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Vim Integration

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This repository is a self-contained plugin for use with the ALE Lint Engine.

Prototool is also enabled as a maker within Neomake.

The Vim integration will currently compile, provide lint errors, do generation of your stubs, and format your files on save. It will also optionally create new files from a template when opened.

The plugin is under vim/prototool, so your plugin manager needs to point there instead of the base of this repository. Assuming you are using vim-plug, copy/paste the following into your .vimrc and you should be good to go. If you are using Vundle, just replace Plug with Vundle below.

Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'uber/prototool', { 'rtp':'vim/prototool' }
let g:ale_linters = {
\   'go': ['golint'],
\   'proto': ['prototool-lint'],
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never'
" <leader>f will format and fix your current file.
" Change to PrototoolFormat to only format and not fix.
nnoremap <silent> <leader>f :call PrototoolFormatFix()<CR>

A longer explanation:

" Prototool must be installed as a binary for the Vim integration to work.

" Add ale and prototool with your package manager.
" Note that Plug downloads from dev by default. There may be minor changes
" to the Vim integration on dev between releases, but this won't be common.
" To make sure you are on the same branch as your Prototool install, set
" the branch field in the options for uber/prototool per the vim-plug
" documentation. Vundle does not allow setting branches, so on Vundle,
" go into plug directory and checkout the branch of the release you are on.
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Plug 'uber/prototool', { 'rtp':'vim/prototool' }

" We recommend setting just this for Golang, as well as the necessary set for proto.
" Note the 'prototool' linter is still available, but deprecated in favor of individual linters.
" Use the 'prototool-compile' linter to just compile, 'prototool-lint' to compile and lint,
" 'prototool-all' to compile, do generation of your stubs, and then lint.
let g:ale_linters = {
\   'go': ['golint'],
\   'proto': ['prototool-lint'],
" We recommend you set this.
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never'

" We generally have <leader> mapped to ",", uncomment this to set leader.
"let mapleader=","

" ,f will format and fix your current file.
" Change to PrototoolFormat to only format and not fix.
nnoremap <silent> <leader>f :call PrototoolFormatFix()<CR>
" ,e will toggle formatting and fixing on and off.
" Change to PrototoolFormatToggle to toggle with only format and not fix instead.
nnoremap <silent> <leader>e :call PrototoolFormatToggle()<CR>
" ,c will toggle create on and off.
nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :call PrototoolCreateToggle()<CR>

" Uncomment this to enable formatting and fixing by default.
" Change to PrototoolFormatEnable to format and not fix by default.
"call PrototoolFormatFixEnable()
" Uncomment this to disable creating Protobuf files from a template by default.
"call PrototoolCreateDisable()