passed in via a command line flag
Chain string `json:"chain" yaml:"chain" toml:"chain"`
Service *Service `json:"service" yaml:"service" toml:"service"`
// name of the service
Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name" toml:"name"`
// docker image used by the service
Image string `json:"image" yaml:"image" toml:"image"`
// whether eris should automagically handle a data container for this service
AutoData bool `json:"data_container" yaml:"data_container" toml:"data_container"`
// maps directly to docker cmd
Command string `json:"command" yaml:"command" toml:"command"`
// maps directly to docker links
Links []string `json:"links" yaml:"links" toml:"links"`
// maps directly to docker ports
Ports []string `json:"ports" yaml:"ports" toml:"ports"`
// maps directly do docker expose
Expose []string `json:"expose" yaml:"expose" toml:"expose"`
// maps directly to docker volumes
Volumes []string `json:"volumes" yaml:"volumes" toml:"volumes"`
// maps directly to docker volumes-from
VolumesFrom []string `json:"volumes_from" yaml:"volumes_from" toml:"volumes_from"`
// maps directly to docker environment
Environment []string `json:"environment" yaml:"environment" toml:"environment"`
// maps directly to docker env-file
EnvFile []string `json:"env_file" yaml:"env_file" toml:"env_file"`
// maps directly to docker net
Net string `json:"net" yaml:"net" toml:"net"`
// maps directly to docker PID
PID string `json:"pid" yaml:"pid" toml:"pid"`
// maps directly to docker DNS
DNS []string `json:"dns" yaml:"dns" toml:"dns"`
// maps directly to docker DNS-search
DNSSearch []string `json:"dns_search" yaml:"dns_search" toml:"dns_search"`
// maps directly to docker workdir
WorkDir string `json:"work_dir" yaml:"work_dir" toml:"work_dir"`
// maps directly to docker entrypoint
EntryPoint string `json:"entry_point" yaml:"entry_point" toml:"entry_point"`
// maps directly to docker hostname
HostName string `json:"host_name" yaml:"host_name" toml:"host_name"`
// maps directly to docker domainname
DomainName string `json:"domain_name" yaml:"domain_name" toml:"domain_name"`
// maps directly to docker username
User string `json:"user" yaml:"user" toml:"user"`
// maps directly to docker cpu_shares
CPUShares int64 `json:"cpu_shares" yaml:"cpu_shares" toml:"cpu_shares"`
// maps directly to docker mem_limit
MemLimit int64 `json:"memory" yaml:"memory" toml:"memory"`
Service dependencies are started by eris prior to the service itself starting.