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Atom instructions

Stefan Sobering edited this page Jul 15, 2016 · 21 revisions


To change your font to Fira Code, open Atom's settings (⌃,), make sure the "Settings" tab is selected, and scroll down to "Editor Settings". In the "Font Family" field, enter Fira Code. If you wish to specify a font weight, remove all spaces from the font name and specify the weight following a hyphen (e.g. FiraCode-Light).


To enable ligatures, Menu → Open your stylesheet and add text-rendering to atom-text-editor:

atom-text-editor {
  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

You’ll need Atom 1.1 or newer.

Beware that in some syntaxes selected ligatures might not work. This is usually a syntax parser/tokenization issue (e.g. -> breaks into two symbols by JS/Ruby syntax highlighter). See issues #63 and #69

To turn off ligatures inside of strings and regular expressions you can add this to your stylesheet:

atom-text-editor::shadow .string.quoted,
atom-text-editor::shadow .string.regexp {
  -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" off, "calt" off;

If there is any other place that you find you do not want to see ligatures, place your cursor on the location, hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P and add the bottom-most selector listed in the popup notification to the rule above.